Chapter 2

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"Nice to meet you all, i'm (y/n) Watanabe, please look after me" You finished your introduction with a small bow and took the seat next to the window which was assigned by the teacher

Much to your dismay, your seat isn't anywhere near Jotaro, which kind of upsets you

The teacher resumed his boring lecture, and you tried to find Joot among your classmates and as soon as you found him you tried to gain his attention

So you tried to:

-Throw a paper airplane

*He grabbed the airplane mid-air and threw it back at you

-Throw a balled up paper

*Again, grabbed it mid-air and threw it back at you

-Throw an eraser at him

*Jotaro put it in his backpack, it's his now

-Wave your arms in a frantic manner when the teacher wasn't looking

Jotaro gave a small wave back but, unbeknown to you both... The teacher was actually paying attention to what you were doing

And that's how you found yourself and Joot in the hallway


"It's ok" 

"..." An awkward silence fills the hallway as you both are standing next to each other

"(y/n) right?, my mom got me a new game console. Do you want to come over and play after school?"

You look up from the ground and make eye contact with him

"Sure!" You said rather loud and were greeted by the teacher who put her finger on her lips

"This is a punishment, not a get out of class pass"

"Sorry" Both of you said at the same time



Weeks turned into months and you and Jojo hung out often after school

Walking home together, playing games, watching western movies, Columbo or reinacting famous scenes

"It still feels unreal... Befriending an anime character, lmao I feel so cool" 

You were waiting for Jotaro to walk home together, but after waiting a long time for him, you started to get worried

So to go look for him was the best option

As you got closer to the roof, you heard grunting and immediately opened the door

And you are met with a brutal scene, Jotaro being beat up by classmates

"You're not Japanese, stop pretending!" one of the bullies said

"STOP" came out of your mouth as you pushed past one of your classmates to stand in front of Jotaro

"Aww, Jojo's little minion came to his rescue" They laughed

"Why are you bullying Jotaro?" 

"Hey, This is none of your business, go home" Jotaro said as he stood up and glared at you

"You're right, this isn't my business. But I won't stand by and watch how some low life racists beat up my precious friend" You stood your ground and glared at the bullies

"Well, let's beat her up too then" One of them said as he grabbed a fistful of your hair

Tears welled up in your eyes as it hit you that you got yourself into trouble

"Curse my nice protective nature" 

-Meanwhile, somewhere on the roof were two 8-year-olds getting beat up by their classmates-

"You white scum, go back to your countries" 

"Look at them, it's the white man blood that's in them that makes them weak"

You spat out blood as they stomped against your stomach 

"Everything hurts... I want to protect Jotaro and those close to me"  You closed your eyes and hoped that the beatings would stop

a/n: some contents in this chapter were inspired by another fanfic that I read once about why Jotaro became an angry person. In that fanfic, he was bullied during his childhood for being "half white" 

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