Chapter 10

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After getting the emo boy out of prison, you found yourselves sitting at a table in a nearby tavern

Jotaro couldn't keep his eyes off of you, and to his ignorance.. You and everyone around you noticed

"Oh! My, (y/n) you've grown so much! How did you like America? It's nice, right? Oh, and did you..." Holly kept on blabbering, which you found kind of cute

"Holly, calm down.. We're not here just to chit-chat.." Joseph gave you a serious look and gestured for you to speak and Jotaro raised an eyebrow while rolling his eyes

"Let's start with the conversation... if you look at your shoulders, you should see a star shaped birthmark. It's something that all Joestars have. Including you, Jotaro. Your mother and grandfather also have one."

Everyone but Abdul and Joseph gasped and checked their marks

"How do you know..?" Holly asked

You took a deep breath and made your stand show itself

Jotaro's eyes widened for a second

"My stand has a few abilities, and one of them is that it grants me the ability to have visions of the future and past." I nodded at Joseph and sighed before continuing

"The reason why Jotaro has developed a stand is because of Dio.. Now who is Dio? Dio Brando was adopted by your ancestor, George Joestar.. Dio was born with the devil's luck and is evil to the bone."

Your blood boiled at the thought of what Dio did and what he'll do in future events, like the death of Kakyoin, Abdul and Iggy

"To sum up how evil he was.. he burned Jonathan's dog alive, poisoned his own father and got George also killed, used a stone mask to become a vampire, killed Jonathan on his honeymoon and stole his body."

Holly gasped and Joseph placed a few pictures of Dio's coffin and Dio that he took with Hermit Purple on the table for everyone seated to see

"He went underwater with Jonathan's body and resurfaced a while back.. He got cut with the stand arrow and because it's your ancestor's body, you also got a stand." You finished and looked around the table

Joseph nodded and continued after a moment of brief silence

"I also got a stand that developed a year ago. Hermit Purple is its name and its ability is spirit photography" Joseph showed his stand and smashed a camera and a photo of Dio doing the fuckboy pose came out

"Ehm... old man.. You know that you don't need to smash the camera, right?"

Joseph gave you a grin and looked down embarrassed "... I forget every time.."

"Well.. Whatever the case. We need to find Dio and end him" you said and stood up

"Why?" Jotaro asked and also stood up

"For now I can't say much. He has ears and eyes everywhere" you finished and walked to the exit and smiled

"Let's go to miss Holly's house and talk further there"

Meanwhile, somewhere in a mansion in Egypt.. In the shadows of a fancy bedroom is a slender woman hunched over in a chair petting a black cat and holding your picture

"The story has begun once more.."

"My dear child... I hope that this time you succeed in helping these poor unfortunate souls on their journey and put an end to the misery made by this devil of a man."

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