Chapter 12.3 - Noriaki Kakyoin part 3

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"Oh! Just now! My Jotaro must be thinking about me at school! it feels like our hearts are speaking to one another! What a special moment.."

"No, it's not"

Holly screamed and looked at Jotaro and you

"Hello miss Holly, if it makes you feel better, I was really thinking about you at school!"

Holly giggled and hugged you "Ooh honey! I was also thinking about you! But what happened? What about school? Why are you hurt and who is that boy that Jotaro's holding?"

"None of your business. Where's the old man? The tea room?" Jotaro didn't even listen for an answer and left for the tea room

"Yes, I think he is there with mr. Abdul..."

"Don't mind him, miss Holly... The boy got hurt and Jotaro's trying to save him!" You patted Holly on the shoulder and run after your boyfriend

Holly smiled at your words and continued with the housework while dancing around "I knew that my baby was a good boy!"

"This is no good... It's too late, we can't save him. He'll die in a few days" Joseph said to Jotaro, who was standing over Kakyoin

"No he won't" You said as you walked into the room, closing the door and looking around

"I don't sense anything right now, so maybe I can tell them a bit about what is to come.."

"(Y/n), what do you mean?" Abdul asked you as he also got into the circle of people around Kakyoin

"First of all, Jotaro's stand can remove the fleshbud. Kakyoin will become a valuable asset to what is to come.." You spoke and made eye contact with Joseph

"What is to come..? What do you mean?" Jotaro shot you a questioning glance

"Remove his fleshbud, and then we'll talk.." You said as you, you sat down and put Kakyoin's head on your lap, holding his head secure

Jotaro nodded and summoned the purple stand, who immediately got to work with removing the fleshbud

The bud shot out a tentacle that latched onto Jotaro's hand

Abdul and Joseph's screams could be heard throughout the house as you cringed

On queue, Kakyoin woke up and made eye contact with you "Nghh.."

"Shhhh, It's okay.. don't move Kakyoin.. One mistake, and you'll achieve brain damage" you said as Jotaro had to keep in a smile

"Don't smile, focus!" Joseph said in a panicked voice

"His moves are more accurate than a machine!"

With one swift motion Joot took the fleshbud out, ripped it into pieces and threw it at his grandfather who used hamon to destroy the clump of cells

You smiled one more time at Kakyoin before making your stand get to work on healing him

You both stood up, and you offered to go make tea for everyone, as you were about to leave you heard Kakyoin apologize to you and ask Jotaro why he saved him

"Well... I don't really have an answer for that. Ask (Y/n) when she comes back with the tea.. She's the one who asked me to save you"

"So.. What is it that you wanted to say?" Abdul asked you as you all sat around the table drinking tea

"Well.. There is no easy way to say this. But miss Holly is developing a stand.. She will get really sick and the only way to help her is if we kill Dio"

Everyone looked at you as if you said something blasphemous

Joseph threw himself at you and shook your shoulders "Are you sure???? When did you learn of this??!"

"Mr Joseph please! You're hurting me!" you tried to get him to stop, to no avail

Jotaro sat there in thought while you looked at him for help

Abdul stepped in and got Joseph off of you and looked at you in worry "Are you okay?"

You shook and glared at Joseph and Jotaro, who both were staring in shock at you

"As I was saying.. The cure for saving miss Holly is killing Dio. If you don't believe me, she will collapse tomorrow morning.." You said as you took a sip of your tea to calm your nerves

Joseph sighed loudly and looked at his hands "I... I can't believe it... are you sure?"

You nodded your head and sighed, "If it wasn't, did you think that I would say it?"

Jotaro stood up and opened the door to smoke

"Is that why you didn't tell your parents that you were back in Japan?" Abdul asked with concern

Joseph looked shocked when you nodded and stood up

The words that left your mouth before you left, hung heavy in the air

"We will save her.."

A knock on the door awoke you from your nap "Yes..?"

"It's me.. Can I come in?" A voice that you knew all to well asked from the other side of the bedroom door

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you right now" You huffed and laid back down on the futon

You heard Jotaro mumble his catchphrase and open the door anyway, much to your disappointment

"I told you to not come in" You huffed and threw a pillow at his face which he caught easily

He sighed and laid next to you "Yare yare.. I'm sorry for not stepping in, I was shocked"

You turned to face him and felt guilty for getting angry at their reaction

"I'm sorry too, I would honestly react the same if someone told me that my mother could potentially lose her life.." You hugged Jotaro and he draped an arm over you

"Will we really save her?"

"Yes, of course we will"

Jotaro nodded and kissed your forehead

"By the way, didn't you get hurt during the fight earlier?" You ask while propping yourself up on your elbow

"I'm fine, don't worry about it"

"Take off your clothes and show me where you're hurt"

Jotaro coughed and almost died right then and there

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