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Kurt sighed, pushing his breadsticks around the basket absently as Blaine watched him. It was the day after Regionals and the rest of the Warblers were probably planning their next performance at the Gap or something like that. Blaine had noticed that Kurt wasn't exactly interested in doing this so offered to take him out for lunch so he could talk about what was on his mind.

So far, that wasn't happening.

"Kurt," Blaine finally broke the silence. "What's going on?"

Kurt gave another sigh (for the 52nd time that day. Blaine was keeping count to hold it against him when he was feeling better) and looked up. "I guess I'm just upset that we lost at Regionals. I really wanted to go to New York." He looked down again quickly and Blaine knew that he was still keeping something hidden.

"Okay, I'd understand that if it were the whole story. But I know you, and I know it's not. What else is going on?" Blaine knew that pushing Kurt to talk was a fine line, and if he went over that Kurt would shut down. He hesitated for a second, then leant over and took Kurt's hand, hearing the soft gasp from Kurt as he did so.

"Blaine, this isn't Dalton. We can't -"

"Yes we -" Blaine stopped himself, looking into Kurt's eyes. There was something there that Blaine had somehow overlooked and he quickly realized what was going on. "That's what it's about, isn't it?"

"What, that people judge gays in Ohio?" Kurt chuckled. "Blaine, I've lived with that for a long time now."

"Not that. That you can't be with me."


Kurt's face went white and he blinked rapidly a couple of times, his mind whirring so fast that Blaine could practically see it. He knew what was going on in there - think of a cover story, fast!

"You're the one who told me. Coffee shop, remember? It's okay, Kurt. I - I've been meaning to talk to you for awhile now about that." Blaine hesitated for a moment, noticing that the colour was returning to Kurt's face but the hand underneath his was still shaking.

"That day when Thad told you what song we were going to do for Regionals, I was on my way to tell you that myself, as you know. He just beat me there."

"I've picked the perfect number for Regionals and we should practice." Blaine tried not to wring his hands together in sheer nervousness, focusing on keeping his breathing calm and his face impassive.

"Candles, right? By Hey Monday?"

Blaine blinked. "How -"

"Oh, Thad just stopped by and told me. Great choice, I'm glad it's not Pink. And I've been thinking we should cover Hey Monday for awhile now." Kurt rose from his chair, capping the lid on the glue. "Should we go practice then?"

"Um.. yeah. Let's go."

Blaine sighed, drawing himself back to the present where Kurt was watching him curiously.

"Kurt, that wasn't the only thing I wanted to talk to you about that day. I had hoped that we would talk about the song choice, about why I didn't go with something more Top 40. Because that would've lead into me telling you that I picked that song because I wanted something more emotional."

He raised his eyes from where they had dropped to the table to see Kurt staring at him, his brow slightly furrowed.

"Emotional? With me?" Then his eyes widened.

"Kurt, I've realized some things in the past few weeks that I should've realized a long time ago. It started when you did Blackbird. I'd never seen anything like it before and something changed inside me. It was like I'd never seen you before, and I wish I had. And then I had the idea to do a duet with you for Regionals. Wes and David were in on it, they just pretended to kick up a fuss because it would ruin their reputation otherwise - they were all for it. And then I had to find the perfect song and you have no idea how long I spent on YouTube trying to find it and arrange it -"

"Wait, you arranged that yourself?"

Blaine nodded. "I wanted it to be perfect for us." He blushed because Kurt was looking at him with admiration shining in his eyes and he had honestly never felt so accepted by another human being before. "Then, of course, my master plan got ruined, but at least I was getting to spend more time with you. Those practices made my week, Kurt. And then we performed it and it was amazing and I was all set to tell you as soon as the competition ended but you were so upset that I couldn't bring myself to. So - here we are. And here's me telling you that I've finally got my act together and realized what's important. You."

"Blaine, I don't know what to -"

"Oh, isn't this touching."

Blaine looked up to see a large boy standing over them who he had never wanted to see again in his life. And judging by the pressure on his hand, neither had Kurt.

"What are you doing here, Karofsky?" Kurt glared at the boy.

"Well, I did come to eat here, but the sight of you two queers has just put me off my food. This is a public place, can't you be fags somewhere else?"

Blaine went to stand up but Kurt kept a tight hold of his hand, giving him a warning glance. "We're allowed to eat wherever we please. If it bothers you, sit somewhere else."

"Oh no, I think I'll be sitting right here." He sat down at the table next to them, still staring at Kurt. "But if you two poofs make it so I can't eat my meal, I'll be complaining to the manager. There's no place here for disgusting creatures like you."

"What's so disgusting about what we're doing here, Karofsky? Is it the fact that we're two guys talking about emotions? Or that we're holding hands?" Kurt gestured to their linked hands across the table, then reached out his other hand and grabbed Blaine's. "Does this make it worse?"

"I'm warning you, Hummel." Karofsky started to look nervous.

"What about this?" Kurt ran a hand up Blaine's arm, sending a shiver down his back. "Isn't that just sickening?"

"Don't mess with me!"

Blaine leant over and gently touched Kurt's face, drawing his eyes away from Karofsky who was now turning red. Kurt gave him a questioning look - is this okay with you? - which Blaine answered with a smile - do what you have to, marvelling at the fact that they could have these conversations with just their eyes and had never realized before.

"Perhaps we should - oh, but that might be too much. This is a public place after all, isn't it Blaine?" Kurt's eyes flickered down to his lips, which Blaine licked unconsciously before answering.

"I think that would ruin people's sensibilities. Though, you'll never know until you try." Blaine saw Karofsky's fists clenching out of the corner of his eye and tried to ignore him, hoping that this wouldn't backfire spectacularly and mentally planning how to get himself between Kurt and Karofsky's fists if it did.

"Oh, that's true. So very true." Kurt breathed, before leaning across the table and capturing Blaine's lips with his own.

There was a clatter of chair legs against wood and the sound of rapidly disappearing footsteps as the two boys kissed. Blaine moved to break away after a few seconds, assuming they had made their point but Kurt grabbed his face and pulled him back in. No complaints here, Blaine thought happily.

Finally, Kurt pulled away, dropping his hands from Blaine's face. "I know that wasn't the most romantic of first kisses but it's probably going to define what this relationship will be like, so better to start on the right page. This isn't going to be easy, Blaine, we're going to get a lot of crap thrown our way. We're going to have to fight for it. Are you sure it's what you want?"

Blaine just smiled, tracing a line down Kurt's jawbone. "For you, I'd do anything."

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