Side story 1

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The sun beat down on the busy streets as you Jotaro, and Kakyoin wandered through the marke

You browsing the various stalls filled with unique souvenirs and snacks

Your eyes sparkled as you spotted a beautiful trinket you wanted to take home as a memento of your bizarre trip

Excitedly, you reached for your purse, but your smile faltered when you realized you didn't have enough money for the souvenir

Sighing in defeat, you turned to Kakyoin and Jotaro, your disappointment evident on your face

"Aw man, I really wanted to get that souvenir, but I don't have enough money. I'm so broke right now...."

Jotaro rolled his eyes at you and lit a cigarette "Maybe you should've been more responsible with your money instead of buying all those snacks earlier"

Kakyoin couldn't help but chuckle at Jotaro's straightforward response, finding the exchange between the two of you amusing

You, however, pouted in response to Jotaro's remark "mAyBe YoU sHoUlD'vE bEeN mOrE- it's not my fault that i want to eat tasty things"

Jotaro's gaze softened as he noticed your cute pout

He briefly avoided eye contact, trying to hide the fact that he found you adorable when you were like this

"Alright, fine. I'll give you some money or buy the souvenir for you"

Your eyes widened, and you gasped dramatically, pretending to be offended

"What? No way! You're my boyfriend, not my sugardaddy!"

Kakyoin couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, doubling over with amusement at your outburst

Jotaro's lips twitched, a hint of a smile trying to break through his cool facade

"Anyway i think i'll just blackmail your grandpa into giving me more money"

"Blackmail him with what?" Jotaro asked, intrigued by the fact that you have blackmail material on his grandpa

"So i basically know a secret or two about him that if it ever came to light would totally mess everything up"

"Please tell" Kakyoin leaned in, his eyebrows raised

"Promise me you both won't tell it to anyone? Also you didn't hear this from me. Got it?"

Both boys looked at eachother, nodded and then looked back at you

"So basically when he was still training his hamon under Lisa Lisa aka his mom, which he didn't know at the time but whatever. He spied on her while she was bathing"

Jotaro scrunched his nose and looked disgusted, meanwhile Kakyoin looked completely broken

"EEEEEEEEEW! No, tell me this is a joke!"

"No, it isn't... I saw it in a vision. He even said 'nice' to himself after seeing her"

"That dirty old man. I cannot..." Jotaro whispered as he put his face in his hands

And that's the story of how both teens lost some respect for the oldest male of the group

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