Chapter 16 - Silver Chariot: Part 2

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"Jean Pierre Polnareff, i accept your challenge!"

The French male smirked and lowered the sword of his stand
"Then let's go outside"

"I'll predict here, that you will be killed by my stand, what do you say to that, miss i-know-it-all?" Polnareff smirked and you felt your blood boil

"Don't listen to him, he's under the influence of Dio.." an unfamiliar voice spoke in your head

"Weird, must be my imagination" you muttered under your breath

You gave him a smirk back "Well, and i'll predict here that you will regret challenging me!"

"I'll turn you into a kebab"

"And i'll give you hypothermia" you smiled as you summoned your own stand, still admiring how she looks

Polnareff tch'd and summoned Silver Chariot

Silver Chariot ran towards your stand and kept poking his sword at her, which you made her evade

"Just like he did to Abdul.. but he is carving a statue of my stand!"

"What's wrong? Why don't you show your powers? If you won't do that, then i will begin!" Polnareff spoke through his stand

"What?!"Abdul gasped
"Huh?!" Kakyoin yelled

Joseph clenched his fist and grit his teeth "Damn it! He's not even fighting seriously! He carved a statue of Sapphire Queen!"

Polnareff laughed and looked at Joseph "Heh heh heh, i thought that it'll fit well with the garden"

"I guess i'll play along and fight like Abdul did"

You threw your backpack to Jotaro and got into a fighting stance, you stand mimicking your actions

"Finally, you're getting serious... this fight is going to get interesting, miss Zeppeli!"

Your stomach growled after Polnareff finished his sentence
"Zeppeli? I am really hungry... i guess I'll catch him off guard and knock him out so i can go back to the restaurant to eat and talk with Joseph about this"

"Winter blizzard!" An icy blizzard formed around the Frenchman and you, causing Polnareff's vision to become blurry

"Mr. Joestar, kan you see what's happening in there?" Abdul looked at the blizzard and at Joseph, who was squinting and at a loss of words

At that moment Polnareff got thrown out of the blizzard, who was dissolving and fell right in front of the group

The group sweatdropped as you walked over to them and grabbed you backpack from Jotaro

"Well, what happened in there?" Kakyoin broke the silence

"I'm hungry, so i just wanted to get this over with.. the blizzard basically blinded him and then my stand punched him unconscious"

"By the way, mister Joestar... we need to talk..."

Joseph nodded and looked at Abdul who nodded in understanding

"Jotaro... while me and your old man talk. Can you take out his fleshbud? We'll need him in the future"

"So Polnareff also called you Zeppeli? But i thought he said that he knew nothing about you"

"Exactly, i think it's the author of this story that's forgetful"

"Well, that's two people that called you that.... Do you know anything about your biological father?"

You thought for a bit, but shook your head
"The only thing i know is that my mother said that they were in a relationship. But when she told him she was pregnant he up and left.. he said to her that he didn't want the responsibility of having a child"

"Mother also didn't know much about him.. he was quite the mysterious dude she said"

Jospeh nodded and scratched his cheek
"I'll go call the Speedwagon Foundation for your birth records and to hire a private investigator. Is that okay?"

You nodded "Do what you must.. i also want to know what this is about"

"Then it's settled..." Joseph said and you both walked back to check up on Polnareff

Joseph kneeled next to Polnareff and explained that he had the fleshbud in him
"So i guess we could be BUDdies"

You smiled at this exchange and got to work on healing Polnareff

-Somewhere in a mansion in Egypt...

"My dear child... she's quite a bit slow, isn't she?" The slender woman asked the cat who was in her lap

The cat sighed and nodded
"Fear not, for she will succeed this time in helping these poor unfortunate souls"

"I know she will..."
"Toth, it's almost time for you to leave and help her on her journey"

The cat nodded again
"Aye, but i do not wish to seperate from you... regina meis"

A knock on her door echoed through the room
"Miss Selena, master Dio want you in his chambers tonight"

The cat looked at the woman and sighed "Regina, are you really going?"

The woman sighed and faked a smile "i have to, Toth..."

Toth jumped off of the woman's lap and stretched "I'll be leaving now to help the child then. The sooner i get to her, the better"

The woman nodded and opened a window to let the cat out "Goodbye Toth... thank you for everything..." she whispered before closing the window and exiting her room

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