Chapter 13: The Power Called a 'Stand'

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The yelling of Joseph and a knock on your door awoke you from your slumber

"(Y/n) please get up quickly, miss Holly is indeed ill like you said!"

You stood up and looked at Jotaro's sleeping form before shaking him awake and dragging him with you to the room where Joseph placed Holly

The older male hugged you and burst into tears "My dear Holly... this is my worst nightmare, next to when she married Sadao.. (y/n) where is Dio?"

You patted his back and pulled away from the hug "don't worry.. If my predictions are right, he should be in Egypt. Cairo to be precise.. That's where Abdul encountered him a few months ago, right?"

Abdul's eyes widened before his composure relaxed, and he let out a laugh "You really continue to amaze me.. You're a better fortune teller than I am"

Joseph looked at Abdul, and he recounted the story of their meeting, after which Kakyoin entered the room and looked at Holly

"I know what you're going to say, and let me tell you, don't say it. It's going to be cringe, my dude" you shut Kakyoin up before he could say his famous words

The redhead looked shocked and nodded his head "okay, so... Dio's still in Egypt.. I was there on a vacation when I met him. He seduced me with his words and planted the fleshbud before I could run away."

You nodded in his direction and closed your eyes "Mr Joseph, call The Speedwagonnn Foundation and let's get to packing. We're going to Cairo and have only 52 days to save miss Holly" you said Speedwagon in the same way as Stroheim did and Joseph noticed this, letting out a chuckle and nodding

"You heard the woman, let's go" Jotaro said right before Holly opened her eyes

"Oh my... what happened? For me to pass out like that? But I do feel better after taking some medicine.. (y/n), Jotaro! What would you both like to eat today?" She said as she tried to stand up

You immediately ran over to her and forced her gently to lay back down "Miss Holly, please stay put, we all are really worried about you.. Just rest, we'll handle the rest and take care of you"

Holly looked around the room and saw Jotaro and Joseph look at her with a worried look

She giggled and snuggled further into the covers "it's nice to be cared for like this, maybe I should get sick more often..."

Joseph gasped as Holly passed out again and immediately looked at the people in the room

"She knew she was sick but didn't say anything to not worry us..." you whispered and felt your heart break "This woman took me in whenever I had a fight with my parents, would let me stay and offer me unconditional support and love... we will save her!"

Joseph wiped his tears away and nodded at Abdul "Let's get to packing to save my little girl.."

"Before we go, Jotaro since I am a fortune teller by trade.. Pick one of the cards that I am presenting here, but do not look at it! This will determine your future and the name of your stand."

Jotaro picked one and Abdul looked at you "(y/n) I am guessing that you already know what card Jojo picked and what name I will give it"

You grinned and nodded before striking a pose "Joot picked The Star card and the name of his stand is Star Platinum!"

Abdul looked at the card and grinned back at you "If people knew about your abilities, you would put me out of business"

Jotaro snorted before patting your head "By the way, what's your stand's name?"

"Sapphire Queen" You answered and joined the males in front of you who all got in line and posed

"Let's fucking goooooo!"

Fortune Teller (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) !On Hiatus!Where stories live. Discover now