Chapter 6

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After going home that day, you and Jotaro spent even more time together

Even if it was just hanging out without talking much and just taking in eachother's presence, everything you did, you did it together.

That was, until one day you took a peak at your step-father's documents that he left on the coffee table by accident.

The blood in your body froze as you read the name of the company:


Time seemed to slow down as you began to process what you just read.

"Holy shit, Hiro works for Speedwagon!!"

Without thinking, you went to Hiro and showed him one of the documents

"Dad, you-you work for this company?! I thought you were a lawyer!"

Hiro turned white as a ghost and exhaled deeply "I am a lawyer for that company"

"Then-Then do you know Joseph Joestar?!"

Hiro's eyes went wide and he grabbed your arm

You were freaking out because if he knew Joseph, that meant that maybe he could get you his contact info and Joseph could help you to develop your stand properly

Hiro dragged you to his study and closed the door

"How do you know him?" Hiro asked as he looked at you with squinted eyes

"Answer me first, and then I'll answer your question" You answered, feeling proud of yourself for coming across as very confident

Hiro sighed "Fine. I do know him, I actually work directly under him. Being a lawyer isn't my real job. That's what I tell everybody. I am an agent for the foundation."

This all hit you like a ton of bricks

"Now, care to answer my question?"

"Shit, how am I going to explain that I'm from a different universe originally and know the plot of the series without sounding like a lunatic"

"Wait, I can just tell him about my stand and say that my stand can grant me visions!"

"I actually have a stand, I've had it for quite some time, but I don't have full control over it. I also feel that it's still developing, and it can grant me visions and let me see in the future."

With each word, the older male looked even more defeated

"I'm giving Joestar-san a call, don't tell anyone about this conversation, understood?" Hiro gave you a stern look as he dialled some numbers in

"Hello, mister Joestar? I have to talk with you about my daughter.." Hiro looked at you and waved his hand at you, signalling for you to leave the room

And you did just that

Sitting on your bed, you started to let everything sink in

"Ok, new plan! I ask Hiro if I can meet up with Joseph en Abdul, explain everything i know about Dio, train my stand and-" You shook your head at this

"I think it might be best if I just let everything play out, and only pitch in with my knowledge when it's needed. Then maybe I can save Kakyoin, Abdul and Iggy, and I can save Jotaro from depression..."

"Ugh" You sighed and hit your fist in your pillow

"That damn Dio, if only he didn't kick Danny" You muttered to yourself

A knock echoed through your room as you finished your tantrum

"Yes?" You asked

Hiro opened the door and sat next to you on your bed

"I talked to Joestar-san, And we both think it's best if you go to America for some time so he and another stand user, named Abdul, can help you with your stand and your fortune-teller abilities.

"What? Can't he come here?"

"He's a far too busy person to just come here."

"What about mom? Wh-What about Jotaro?!" Tears spilled from your eyes at this point

You just wished you didn't say anything at this point

"You can send letters and call him, can't you?"

"Yes, but I'll miss him and mom, and you too." You sniffled

"I know, but this is for the best. You're leaving next week. I'll talk to your mother and say it has to do with school."

You nodded and Hiro left the room, and the door open

"Guess I'm going to meet Joseph and Abdul sooner than expected"

"How will I explain this to Jotaro?" You cried some more in your pillow, and before you knew it, you fell asleep..

Fortune Teller (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) !On Hiatus!Where stories live. Discover now