Chapter 8

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"So, your father told me that you know the future, is that true?" Joseph asked as you took place on his couch

You nodded and took a sip of the tea that Abdul offered you

"Uhhhm..I don't know if it's an ability that comes with my stand, but uhhm, sometimes fragments of future or past events flash before my eyes? Yes, that's it! Fragments of the future and the past sometimes flash before my eyes." You said as sweat formed on your head

Abdul stared intently into your eyes, as if he was looking for any sign of lies

"Mister Joestar, I believe in her" Abdul suddenly said as he took a sip of his own tea and nodded with his eyes closed

"I would still like it if you prove it" Joseph said as he shot you a charming smile

"Okay, well, Your name is Joseph Joestar, you're 195cm tall, weigh 97kg. Your mother's name is Elizabeth, but she changed it to Lisa Lisa and your father is George II Joestar. You were born 27 september 1920. At age 18, you defeated the pillar men Esidisi, Kars, Santana and Wamuu together with your friend Caesar and your mum, with a breathing technique called ripple, that you also inherited from your grandfather Jonathan Joestar. He died young by the hands of his adopted brother, Dio Brando on a ship, he also stole your grandma's first kiss. All you Joestars have a star birthmark on your shoulders. You also spied on your mum once when she was bath-"

"Okay I believe you, let's not go there!" Joseph placed his hand on your mouth and laughed nervously while Abdul looked stunned

"Can you perhaps do me as well?" Abdul asked

"You were born in the 60's, you're 183cm tall and your blood type is AB. You're a fortune teller by trade. Your favourite colour is orange, and you have chickens back at home. By the way, who is feeding your chickens right now?" Abdul smiled

"Correct, but do you know about my stand?"

"Your stand is a humanoid stand with a fire ability. It's name is Magician's Red."

Joseph gasped "You're really amazing! Can you tell me what happened to a certain someone in space?"

"You mean Kars? He stopped thinking and became a rock. He is a braindead rock floating in the depths of space forever."

Joseph laughed hysterically while clapping in his hands.

Abdul sweatdropped at this

"So, (y/n). Now that we know you're not lying, can you tell us about your stand?"

"I don't really know much about it, I know that it's probably still developing. I don't even know how to summon it sometimes. It basically only pops up when I'm in danger"

Abdul nodded his head "Then let's get to training."

"Try to summon your stand" Abdul said as we stood in the park close to Joseph's house

"I don't know how, like I said earlier. It only appears when I'm in danger"

"Try to meditate and feel the energy move through your body."

"Uhu, I think I feel it..." You whispered with your eyes closed

"Now, that energy that is moving through your body... try to imagine it going out of your body and take form next to you" Abdul said as he took a few steps away from you

"Do you feel it?" Abdul asked

"Yes..." You whispered as you tried your best to imagine the energy taking form out of your body

"Release!" Abdul yelled and you complied

You felt a familiar presence next to you, and when you opened your eyes, you couldn't recognize it

"Abdul, is it possible for stands to change appearance?" You asked as you inspected your stand through

"I have heard of some cases where that is possible yes, why?"

"I think my stand changed its appearance"

And in the back of your head you could hear it. The ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED sound.

"What would it say? Achievement Unlocked: Your stand has evolved"

"Now, call back your stand using the same technique. But instead call the energy back into your body"

And you did just that, your stand went back into your body

"Now, summon it again"

"Now call it back"



"Fuck this, i regret ever saying anything to my old man" You placed your forehead against the wall of Joseph's hallway

Headache? Check

Tired af from training how to summon and dismiss your stand? Check

Spacing out while on the phone? Check

Hotel? Trivago

"...And then....."


"Oh yeah?"

"Yare yare woman, were you even listening?"

"Sorry Joot, I am tired. I spent the whole day train- I mean studying."

"Ok, I can call you tomorrow"

"No, it's fine. What were you saying?"

"I said that now with you gone, those bitches at school keep bothering me even more than before"

"Huh?! Who do they think they are? Just wait, in about 2 years I'll be back, and then I will beat them up!"

You could hear the male on the other end of the line laugh a little

"Hehe, did I make you laugh?"


"C'mon, don't lie. I heard you"

"Tch, fine. But only because you're a clown sometimes"

"Why Joot, that hurt" You fake cried and hear Jotaro panic a little

"It's ok, I am joking hehe" You laughed

"Y'know.. I kind of miss you..." He sighed into the phone

"I miss you too..." You said and twirled your finger around the phone's cable

"I got to go, talk to you later?"

"Yeah, I love you.." You whispered that last bit

"I... I do too." He sighed into the phone once more

"Funny how you never show emotions, but for some reason through the phone i can feel them.."

"Yare Yare daze, whatever"

"Bye Jojo"


And with that you hung up and trotted to the kitchen

On your way there, you saw a framed picture of Joseph and Suzie's wedding

Suzie was holding the bouquet, and Joseph was looking really happy, which one could see from the big goofy grin on his face

"Damn, he was much hotter back then irl than animated"

A figure in the background is what really caught your eye

The famed hairband, triangles under his eyes, the daggers that he's shooting at Joseph

"Is.. is that Caesar in the background?"

Fortune Teller (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) !On Hiatus!Where stories live. Discover now