Chapter 19.1 - Bye Anne, hello... cat?

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"Yeah well.. I don't blame you guys for not believing me when I spoke about the monkey" you said as you sat back down in the boat

"Well actually, from what I heard just now it's an orangutang. And fun fact! They're great apes, not really monkeys" Kakyoin stood up to give Jotaro more space to sit down next to him 

"Shut up, you literally weren't there"

"Whatever" Kakyoin sighed as he started to comb his hair

"Unbelievable... The ship doesn't look anything like it was before" Anne said as she leaned a bit over the dingy to get a better look at the boat, the illusion cast on it fading rapidly 

"That small old ship is the one you were on just a while ago?"

Everyone turned to you for an explanation, but you just shrugged "You know Anne, sometimes stuff just is what it is"


"It is what it is"

Anne looked at you with a blank stare

"Just don't think about it"

"Okay, I guess..."

"You know, It's hard to believe that a monkey came here on its own stand all the way across the sea" Abdul decided by himself to continue the conversation 

"It was strong. It's the first time I've ever seen something like this"

Joseph nodded and scratched his beard in a way that only fathers do "We were completely beaten if it weren't for (y/n) to warn us and Jotaro"

Joseph then turned to you with a dreadful expression "Will we meet other stand users that are at least strong as this one?"

"We will, I can't say much for now but.. This is only the beginning" At this everyone looked sombre, except for Anne who was vibing and loving the adventure so far

"Anyway, anyone want a piece of gum?" Polnareff proudly held up a scrunched up piece of gum and tried to offer you some when Kakyoin gagged 

"Shut up Polnareff, no one wants moist-back pocket-stored gum" Kakyoin smacked the gum out of the Frenchman's hand who cried at this act of violence

"You just ruined my day"

"Not my problem, It's almost night anyway"

"Yare yare, both of you cut it out. Gramps, now are we just floating?" 

Joseph nodded at this "We can only pray we make it to Singapore safely. It's been 4 days since we left Japan.. I wonder how my girl is doing"

"She's fighting, but she should be stable. We'll get through this together" You patted Joseph on his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up




Walking down the streets of Singapore, you had only one thing on your mind "I gotta shower, sleep and eat"

"We will find a restaurant in a bit, just be patient" Jotaro said as he lit up a cigarette and put his hand on your head

Your group stopped for a moment so the older male could read the map in his hands "So if I'm correct there should be a nice restaurant right around the corne-"

"HEY YOU! Wait a second!" Police officers approached your group, and you smirked already knowing what was about to happen

"You threw garbage on the ground, I'm going to fine you 500$!" The officer pointed his finger at the Frenchman, who had just dropped a suspicious looking bag on the floor

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