Chapter 4

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After getting better and coming to terms that you have a stand now, you decided to form a plan.

"Step 1, get Jotaro to become my friend, Check... step 2, train with my stand.. step 3, don't tell Joot. Step 4, stay out of trouble until it's time to help them on the journey to help Holly..."

Sitting on the bed, there were a lot of balled up papers strewn on the floor from trying to come up with that plan

"Poor miss Holly... she's so nice.. She really doesn't deserve what's to come...."

"I honestly don't even know how i can be of any help on that journey, I know the plot, but how will I be able to tell them without sounding like I work for Dio the iDIOt or something"

*Somewhere under the sea in a coffin, there lies a bi-meterosexual vampire that sneezes*

"Puta.." you sigh as you lay down 

On queue came in the devil in your mother's form

"Que??!!! What kind of language is that?!" She yelled as she dragged you from your room by the ear, with you squirming in tow

*"Vas lavar la boca con jabón!!!"

"I'm sorryyyyyyyyy, mamaaaaaaa!!!!"

Soon came dinner time, and your ear was still hurting..

"What happened?" Hiro asked when he saw that your ear was bright red

"Nothing... nothing..." You dismissed him

Your mother glared daggers at you and Hiro sighed 

"If looks could kill.."

Poking at your food you sighed, you didn't even feel like eating

That is, until your mother glared even more at you

"Th-thanks for the food" You swallowed an enormous lump of food in one go, out of fear that she would break your other ear

After dinner and helping with the dishes, you went back to your room to think

"How will I be able to keep this a secret from Joot? And how do I learn to use my stand? Fuck this shit, I was happily chilling at home and suddenly got dragged into this dog-killing-show..."

Biting the top of your thumb, you plopped onto the ground in front of the TV

"Whatever, fuck this, let's play some games"

*"You're going to wash your mouth with soap"

Fortune Teller (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) !On Hiatus!Where stories live. Discover now