Chapter 15 - Silver Chariot: Part 1

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-The landing point-
33 kilometres off the coast of Hong Kong

"Damn, we can cross out any ideas of taking a plane to Egypt now"

"Yeah..." you sighed and took a sip out of your water bottle
"I really want to tell them everything that this journey's going to bring... but i've read a lot of JoJo x reader fanfictions where the reader spoils the future way too much and that made a lot of events go different than planned"

"We can't risk something like that happen again! Or else the other stand users will kill innocent people.. we're going to have to stick together if we want to get to Egypt as fast as possible"

"Agreed.." You sighed again
"I guess I'll just stick with my previous plan... telling them what's about to happen right before the events, maybe that way no one has time to tell Dio about me and everything continues as planned"

Sitting at a table in a restaurant had your stomach rumble
"Damn, i was so traumatised that I didn't notice i was hungry"

Everyone quickly nodded at your statement and Kakyoin muttered "same here"

Abdul glanced at you with worry written all over his face
"Are you feeling better?"

"Me? Oh yeah, haha! Yes I have never felt so good!" You put your hand up and did a peace sign, which made Joseph laugh and Abdul sweat drop

"Yare yare daze, how are you fine if you passed out during the plane crash and as soon as you woke up, you vomited and cried for an hour straight" Jotaro glanced at you from the seat beside you

"Why are you exposing me like this?" You whispered to Jotaro who in turn leaned in closer and arched an eyebrow

"How am i exposing you if literally everyone here at this table saw it happen"

Kakyoin chuckled and looked straight at the both of you "You two seem to be really close"

You choked on your tea and Jotaro covered his face with his hat

"You know, back in the infirmary, you guys were really close as well! Are you guys childhood friends, perhaps?"

"Oh Kakyoin, i think they're more than just childhood friends" Joseph laughed and nudged Abdul who was also smiling

At this moment a waitress came in with the menu's and saved you

Kakyoin continued to smile and showed you and the emo boy how to ask for a refill and how to thank the waitress

"So (Y/n)... tell us while we're deciding what to eat, what will happen from here on out" Joseph looked at you while Abdul was trying to read the menu (and failed)

"Well, a French "tourist" will come by our table and ask if we could help him order. But that is just for show.. he's a stand user with a fleshbud, and he'll challenge Abdul to a fight.. also what you're going to order is wrong, you think you know how to read it... sorry to tell you.."

At the last statement he put his fists on the table "WHAT?!? What i'm going to order is wrong? I'll let you know i have been here a few times and know the whole menu!"

Kakyoin burst out laughing and so did Abdul, even Jotaro tried to hold in a smile

A tap on your shoulder made you all stop laughing and turn around to face the exact person that you were describing
"Pardonnez moi, beautiful mademoiselle. I am a French tourist, and afraid to say a little lost.. this menu is a complete mystery to me and i have no idea what any of it says. Pouvez vous me aider s'il vous plaît?"

You looked him dead in the eye as he tried to grab your hand to kiss it, Jotaro stopped that act by grabbing your hand in his own "My, my! I am very sorry, I didn't know that you had a boyfriend. Well, it's to be expected that a beautiful lady like yourself is already taken"

"Sit down Jean Pierre. Let's have a chat" you said and pointed to the lonely chair at the table

His smile quickly faded and Kakyoin gasped, excited to see you use your 'fortune teller" abilities
"So it seems you already know me.. well, I also know everyone at this table, except for you... for some reason.." Polnareff sat down and crossed his arms

"Yes, we know you, Jean Pierre Polnareff. We also know why you're here and how you came to be possessed by Dio.." you continued as everyone at the table was nervous

"Mr. Joestar, let's order food... and talk after eating" Kakyoin said while still on high alert

"Don't bother, Kakyoin.. This guy right here isn't going to let us finish the meal.. Right Jean? You also have Silver Chariot out and under the table... ready to pop out and challenge Abdul to a fight"

Polnareff, visibly upset, clenched his teeth and smashed his hands on the table as he stood up
SC indeed popped out from under, making the table flip and pointed its sword at your throat

"I would never hurt a lady, but to me you're no more a lady. Only an annoying obstacle. I was indeed going to challenge Abdul, but now that you've successfully annoyed me, i shall challenge you!"

"This isn't what I was planning, I only wanted to confuse him SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!!! What if this alters the whole storyline?"

Abdul stepped forward, but you waved him away

"Jean Pierre Polnareff... I accept your challenge"

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