Chapter 11

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Even after changing locations you felt a sharp glare, that no other than Jotaro shot at you
"So, what is so important that you wanted us to change locations?" He sighed and crossed his arms

"Tomorrow we're meeting a stand user. He will be hostile, but he is under the influence of Dio"

Everyone's eyes went wide, and you sighed for the 100th time in this fanfiction
"He will attack you, Jotaro"

Jotaro nodded and tipped his hat over his eyes, yet continued to glare at you
"Good grief.."

Joseph was the first to speak about Jotaro's attitude and laughed
"(Y/n), how about you and Jotaro leave for a bit? I think that my grandson has a lot to talk about"

Jotaro's eyes almost fell out of his socket as his ears turned red, and he abruptly stood up
"Shut up..."

He left and a while after, you followed him

And that is how you found yourself in Jotaro's room, sitting on his bed next to him

"The same bed where we... kissed and hugged.." you felt your face heat up instantly at the memory

Jotaro smirked and scooted a bit closer, probably knowing what you were thinking of

After some moments of silence, the Joot broke it with a question that made you jump slightly..
"So... What is it that your stand does?"

"Oh... uhh my stand can heal, give me visions and form an ice shield and spikes"

Jotaro nodded and looked to the side
"How long have you had it?"

"Remember when we got beat up on the roof a few years ago, and I got a fever?"

He locked eyes with you, and you felt your knees grow weak

Those beautiful eyes that you never forgot while in America

"Well... I had that nasty fever because I was developing my stand..."

Jotaro nodded and laid down on his bed
"Why didn't you say..." he muttered

You didn't hear him and continued to stare at the teen

You took this moment to study everything abut him
You noted how he had grown so much, became much more muscular, and he already looked like a fine man
"Those damn Joestar genes, damn it... I look like a dwarf next to him.."

You were taken out of your trance when a calloused hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you over into a muscled chest

The smell of Jotaro.. A mixture of Holly's favourite laundry detergent and cigarettes
It felt nice

"I missed you..." your voice was muffled by his tight embrace, and you weren't sure if he knew what you said

But a simple kiss on your forehead indicated that he did in fact listen, and that he felt that way too
"Damn it, woman, don't leave like that ever again..."

Before you could answer, his grip tightened, and he rested his shin on your head
"Now that I know that you have a stand... did you really go to study abroad?"

You shook your head and opened your mouth, but the words wouldn't come out

Tears clouded your vision of Joot's perfect chest and soon a sniffle followed

And then another
And another....

Tears stained the boy's clothing, but he didn't care
He also didn't care that you had lied to him, you probably had a good reason, and he had faith in you

As both of you fell asleep, only one thought remained in both of your heads...

And that thought was that neither of you would give each other up, and would stand by one another, no matter what will happen

Fortune Teller (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) !On Hiatus!Where stories live. Discover now