Chapter 5

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"Happy 15th birthday (y/n)!!" "Feliz compleaños mija!"  You heard as you blew out 15 candles that were on your birthday cake

"Time flies, I'm already stuck here for 7 years..." 

"I got you some new games for your gaming console and..." You weren't even listening anymore

Every month that passed, you got more anxious for what is to come in a few years

"What if because I'm here, the timelines changes or something and Dio comes back earlier? What if Jotaro discovers that I have a stand, how will i explain?!"

Those thoughts crossed your mind every single night, before sleep came for you

You had nightmares of Dio, and they weren't pleasant at all 

"2 more years... and then this peace and this family that I grew fond of will be thrown into chaos"

You didn't look up when Jotaro came up to you to give you his present, you didn't flinch when he asked what was wrong and reached his hand to wipe a tear that dared to escape, you didn't even notice him grabbing your hand and leading you to your room

You only noticed when he shut your bedroom door 

"What's wrong?" 

"Just... thinking about how much I love you guys and am happy!" This wasn't a lie, since these feelings were true

He didn't question it further and sat on the ground, patting the spot next to him, and you obliged

"Idiot, don't go crying like that..."  he murmured and pet your head

"Sorry, I was just really happy!" you smiled

"Oh Joot, how I will miss this nice-ness" 

"You really are handsome, no wonder those girls at our school follow you..."

"How about tomorrow we go on a trip to the aquarium?" He asked

You nodded your head "Good plan, shall i ask that one guy from PE and his friends to join us? They seem really nice..."

"No... it's not a hangout session" 

You tilted your head "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is... date. You and me, I'm picking you up at midday"



And so the next day rolled around, and you wore your cutest outfit

"Surely he didn't mean anything with date, right? " You whispered to yourself as you twirled in front of the mirror 

"(Y/n)! Jotaro is here to pick you up!" You didn't even let your mother finish, as you ran to the door and gave him a big hug 

"Let's go, Jojo!" He gave a smile as you grabbed his hand and ran out the door

"Oh right, almost forgot!"

"By the way, I made lunch. You're going to like it!" You said in a cheerful tone

"I'm sure I will" Joot gave your hand a light squeeze which made you blush

You laughed nervously 

"Let's eat there!" You pointed to a bench in the park and immediately trotted up to it

After giving Jotaro his share of the lunch, you caught him staring at what you had between your chopsticks

"What? Do you want a piece of my lunch?" You asked in a teasing tone

You shouldn't have said that because now your chopsticks went into his mouth and the piece of food was gone. And you, a blushing mess


"Did you know that there are over 30000 known species of fish? And catfish have over 27,000 taste buds, whereas humans have only 9,000. And did you also know that...."

Jotaro went on and on, and you thought it was cute

"Listening to him is making my worries disappear... oh god.. I know this feeling all too well..."

"Jotaro.." You sighed, feeling your cheeks get redder with every word he said

When he looked over, you just said the first thing that came into mind, "D-Did you know that dolphins have 2 stomachs?" 

"Nice one (y/n) Why did I say that?!" You facepalmed  And walked away to the shark section, while Jotaro smiled lightly

"Woah, Joot! Come look at these giant Megalodon jaws!" 

You stood in between the jaws and were faking being in the shark's mouth

Jotaro took his camera and took a picture 

"Did you just take a picture?!" Feeling your cheeks turn red, you stormed up to him

"I don't need to give you an explanation"

"Hm!" You turned around to walk away, but instead found yourself trapped. You felt two warm arms bringing you into an embrace


"Shut up, just let me be like this for a while.."

"I don't mind.." barely came out of your mouth as you felt his warmth take over your whole body

As you both were walking to the bus station to go home, you heard footsteps behind you, which caused you to hold onto Jotaro's arm

"Jotaro, i think we're being followed"  Jotaro nodded and you both picked up your pace

"Where are you going, Jojo?" Someone stepped from the shadows of the busstation's corner and stepped in front of you two, he seemed familiar

"Are you on a little date with your minion?" The guy taunted

The more he spoke, the more you started to recognise him

He was the one who beat you both up a few years ago with his friends

"What do you want?" Jotaro asked in an annoying tone

"To do this!" he said as he swung to hit Jojo, but your body reacted on its own

Your stand's arm blocking his punch and hitting him in the stomach

Quickly turning to Jotaro, you grabbed his hand once more

"Nigerundayo!" You practically dragged Jotaro out of that place, all the way to the other side of the city

You checked a few times behind and noticed that he was starting to catch up to you and Joot

Much to your embarrassment, you pulled him into a place where you only read in fanfictions about..

"I know this is weird, but we need to wait until that guy looses our trail.."

And that's how you found yourself in a room, with Joot, in a love hotel

He caught you being really nervous

"I won't do anything to you, don't worry.." He said and patted your head

"I won't mind if you do.." 

"Gotta take this chance.. I guess"

"Then please excuse me" He said as he came dangerously close to you

*Fun fact, they didn't end up doing anything. A future chapter will mention this event

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