Jackson parks in the lot outside of the restaurant and opens the door for his date.
Taciana: "Oh, thank you."
Jackson: "Not a problem. Ahem! Good afternoon. Table for two under the name of Tontione."
Check-In Clerk: "Ahh, yes. Here it is. Tontione. Right this way folks."
He leads them to their table.
Check-In Clerk: "Here ya go. A server should be arriving soon to take your orders."
Jackson: "Thank you, good sir."
Taciana: "I love the atmosphere in this restaurant. Kind of romantic."
Jackson: "I find it really captures a vibe. Doesn't it?"
Taciana: "Hehehe! So, aside from films. What else do you do in your spare time?"
Jackson: "I prefer singing, exercising, hiking, wrestling, play video games, and on some days, songwriting."
Taciana: "Really? Wow. I like songwriting too."
Jackson: "Well. I think I may have to change my plans for tomorrow night."
Taciana: "Hehe, why?"
Jackson: "I was thinking, that maybe you'd like to make a song together?"
Taciana: "Jackson that is very sweet of you, don't we have finals coming up soon?"
Jackson: "We can study right after we make the song. Plus, I'm an expert at math, science, and French literature."
Taciana: "You know French literature?"
Jackson: "Yeah, it's not that hard once you get used it."
Taciana: "Hmm, okay. I will help you make a song and study with afterwards. If you promise to come with me to the project graduation party."
Jackson: "As a date, right?"
Taciana: "Hehe, yes silly. As my date."
Jackson: "Hmm... I accept your terms."
Taciana: "Hehehe! Sounds real nice."
The server arrives a moment later and readies his notepad.
Server: "Welcome to the Solstice Roadhouse. My name is Sadie, and I'll be taking care of y'all for tonight. Have you all decided what you want to order?"
Taciana: "I think I'll have a mango daiquiri the large bowl of Zucchini Linguine."
Sadie: "Zucchini Linguine. Got it. And... for the gentleman?"
Jackson: "Hmm... I'd like the Marinated Pepper Pasta with a side of broccoli and mashed potatoes."
Sadie: "Excellent choice. Any drinks?"
Jackson: "Oh yeah, and a guava daiquiri."
Sadie: "Okay, I'll put your orders in and let you know when they'll be ready."
Jackson and Taciana hand Sadie their menus back and continue chatting for a while. Fifteen minutes later, they find out a lot about each other.
Taciana: "Hehehehe! No way! You built your own solar cooker?"
Jackson: "Yeah, I even partnered with a company who gave me my license and a patent for my product. I even sell some of them to some big-time, prospective customers."
Taciana: "That is so cool. I kind of make music and team up with recording studios to make my songs a reality."
Jackson: "Great."
Sadie: "Food is here!"
Jackson: "Oh... thank you, Miss."
Taciana: "Thank you!"
Sadie: "Enjoy y'all! I'll check up on ya later."
Taciana: "We should say Grace first."
Jackson: "Uhm, sure..."
Taciana: "You haven't said Grace before?"
Jackson: "I have. It's just been a while since my folks have been away on their trip to California."
Taciana: "Oh, um... it's okay. I'd be happy to do it if you're uncomfortable."
Jackson: "Nah, Nah, it's fine. I can do it. Bless the food and those who prepped it. Amen."
Taciana: "That was good, but it could have been a little longer than that Jackson. I'll show you more about it on our next date."
Jackson: "Our next one?"
Taciana: "Yeah, I mean it's obvious you like me. And... I like how you try to impress me."
Jackson: "I wasn't Uhm... trying to..."
Taciana: "It's okay. I already know you're a good guy. You don't need to try so hard to impress me."
Jackson: "Awesome."
Taciana looks away and as her cheeks turn red. Then pair start eating their meals and finish up after several minutes.
Jackson: "That was good." (Belch!)
Taciana: "Hehehe! Excuse you." (Burp!)
Jackson: "Pardon you as well, Tacci. Haha! Heh!"
Taciana: "I'm guessing yours tasted amazing."
Jackson: "It was robust. That's for sure. How was the Zucchini Linguine?"
Taciana: "It was very tasty. Kinda like the zucchini bread I make. Only slightly healthier."
Jackson: "I gotta admit. This has been great, Tacci."
Taciana: "I think so too, Jackson."
Sadie: "Here ya go folks! Did you enjoy?"
Jackson: "It was great."
Taciana: "Amazing, Ma'am."
Sadie: "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll just leave this here with you until y'all are ready."
Jackson: "Thank you."
Jackson and Taciana split the check and head over to Lakeside Cinemas. They pay for tickets and watch an action flick before returning to their neighborhood. Jackson drops Taciana off at her house and walks her to the door.
Taciana: "Thanks for a wonderful night, Jackson. Mmwah."
She sweetly pecks his right cheek.
Taciana: "Call me when you can, Jacky. Here's my mobile number."
Taciana writes her number on a sticky note and gives to him.
Jackson: "Yeah, I will definitely call you. You have a goodnight, Tacci."
Taciana: "Heheh. Goodnight, Jackson. See ya at school tomorrow."
Jackson: "See ya then."
He drives back to his home, turns on some soul music and dances around the living room.
Jackson: "Hahaha! Yeah! She likes me! Slam and dunk! Hahaha! Whoo! Ahh, I guess I better get to bed. It's already 11:50pm."
Jackson then tucks himself in and drifts to sleep.
......Character Intros......
Jackson: "Welcome back everyone!"
Taciana: "Heeey!"
Jackson: "We're back and raising these kids will get a lot harder."
Taciana: "No doubts here. They are all a pawful. Say Hi, to the crowd kids!"
Sherman: "Sup! People! Whoo! It's great to be back!"
Jackson Junior: "Hi. Hey everyone!"
Zaino: "Ready now!"
Aziza: "Yeah, it's time for the story!"
Mallory: "Sheesh! I thought you two were going to be patient."
Zaino: "You were wrong, big sis. Hmmph!"
Taciana: "Okay, that's enough."
Sherman: "Yeah, we are being watched by a big crowd here."
Aubrey: "Ahem, and don't forget me! Hey all, I'm Sherman's girlfriend, Aubrey."
Sherman: "Aubs, this was supposed to be for family members only."
Aubrey: "Sorry Shermie, I figured the audience would want to see someone who is close with your family."
Sherman: "Fine you can stay, Aubs. Now, shh... show is about to start."
Taciana: "Thank you, Sherman. Now are we ready, hun?"
Jackson: "I believe so."
Taciana: "Okay and Lights..."
Jackson: "Camera!"
Taciana: "Action!"Author's Note: "Welcome to next stage of the saga! Chapter one is on the way!"

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...