Chapter 17 - Dark Blue Moon

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"(Y/n), watch out!" You heard a gruff voice yell for you as a slippery wet hand grabbed you by the ankle and drug you into the ocean
*Movie freeze*
*Record scratch*
- "Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into that situation.."


- The day after beating Polnareff

After spending the night at a cheap hotel, you were waiting for the boat to appear and saw the perfect moment to pull the older male from the group to the side..
"Polnareff is going to be joining us soon, also, the captain of our boat is an enemy stand user."

Joseph let out a hearty laugh and hit your shoulder playfully "How can he be the enemy stand user if the SWF verified him?"

"Mr Joseph, are you capping right now? I am serious. He's an imposter, and an enemy stand user at that!"
Joseph just laughed at you and walked towards Abdul to discuss more things about the trip

"Puta madre, hijo de una-" a hand on your shoulder stopped you mid cursing "Yare yare daze, what's that about?"

"I told your dumb old man that the captain is an enemy stand user, yet for some reason he doesn't believe me! When in this trip was I wrong? Huh? Not once!"

"He's like you described him.. dumb and old. Just ignore him" Jotaro said and walked made his way next to Kakyoin

"They're besties, I guess" You smiled, and looked around to see if you could spot Polnareff... which you did

"Oi, Jean! Over here!" You yelled and waved your arm, a gesture he copied with a big smile as he walked towards the group

"Bonjour! I still haven't thanked you for sparing me!"

You smiled and faked tipping a fedora "Don't thank me! I did what I had to do!"

Polnareff laughed and hit your shoulder lightly, barely managing to form words "Hehe, where's monsieur Joestar? I have a question that I need to ask him."
"To hell with him.." "He's over there with Abdul" you pointed to the other side of the docks

Polnareff gave you a thumbs up and made his way to the group, most definitely to ask Joseph about his hands

"Good thing I'm not over there now, I would cry hearing about his sister..."

You sighed for the 1000000000 time in this fanfiction, and made your way to the rest of the group after you saw that they finished talking

Jotaro pulled you next to him, and rested his arm on your head

"So, what's the plan?" Polnareff asked out loud, and everyone looked at you

"Ok, so. If you believe me or not *glares at Joseph and Jotaro*, the captain of the ship that'll pick us up is an enemy stand user. The real captain has already been killed.." 

"OH NOOO! So that's what you meant earlier! I was finding it super strange that a captain that the foundation appointed to us would be an enemy!!" Joseph yelled and Abdul smacked his arm to shut him up

"So what do you want us to do?" Jotaro asked you

"Well, considering that the boat is filled with bombs that are planted by the sussy captain, I suggest we go aboard. His stand is the Moon card. Dark Blue Moon. It's a water type Pokém-, I mean stand. Don't let it catch you anywhere near or in the water" you paused to think for a moment

"Me and Kakyoin will use Hierophant Green and Sapphire Queen to locate the bombs, my stand will follow his, so they can split up and quietly diffuse them.  After getting rid of the bombs, Jotaro will incapacitate the captain before he can take out his stand. And after that we will use the boat safely to get to our destination, or until Dio notices and I get murdered first" 

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