Chapter 12.2 - Noriaki Kakyoin part 2

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"Jotaro listen... please listen to me" Your hand was on his wrist, trying to pull him in the other direction to face you

"Good grief, can you stop?" Jotaro tried to pull his arm free from your grasp, but you kept on clinging

Stepping foot into the infirmary you swallowed and sat down in a chair facing the one where Jotaro was sitting, the nurse already in front of him

"Don't tell me Jojo, you got into a fight again?!"

Two classmates answered before either of you could

"Come on, teach, has Jojo ever got hurt in a fight?"

"Yeah, think about it"

The nurse laughed and waved a pair of scissors in the air

"Hold on. What are you going to do...?"

"I'm going to cut off your pants, I can't treat you without doing that"

"Quit messing around! I'll take 'em off!" Jotaro pointed a finger at the nurse and blew off on her

"My, my! i didn't know THE Jotaro Kujo could be so frugal!" The nurse chuckled and turned to the other two students

"And while Jotaro takes off his pants... I'll take your temperatures so i can prove you're faking!"

At that moment, you noticed that the handkerchief that Jotaro got fell out of his pocket

"This is it.. I tried to warn him, he wouldn't listen..."

Jotaro picked up the handkerchief and gasped, "Some kind of note?!"

Jotaro walked over to you and showed you the note written on the piece of cloth

"Jotaro Kujo, I will kill you today with my stand! - Noriaki Kakyoin"

"You see, Jotaro?? I tried to warn you, you oaf!" You sighed and immediately ran to protect the two students from the possessed nurse

"Doctor, what are you doing?!"

"What am I doing..? Can't you see... That I am shaking out the thermometer for you?!"

"W-What do you mean?"

"That's a pen, not a thermometer!"

Summoning your stand, you froze the nurse and motioned for the two students to leave, which they did

"Grrrruhhhhh! Stupid! What stupid students you are! Grragh! Get me out of this!" The nurse was shaking violently and foaming at the mouth

"Huh?!" Jotaro looked around the room and looked at the nurse who was struggling to get out of the icy prison that your stand had made around her

Then he looked at the window and there he was, the enemy stand user.. Noriaki Kakyoin

Holding a puppet and smirking at what is happening before him

"You!" Jotaro glared at the red head and was about to speak until your voice cut him off

"Noriaki Kakyoin.. He attached his stand to the nurse, who now is under his control. If you try to get his stand out of her, she'll get seriously hurt."

Kakyoin's eyes widened and his smirk fell

"My, my... What a pleasant surprise.. I thought you were just an ordinary girl. But turns out I was wrong.."

"Jotaro, he is under the influence of Dio, don't listen to anything that he says and try to knock him out. We'll need him later on"

Jotaro looked at you and nodded before summoning his stand, who has not yet been named

"Like your little girlfriend over there said, it's true. My stand's name is Hierophant Green. And while I am human, I have pledged my loyalty to HIM."

Kakyoin made the puppet move so that it pointed its hand at Jotaro

"That is why I will kill you and now that this girl appeared, she too will die!"

"Not on my watch!" You yelled and made your stand take out the slinky stand from the throat of the nurse, the same way that Jotaro's stand did in the manga.. But without the lips touching

Your stand tossed hierophant green to the purple figure looming behind Jotaro, and he grabbed HG's head

Jotaro smirked, and you started to heal the nurse who had gone limp in the icy prison

"We won't let you harm anyone anymore! Now that I am seeing your stand, it looks nothing more than a mere parasite, Kakyoin!"

"It actually looks like a shiny melon" You smirked as you placed the now healed nurse in one of the beds

Kakyoin was sweating and looked troubled, "This isn't what I was expecting of happening..."

By the look of your forehead, I can crush two melons for the price of one, if I want to." Jotaro looked at you and then back at the enemy stand user "But no need to go that far. I'll just knock you out and drag you to my grandfather. I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you"

As soon as Jotaro finished his sentence, he noticed that the hands of the shiny stand started to drip liquid

"Jotaro watch out!" You yelled and made your stand, make an ice shield to protect him

But the thing is, the Emerald Splash wasn't meant for him... It was meant for you

Liquid and emeralds flew towards you and hit your body with such force that you were sent into the wall of the infirmary

You tried to stand up, but couldn't find the energy to do so.. Your stand started to heal you, but because you were almost unconscious it was a slow process

"What looked like ooze to you was the destructive energy that Hierophant Green controls! That girl's chest has been pierced... " Kakyoin laughed maniacally, "With her gone I can now fully focus on you"

Jotaro looked at you with a worried expression that turned into one of relief when he saw that your stand was trying to heal you, and that you would be okay

You shot him a smile and mouthed "Teach him a lesson"

Jotaro lowered the brim of his hat and mumbled his catchphrase

"I.. Jotaro Kujo has been labelled as a delinquent. I beat the crap out of people more than I have to. Some are still in the hospital... There are plenty of teachers that got on my bad side, and never came to class."

"And I make it a policy not to pay the check if the meal was nasty and not worth the price. But even a guy like me... Can spot evil when he sees it! Evil means to use the weak for your own gain.. And then stomp on them when it's over! And that's what you've done! I will never forgive what you did to that nurse and (Y/n)!"

Kakyoin chuckled "You have it all wrong. 'Evil'? The loser is who is evil and the winner is justice. Whoever survives to tell the tale, the end justifies means. The loser is the evil one."

"It's over.. EMERALD SPLASH!"

Jotaro took one more look at you before smiling at Kakyoin "The loser is the evil one? If that's the case.. Let me show you just how evil you are!" The buff stand deflected the emeralds and started to beat the shit out of HG


"My stand will be your judgement!"

Kakyoin's last words before falling into unconsciousness were "What power... he deflected the emerald splash..."

You slowly stood up and walked over to Jotaro "Let's go to Mr. Joseph before someone comes.."

Jotaro nodded, slung Kakyoin over his shoulder and offered you his arm to support yourself

"Thank you, Joot.. But next time, please listen to me! I tried to warn you about this event.."

Jotaro sighed and looked at you with a soft look "I'm sorry, let's hope his ends the Dio madness for now.."

You smiled and shook your head

"This is only the beginning....Tomorrow... Miss Holly.. We'll save you!"

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