Chapter 20 - Yellow Temperance

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A few hours have passed and Polnareff was still being interrogated by the police regarding the death of the staff member who got caught in between his and Devo's fight

Luckily Joseph had already contacted the foundation so they could take care of the mess

And now you, the cat, Abdul and Joseph were chilling in the room, talking about the stand users that have already appeared during your journey

"Many more will appear. They will only get stronger. Also, don't tell Polnareff this but..... The one that murdered his sister will come after us. His stand is The Hanged Man"

Abdul gasped and Joseph started to think

"Don't worry mr Joseph, Jean will kill him. But he will walk away from us for a bit when he appears"

Both males sighed in relief and Abdul smiled "ofcourse he will kill him. Polnareff is too stubborn to lose. When he tries to leave i'll try to change his mind"

"Haha yeah..... I am sure you will..."

Toth jumped on the table where you all were sitting and stared straight into your eyes, making you nervous

"Can I help you?"

The cat suddenly looked intently down at your water cup and swiped it off the table "Ahhhh. Now i feel much better"

"Again?? Why did you do that? This is the third time in the past hour" Joseph yelled at the black cat

"I am a cat, what do you want me to do? I have needs" Toth said as he started to lick his front paw

"Ugh, cat, peanut or whatever, clean up the mess you just made. I am taking a walk and going with Jotaro to buy us tickets so we can continue our journey" you said as you stood up and walked out the door

The two males glared at the cat, who in turn just sat there... Licking his paws

In the hallway you saw Jotaro and went up to him with a smile "Hi Joot, were you waiting for me?"

"No, why would i?" He grabbed your hand and put his other one in his pocket

"Why, Jotaro.. that hurt" you put your free hand on chest and faked wiping away a tear

"Also I have something important to tell you. Can you bend down a little?"

Jotaro did as you asked and you whispered in his ear "So basically Kakyoin will tag along, but will actually be an imposter. His name is Rubber Soul and he looks like Kakyoin because his stand Yellow Temperance allows him to change appearances"

"Is that why you are whispering?"

"Yeah because i don't know if he's already changed into Kakyoin, or if he is walking around the hotel impersonating someone else at the moment. Can't be too careful, am i right?"

Jotaro nodded and stood up straight "What makes you so sure i'm not that guy?"

"Huh, good question. I know what perfume you wear and how you act. So if someone ever tries to impersonate my cute boyfriend i'll know immediately"

"Yare yare..." The boy reajusted his hat so it covered half of his face, but you caught a glimpse of his red ears and giggled

"Oh Jotaro! Before i forget. Yellow Temperance is a wall of armor that absorbs all impact and fights back at the same time. So basically it can consume your flesh"

"So how can we defeat that guy?"

"Well.... if the user dies, the stand dies. In the sho- i mean in my vision i see you drowning the user so he takes his stand off and then you pummel him to near death"

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