Sai Swords

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"Hey, Kurt I need to... ask -"

Kurt looked up nonchalantly, slowing his spinning and catching the swords. "What's up?"

Blaine was staring at him, mouth agape. Kurt waved a hand in front of his face to no result. "Blaine? Blaine!"

Blaine blinked, snapping his mouth shut but still staring at Kurt with glazed eyes. "You - what the hell was that?"

Kurt frowned. "Um, sai swords?"

Blaine gave a strangled laugh. "What - since when did you do that?"

"I taught myself a couple of years back." Now Kurt was confused because Blaine still looked like he was in shock. "Why?"

"I - you just ... do it again?" Blaine suddenly snapped out of his stupor, moving over to take a seat on Kurt's bed as he shrugged.

"Sure." Getting into position, Kurt began to spin the swords, moving into one of his practice routines. He flicked one of the swords up into the air to a gasp from Blaine before catching it effortlessly without slowing the speed of the other one. With a final spin, he caught the two swords and gave a quick bow.

"That was... wow." Kurt felt himself blush as Blaine continued to stare at him like he had done something amazing.

"It's not that big a deal really. I was just practicing for my competition."

And now Blaine's expression flickered to something of mild hurt. "You have a competition?" Kurt nodded. "When?"

"Tomorrow." Blaine's frown grew deeper.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kurt shrugged again, feeling unsettled.

"I guess I didn't think it was your kind of thing."

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Kurt, anything you do is my kind of thing. You're my best friend, I'm interested in everything you do. And if you're doing a competition, I would've loved to have come and supported you. I mean," and now Blaine suddenly looked apprehensive, "if you don't want me there, that's -"

"No, of course I do!" Kurt spoke a bit louder than expected and blushed.

Blaine was blushing slightly too. "Oh. Good." They stared at each other for a few seconds in awkward silence until Blaine cleared his throat. "Um, what time?"

"Oh, right. I'm leaving here at 4, you can catch a ride with me if you like. It's out in Lima and I've got to pick up Mercedes too, and afterwards us three will probably go out somewhere to hopefully celebrate... what?" Kurt trailed off when he saw the look on Blaine's face. He knew that look. It was the classic trademark Warbler Scheming look, and he started feeling slightly nervous.

"Well you said you were inviting Mercedes?" At Kurt's nod, he continued. "Isn't she going to feel a little out of place, like that time at Breadstix?"

"Mercedes will be alright, she's -"

"No, I think Mercedes needs some company." Blaine raised an eyebrow and Kurt suddenly understood.

"Oh, of course. Will he want to though?"

Blaine pulled out his phone. "Only one way to find out." He hit Wes' number and turned the phone onto loudspeaker as his friend picked up. "Hey, Wes. Kurt and Blaine here."

"Hi," Kurt chipped in, feeling like he should probably say something.

"Hey guys. Taken to joint phone calls now have we? I'll keep that in mind."

Kurt felt the blush spread across his face again as Blaine replied. "Very funny. Anyway, we've got something to ask you. Kurt's got a sai sword competition this w -"

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