Chapter 14 - Tower of Grey

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You'd think that sitting next to Jotaro on a plane would be comfortable, giving that the boy has a soft spot for you, you could lay your head on his shoulder anytime

Boy were you wrong

You were on high alert and couldn't relax.. As you were searching for the user of Tower of Grey, you felt eyes on you out of the blue

You looked at Joseph, and he nodded at you and Jotaro "He saw us, I felt Dio looking at us."

"Look for a stag beetle" you said before standing up from your seat and looking around

Joseph and Jotaro nodded and Kakyoin looked confused "Why a stag beetle, I mean.. They are unusual on a plane, but still?"

"It's the stand called-"

"(Y/n) watch out!"

Before you could finish your sentence, Star Platinum had you in his arms

"What happened?" You were confused as to what had happened

Jotaro came up to you and made eye contact "That damn beetle aimed for your head, that's a stand, isn't it? It also dodged my punches"

You nodded your head and sighed from relief "The stand user is an old man. This stand is the Tower of Grey, and it rips the tongues out from his victims"

Abdul gasped and confirmed his suspicions about it being a stand

The beetle tried to aim for your head once again but dodged at the last minute and tried to get Jotaro's

Star Platinum bit down on the beetle's tongue-thing and barely managed to keep the beetle at bay

"Sapphire Queen!" You manifested your stand but it was too late, from your spot you saw the beetle move to a row of passengers and rip their tongues out in one go

You felt your insides turn and warm liquid drip out of your eyes as you heard the sickening sounds of flesh being ripped and blood splattering all around the victims

Your stand placed her arms around you in a comforting manner as you cried silently into your hands

Jotaro ran towards you and pulled you up against his chest in a comforting manner
"I'll protect you, dammit. Stop crying already"

Kakyoin walked over to you and sighed "We know the stand user is an older man, but who exactly? Can you point him out?"

You could only continue on shaking as you heard more disgusting sounds of flesh hitting the ground

The smell of iron hit your nose, and you buried yourself deeper into Jotaro's chest
"He's going to fake passing out in a bit..." you whimpered and Jotaro looked around

The beetle laughed and grabbed the tongue of one of the dead passengers
"That's right! I ripped out all of their tongues, and now I'm planning on doing one hell of a..."

With the tongue, the beetle wrote on the wall in blood

"Look for the old man seeing the blood on the wall, he will fake pass out. He's the stand user" you whispered to Jotaro and Kakyoin as you tried to ignore the smell of blood

Jotaro nodded and made circling motions on your back in the same way as he did when you both were children
You felt your cheeks become warm as a fuzzy feeling welled up on the inside "Look at him, trying to romance me in the middle of a stand battle"

"Oh? What's this? Blood?! EEEK!" The old guy faked passing out, and you pointed at him
"It's him.." you whispered and sighed as you felt a bit better

Abdul came closer and saw you pointing at the old guy and the dead passengers, anger is what he felt..
"You... you'll pay for this! Magicians Red!!"

Kakyoin put his arm in front of the Egyptian male and looked determined, "Abdul, wait! Your stand's flames will cause the plane to explode, Star Platinum could punch a hole through and (Y/n) is too traumatised to have her stand function properly. Hyrophant Green is the best bet!"

You looked back at the old guy and saw that he disappeared

"He he! Noriaki Kakyoin, master Dio told me a lot about you. I know you very well"

"Oh? Really?" Kakyoin posed and summoned his stand

"And you, (Y/n) Zeppeli. Or Watanabe, as you go by.. You knew that I was the stand user, now I especially can't have you survive. But first I'll get rid of your friends, so you can enjoy watching them die!"

Jotaro's embrace tightened around you, and he reeked of murder
You and Joseph gasped at what the beetle said.. "Zeppeli??" You both said in unison

" I won't let you get to her or the rest! Emerald Splash!"

Abdul gasped as the beetle dodged every one of the green stand's attacks

The beetle tried to get to HG's tongue and missed it by an inch.. injuring the corner of Kakyoin's mouth
"I'm scared... i knew this journey would be brutal, but seeing it in real life is scary..." your clutch on Jotaro's clothes was sure to leave wrinkles, but he didn't mind. Secretly loving how close you both were..

Kakyoin looked at you and smiled "i'll protect all of you, just like how you protected me from Dio's clutches"

And with that statement the beetle laughed menacingly, "Muwahahaha! Silly man! You really think that you can hit me by launching so many projectiles at the same time, but you can't even touch me! I'm way too fast, waaay too fast for you! No hit from you, you're waaaay too slooooow!!!"

The red-headed boy fell to the ground panting, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth
"And now, Noriaki Kakyoin, with my next move i'll rip your stand's tongue out useing my power needle!"


"Don't you understand? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! After having your tongue teared out, you'll shudder from the pain!"

Abdul gasped again "He dodged the splash again!"

Kakyoin smirked at the beetle "What? Shuddering when my tongue's teared out of my mouth? My Hierophant Green had you in its clutches all along... you fool"

And with that the slinky stand's tentacles became visible and tore the insect to shreds, the user's body falling out the bathroom and dying with his stand

Or so the gang thought until you spoke up
"One, that guy is still alive and two, the pilots are dead, and we're about to crash"

-queue Joseph running towards the cockpit while screaming "HOLY SHIT! OH MY GOD"

"Yare yare daze, Kakyoin, come here so (Y/n) can heal you. I'll make sure the stand user is knocked out permanently"

Kakyoin nodded and you got to work healing him

Joseph's voice echoed throughout the plane and you, Jotaro and Kakyoin ran towards the cockpit

"This is the last time we're flying with you" the three students and the Egyptian man sighed at Joseph

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