Chapter 3

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As you and Jotaro walked home, bleeding heavily and bruised he couldn't help but look at you the whole way, he admired that you didn't show fear

"Why did you butt in?" 

You kept your half lidded gaze to the ground "I'm sorry? I couldn't stand by and watch as my best friend was being pummelled to near death"

"You're so nosy..." 

"Yeah, sorry haha..." You laughed nervously

"By the way, can I crash at your place? My mom would shoot up the whole school if she saw me"

Jotaro chuckled "Sure, whatever, we're already here"

He knocked on the door and Holly opened and immediately ushered both of you inside

"What happened?!"

Jotaro looked pretty annoyed but gave a brief explanation, to which Holly nodded and almost cried

"Anyway, can (y/n) stay over?"

"Of course sweetie! I'll go get the futon ready in the guest bedroom. In the meantime, I want both of you to take a shower, then I'll tend to your wounds"

Before she left, she turned back to you 

"I'll also get something for you to wear, it'll be quite big, but then you'll be comfortable!"

"Thank you" you bowed and were very grateful

"She's so nice T_T, too bad Jotaro is going to grow up to become an emo bitch"


As you were taking a shower, you heard low whispering

"It sounds like the snake whispers from Harry Potter, i probably just need to rest"

As you walked out of the bathroom, you saw a shadow run past you from your eye corner

"What the fuck.. I really need to rest, I'm starting to see things..." You whispered to yourself 

On queue came Holly, bless her timing, "Let's patch you up! I already contacted your mother, and she said it's fine for you to stay over"

She led you to the guest bedroom and patched you up quite nicely

"Thank you very much, miss Holly" You whispered to her

"It's okay honey, and you don't need to be so formal with me! Now, goodnight! "


As you laid in the dark,  you almost fell asleep until you heard the whispering again


"Is it Jotaro playing a prank on me? No... he is too serious to do that"

Sitting up you looked around the room and noticed a faint shadow in the corner of the room

You froze in place and closed your eyes shut"Oh my god  am i having a lucid dream oh my god oh my god"

The shadow came closer and closer, the whispering became unbearable

"Please, save me.."


Everything turned black


You woke up the next morning with a worried Holly and Jotaro standing over you

"(Y/N) sweetie, you have a fever, are you okay?"

"..." You tried to speak but your throat hurt

"Oh honey, I called your parents... You can stay here until you feel better"

You could only nod and immediately after you passed back out

Jotaro watched with his fists clenched and left to go to school


You woke up in the evening, Holly Had brought you some chicken soup and helped to feed you

After sleeping some more, you woke up with Jotaro looking even more beat up and dishevelled 

"What happened?" You managed to force out of your throat

"Don't worry about it, get some more sleep"

"Tell me, Jojo"

Jotaro averted his gaze

"As you'd say; i 'yeeted' them"

You chuckled

"You're using it in the wrong context"

"Whatever, sleep"



In your dreams, the shadow from the night before appeared 

That shadow felt familiar, as if it was a part of you

"I think I know what you are..."

You walked closer and closer and reached your hand out to it

As you walked closer, you started to notice the features of the shadow

The thing mimicked what you did, and as you both met in the middle you held its hand

You looked up, it towered over you slightly

You finally understood what this thing is, and why you've been having an awful fever

A sense of relief washed over you as you and the thing hugged

This thing was your stand

Fortune Teller (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) !On Hiatus!Where stories live. Discover now