Chapter 1

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"-ake up!"

"WAKE UP!" You jolted up from your resting place

Looking over you was your mom, looking as angry as ever

"You almost overslept mija, i'll see you downstairs for breakfast" Your mother huffed before exiting your room and leaving the door slightly open

Your door... wait..... why did you have a sliding door? 

Looking at your bed, you noticed that it wasn't a bed "A futon? HUH!"

Getting up, you ran to the mirror next to the wardrobe

"What the fuck's happening? Is this a joke or a prank?"

You looked much younger, MUCH younger "Did i just turn 8 again?" You whispered in disbelief

"I clearly remember being (age)"

"M-Mom!" You yelled and not long after did you hear her come in

"Que pasa?" Your mother looked over at you, and you took this time to study her features

She looked younger, her sun kissed skin looked flawless, no single wrinkle to be found.. Her hair has the colour of dark brown and is wavy instead of gray and dull

"Calm down, (y/n), just calm do- OMG SHE'S HUGGING YOU THIS ISN'T YOUR MOM!"

"Ehh, madre?" You whispered

"You looked sad, I know it's hard since we moved to Japan from England. It's really different. You probably miss all your friends"

This came over as a complete shock

"Wh-what year is it and how much time passed since we moved here?"

Your mother sighed and said the words that would make you feel dizzy and vomit

"It's 1979? We moved here a week ago? Did you hit your head??"

Queue the mental breakdown and vomit


Honey? But your mother raised you on her own, what the hell is going on?

A Japanese man came running into the room with a towel and gave it to your mother

Feeling your forehead, you tensed up "stranger danger!"

"She has a fever... I'll call for a doctor, in the meantime use that towel to wipe up the vomit" He said in broken English and went out of the room

Your mother nodded and got to work

"Who was that?" You whispered while half choking in your own vomit

"What do you mean? That's my husband? Your stepfather? He took care of us since you were born... You really hit your head, didn't you?" She concluded with a sigh

After cleaning the vomit, she helped you take a shower and got you back in bed

The doctor came and concluded that you have a severe fever and amnesia, probably from stress and need to rest a lot

"You scared me, was moving to Japan that bad?" She asks while looking down at you

All you could do was stare at the ceiling with a blank look



Weeks passed by in a flash and little by little did you manage to accept that this is your life now

Maybe your previous life was a really long dream?

Anyhow, your fever was gone, and you were feeling much better. 

You were even taking Japanese lessons with a private teacher to learn the language, so you could go to school when summer ends

And those lessons were really starting to pay off 

Your stepdad, whose name is Hiro, but after calling him that a few times, your mother asked you why you didn't call him 'dad' anymore.

So now you have to call a stranger dad, fun, huh?

"(Y/N) have you greeted our neighbours yet?" 

"Huh, no?" You were reading a random book and weren't even paying attention to what your mother was saying

"Well, I baked a cake and want you to deliver it to them, I told miss Seiko that I would bake one for her"

"Miss Seiko, huh?"  

"Sounds a lot like Holly, from Jojo... hmm?"

"Yeah OK, I'll get dressed and go deliver it in a bit" You muttered, at which your mother flashed you a toothy grin


Walking up to the front door of your neighbour's house, you noticed the name plate "Kujo"

"What... Coincidence?"

You broke into a sweat as you held onto the cake for dear life with one hand and knocked on the door with the other

After a while of hearing shuffling, the door opened and there stood HOLLY 'SEIKO' KUJO 

"Yes, can I help you, dear?"

After looking at her for a while, not being able to say anything, she noticed the cake in your hands and your expression

"Oh dear, you must be (Y/N), right? I heard you were recently sick. Would you like to come in?"

You could only nod as you couldn't even mutter a single word

After sitting down and silently introducing yourself, you started to chat about different topics, such as school

"Oh, so your mother is Spanish, but your stepfather is Japanese? I also am from European descent and married a Japanese man. Oh! My son, Jotaro, he is your age! I should introduce you to one another" She rambled on and on, excitingly

"For someone who's only learning the Japanese language for a couple of weeks, you surely do speak it really well!"

After a while you heard the front door open and footsteps coming through the hall

This is it, you're going to meet the Joot

All those times you read reader inserts about him, finally did you get to meet him in real life.

"I'm home..." A quiet voice said before the man (boy) came into the kitchen

Holly stood up and give him a big smooch on the cheek, and she introduced you both to one another

"Honey, this is (Y/N) she's the daughter of Maria and Hiro"

"Ah" he said as he shook your hand

"So this is before he becomes a douchebag..."

You swallowed the lump you didn't know you had"Nice to meet you, I'll be joining you at school after summer ends. I hope we'll become great friends"

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