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"It's so obvious that they like each other!"

Jenna nodded, wiping down the counter. "I mean look at him!" She gestured subtly to the dark-haired boy who was laughing at something the other boy had said, reaching out to touch his hand lightly. The other boy blushed lightly but continued talking, a soft smile playing around his face.

Amber bit her lip, trying not to squeal out loud. "They're adorable too. I don't understand why people don't want them to be together."

"Neither." Jenna shrugged, tossing her cloth in the bin and heading over to the counter to take the orders of a couple who had just walked in. Amber busied herself with the coffee machine, sneaking a peek over at the two boys in the meantime. Of course it was a little bit weird that they were spending their time spying on two guys, but they were honestly too cute for words.

The two Dalton boys had been coming to the coffee shop for quite some time now, and any time she or Jenna had a shift they would end up invariably watching the two interact. There had been a few situations that had made them cringe - watching them fight, then seeing the lighter-haired boy just sitting there looking lost. Then the situation with the girl who kissed the dark-haired boy, but watching the two boys make up was more than worth it. Yet, they didn't know so much as the two boys names - both girls loved watching, but neither were willing to pry into the lives of their customers.

"What are they doing?" Jenna leant over, pretending to help Amber with the coffees as they both peered at the two boys.


Amber bit her lip again, but she couldn't stop the smile crossing her face. The dark-haired boy - Blaine, it seemed - had just scooped up a small pile of froth from his friend's coffee and smeared it on his nose. It was adorable.

"I think that's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Are they a couple yet, do you think?"

Amber shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think so." She studied the two boys again as the machine whirred. Handing over the coffees to the other customer, she stepped back to put the boys in her line of sight again, only to find that Blaine had stood, clearly taking a call on his phone. As he walked away, the other boy gazed after him with so much longing in his eyes that Jenna actually squealed, thankfully muffling it with her hand.

"Did you see that?"

Amber rolled her eyes but she was grinning. "Yes, I did. Clearly they're not together, but he wants to be."

Jenna grabbed a plate, sticking a couple of biscuits on it. "I've got an idea."

Without any explanation, the brunette girl strode out from behind the counter and over to the table. Amber immediately turned away, not wanting to be caught looking and biting back a smile. What is that girl doing this time?

Within moments, Jenna was back. "His name's Kurt," she announced quietly. "And he says thanks."

Jenna turned away to serve another customer and Amber deemed it safe to turn around. Blaine had returned and the two boys were talking quietly, Kurt snapping one of the biscuits in half and handing it over with a shy smile. Amber smiled, knowing that they had just entered themselves into the impending relationship, and not minding too much at all.

Jenna had just finished a long and boring shift and was handing over to Kevin when the door flew open and in strode a very familiar boy. Kurt.

As Jenna removed her apron and grabbed her handbag, she heard Kurt making his usual order, but sounding a lot more terse than usual. Kevin scribbled it down and was about to move over to the coffee machine when she beat him to it. "He's a friend of sorts," she explained to his questioning glance. "I'll take it over."

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