Chapter 19.2 - Devo the Cursed

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You entered the restaurant and looked for the older male, sitting at a table already waiting for the group to come in

Deciding you had to tell him now, you pulled the older male to the side and gave him the envelope "Mr Joestar, before you think I'm crazy I want you to know that what is in here will be even crazier. Also, a telepathic cat gave this to me"

"Okay, okay.. A what now gave this to you?"

"Open the envelope and see for yourself" you nervously replied

"What is this?! How can this be? The red stone of aja as well?!" Joseph looked horrified at what he saw in the envelope

"This must be Selena's work.. But I thought she died after the incident with Kars" You looked shocked at what you were hearing

"You said a telepathic cat gave this to you?" He looked at you with wide eyes and you nodded

"He talked to me in my head, and said his existence was something complicated but that I had to show you this"

Joseph looked at the ground in disbelief "After 50 years of thinking she was dead, she's alive and knows you... The cat must be the companion she's talking about in this message"

You just stood there awkwardly taking in the information that the old man was providing

"But I just don't know where she knows you from. You have never met her, right?"

Shaking your head, you sighed "I never met her and have no idea who she is... And also, I am still confused about the whole me being called a Zeppeli. Do you think these two things are tied together?"

Joseph looked at the photo once again and then back at you

"I also don't know yet about what's going on, since I'm still waiting for the SPF to finish their background check on your family. But now that I put this picture next to you, you really do somewhat resemble him"

"Really? You think he might be my father? Also when are you going to tell me about Selena?"

"Let's wait for the SWF report about you first... Then we'll talk"




After you got to the hotel, you took a shower and got dressed, ready to take a nap on the big hotel bed. But you wanted answers so you went to Joseph's room where everyone was waiting with the cat

"So tell me, Toth... I don't like that name because it sounds like thot... Can I call you something else?"

The cat jumped on the bed and started purring and kneading on the bed "No idea what thot means, but my mistress sometimes calls me her little peanut.. So you may proceed to call me by that name"

"Oh wow, your name is like so rad, but you prefer to go by Peanut? Okay, no need to tell me twice" Kakyoin snickered

"What insolence! Are you insinuating that Peanut isn't a cool name? I will have you know that peanuts are deadly if you swallow them through the wrong pipe, or if you're allergic to them. What cooler name is there? None! Also only (y/n) may call me that"

"I see.. By the way your mistress...... is Selena right?" Joseph asked with a hint of nervousness

"Yes. She sent me here to look after and guide this child"

"Okay... And what exactly are you? You told me that your existence was complicated"

"Well, I am but a kitty cat and i have no stand" Peanut stopped kneading and started to lick his front paws while explaining

"My mistress one day found me wandering the streets, hungry, and with kindness she took me in. She made me intelligent so i can talk and communicate telepathically"

You nodded for him to continue, but the whole story sounded so ridiculous

"And I have been her companion and advisor ever since, and now I'm (y/n)'s advisor. My mission is to lead you to victory"

"But why exactly me? And what victory?" you asked while still being confused by the whole situation

"That is for my mistress to tell you when it is time... for now I can't say much. Except for the fact that you aren't who you think you are... You, (y/n) Watanabe are a very important person"

You all nodded and Kakyoin decided to turn on the tv to relax a bit, but that's when the phone in the bedroom started ringing

The Egyptian man picked up, and you could hear the other person on the line yell "Mr. Joestar? A stand user was in my room! It was a weird man, and I'm not sure if he was dangerous or just a nobody, but he was scary and got away! He said his name was Devo! Help!"

"Oh no Polnareff! I completely forgot about the stand attack! We have to go to his room to help him!"

"Calm down, what do you mean?" Jotaro interjected

"Polnareff is being attacked right now by Devo. His stand name is Ebony Devil and it's powered by Devo's own grudge, which automatically triggers upon sustaining damage from his intended victim"

Peanut came up to you and started to rub his head on your legs and you smiled "Oh right, Also Ebony Devil can then transfer itself to something physical in order to attack, preferably a doll in that Devo can remotely control"

Abdul gasped "Devo the cursed!"

"You know him, Abdul?" Joseph turned to Abdul after listening in on your explanation

"Yeah, Devo the cursed.. He calls himself an Indian shaman to attract business to his assassination trade. I have seen him once before in person though"

Joseph nodded at Abdul's explanation and you were trying to come up with a way to save Polnareff

"He had scars all over his body, they were inflicted by his opponents because he will make them mad first. He then uses the power of his hatred to control the stand.. It's exactly like (y/n) explained"

"This doesn't look good, we need to go and save him. That guy is going to one by one get us all!" Joseph yelled and got up from his seat

Just when you were about to open the door to go help Polnareff, the man in question came waltzing in

"Oh, looks like you're already here! We were about to go help you"

"No need, I finished him off.. Also Mr. Joestar, I think I might be in legal trouble and need help"

"What did you do?"

"Anyway, why is there a cat on the bed?" Polnareff asked as he slid down the wall

Toth ran up to him and started to smell the white haired man "Hello young man. I must say you need a bath"

"Oh hahaha is that right? WaiT IS THIS CAT TALKING?!"

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