Chapter 21 - The Emperor and The Hanged Man

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Calcutta.... Population 11 million and more than 2 million are homeless

And just like it was in the anime, in real life it's hectic and people did surrounding you guys upon arrival

But it wasn't soooo bad. Except someone stole Kakyoin's wallet, Polnareff stood in cow poop, some men tried to get closer to you but got scared off by Jotaro

Ah yes Jotaro... some kids said that he would get punished by God if he didn't give them money

And when all of you tried to catch a cab, other people cut in front and took it

How wonderful!

And now you all were sitting at a restaurant, talking about stuff

You turned to Polnareff, who was aitting next to you and grabbed his hand

"Jean.. i need to tell you something"

You looked at Abdul and Joseph, who in turn nodded at you to continue

"So uhmm. Basically... How do i say this?"

Polnareff let go of your hand and dramatically put the back of his hand on his forehead "Ma cherie. Don't say it.. i know i am handsome but you already have a boyfriend and are too young for me"


"I know it's painful, but you have to move on"

"What are you talking about? I am happy and totally in love with Jotaro"

"Wait, weren't you going to profess your love to me?"

"No? Ew. Also i held your hand to comfort YOU because what i am about to say will shock you"

"Oh... How dissapointing..... then please continue"

"The one that killed your sister... He's near. Whatever you do Jean, please do not leave the group"

At your words Polmareff stood up from his chair and held onto the table for support "What....? He's here?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


"You are so selfish, (y/n). I am going after him like it or not. I never joined your group to help you defeat Dio. I joined so i could find my sister's killer... and you! You who knows it all should have told me!"

"Bastard, mind your tone!" Jotaro stood up from his chair and glared at the Frenchman who in turn glared back at Jotaro

"Of course you're the one defending her. The fact that none of you are surprised by this revelation means you all knew. All of you aren't even worth my time. I am leaving"

"Jean, wait!" You stood up and followed the white haired man outside, the rest following as well

"Jean i can't let you go by yourself!"

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Cry like always?"

"Polnareff that's enough!" Abdul stood in front of you and took a few steps forward towards the Frenchman

"(Y/n) told us before she told you, yes that's true. But she had only your best interest at heart. Can't you see that we got so far in this voyage because of her?"

"I have said it back in Hong Kong, and i'll say it again. I don't care about Dio or your own problems. I only joined you guys for revenge and that's what i'm getting. So good day!"

"You selfish loser" Abdul spat at Polnareff, who in turn grabbed the Egyptian man's collar

"How would you feel if your sister was used and murdered?! I actually heard a funny thing..... Back when you saw Dio you ran like a dog! Can a coward know how i feel?!"


You came between both males and pushed them apart "Jean, please. I am a woman so i understand what your sister went through was aweful and degrading... But please take a deep breath, you are not alone. We can help you!"

"I don't need help. And i don't trust anyone here. Especially you... even if you saved me"

You started crying and forvthe first time on this trip felt useless "What's the point of knowing things if i can't stop this from happening.."

"Jean... The man you're looking for is named J. Geil. If you come across a cowboy looking dude, it's his partner that you're looking for. The cowboy's stand is The Emperor and it's a pistol who's bullets never miss the target. The Hanged Man is the stand of J. Geil and it's a stand that travels through mirrors or objects that reflect"

"Thanks" Polnareff smiled and walked away

"(Y/n) why did you let him go?" Abdul asked, panic in his voice

"He wanted to go, we can't stop him. I also won't interfere with his fight, but i am however going to look for the cowboy looking dude"

"Why?" Kakyoin spoke up while looking nervous due to the fact that someone as dumb as Polnareff is wandering the streets by himself

"Because that guy will shoot Abdul..."

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