Felicia joins her parents at the kitchen table and leads in the prayer.
Felicia: "I pray for only new miracles to appear this year for me and family. Amen."
Chanelle: "Very good, Felicia. It's going to be your father's turn next time."
Rebus: "I told you that I'm not the praying type and you can't make me do anything."
Chanelle: "Rebus..."
She uses her eyeballs to point at their daughter. Right, Rebus?"
She sternly looks at him to start blessing the food.
Rebus: (sighs) "Fine... great light spirits of the Great Beyond we thank you for the food that we are about to consume and that my daughter finally returned home. Amen..."
Chanelle: "Amen."
Felicia: "Amen."
As her parents start eating, she pulls her holo-phone out of her pocket and starts to text Jackson Junior individually.
......Text chain......
Felicia: "I need to tell you something in private. Something I should have told you before."
Jackson Junior: "Okay... what is it?"
Felicia: "I want to tell you face to face, tomorrow. And I need you to say yes. That's all you need to know."
Jackson Junior: "Sure..."
Felicia: "Thanks. See you tomorrow on the bus!"
She sends flushed face emoji.
.....Text chain ends......
Chanelle: "Young lady, you know the rules. No texting or phone calls at the dinner table."
Felicia: "Yes, Momma. I'm sorry. I was just thinking about what kind of spirit powers I could get. Besides... I am eighteen. So..."
Rebus: "So, what? I already told you that you're not going to join that vigilante group! And that is final!"
He takes a piece of steak from his plate and chews sternly.
Felicia: "Daddy, why can't you be supportive of me for once?"
Rebus: "Don't tell me about support! Me and your mother support you and your well being to keep you safe from things out there."
Felicia: "Is that what you tell the Shadow Dhole and the Crisis Brood?"
Rebus: "Felicia, operative work in the Task Force is as tough enough as it is brutal! But the system actually works. And this 'hero work' that the Shadow Dhole and that Crisis Brood crew you've been with, are rare cases. You can't even compare to them, because you're like them. You don't have any powers."
Felicia: "Ahh... but if I did, then you would let me."
Rebus: "If you had spirit powers then you wouldn't be back in this house."
Felicia: "What?"
Rebus: "You heard me. Now finish your dinner."
Felicia: "Hmmf! Didn't think jealousy would be your excuse to not cooperate with them, Dad. I will go with them and attain powers. They are heroes, not vigilantes!"
Rebus: "Silence! Do not raise your voice to me, child! You are my daughter, and you will respect and obey my wishes!"
Felicia: (cries) "Why do have to be such a..."
Rebus: "Don't even think of finishing that sentence, Felicia! You're not going out this late or anywhere near the Crisis Brood or the Shadow Dhole and that is final!"
Felicia spits on her plate and swiftly runs back to her bedroom and grabs her backpack bag. An upset expression glazes upon her face. Then walks back downstairs and goes straight to the front door.
Rebus: "Felicia! Where do you think you're going young lady?"
Felicia: "I'm going to JJ's house! And I'm going to join the Crisis Brood!"
Chanelle: "Felicia, wait! You're can't go out this late!"
Felicia: "Watch me, Mother!"
Chanelle: "Felicia!"
Felicia tosses her backpack in the car and drives off towards the Tontione residence.
Rebus: "You'll never be allowed unless you get permission from me! Do you hear me?! I will drag your tail back home!"
Chanelle: "I can't believe you just did that to our only daughter."
Rebus: "Chanelle! This child needs discipline! She might be eighteen, but she's gonna go off on me in the house that I mostly paid for!"
Chanelle: "Baby, I agree that she was out of line. But so were you! Please, try and be gentle with her when you reconcile with one another."
Rebus: "I'm going to drag her back if I have to!"
Chanelle: "No! Just... be patient. She'll come back."
.....At the Tontione household......
Everyone is settling into their beds. Well, all except for the head of the household, Jackson Tontione. As he continues his own solo crusade against the Feral-60 Threshers, Crimson Raiders, and then bringing down and exposing the corrupt Senator in Arkson City Hall.
Jackson: (sighs) "I've been researching all night and so far nothing else on this corrupt senator... ahaha... Susan Covelle? Sherman told me about her being involved with both crime organizations and finances their protection ops. With this data file and folder of incriminating evidence; Susan Covelle's days on Arkson City's council shall be numbered. Disbanded... if anything else.
Hmm... according to this file, it says that she not only calls the missions for both gangs but she also funds their missions and attacks. Firearms, explosives, riot shields, and launchers?"
In Jackson's Mind: "Best to make of copy of all the data and information. Hah! My old 200gb flash drive!"
......Twenty-five minutes later......
Jackson: "Perfect! Got the original with the file and the copy of the data on my good old flash drive."
Jackson: "I'll just leave it at AC's governor's desk and he'll fire the Senator Covelle for good. I usually don't tell myself this, but; great job me."
The doorbell starts ringing loudly upstairs, making him wonder who could be up this late.
Jackson: "Who in the world would be coming by at this hour?"
He opens the mansion's front doors and sees Felicia's teary expression on her face.
Jackson: "Good afternoon?"
Felicia: (sniffles) "Good after...noon Mr. Tontione..."
Jackson: "Can I help you?"
Felicia: (sniffles) "I'm sorry. Can I stay here for the night, please? My parents and I fought and I can't go home..."
Jackson: "Uhm..."
Fcelicia: "I know it's late, sir. But... please..."
Jackson thinks for a moment.
Taciana: "Jackson?! Who's at the door?"
Jackson: "It's the Rebus' daughter, Felicia."
Felicia: "He's kind of the reason why I'm here."
Jackson: "Don't tell me you ran away from home."
Felicia: "No! I just can't be around my parents right now."
Taciana: "What's wrong, dear?"
Felicia: "I had a huge fight with my father about joining your son's team."
Jackson: "That's great and all, but we're not a bed and breakfast, okay... so..."
Taciana: "Jackson... Where's your compassion?"
Jackson: "We have more than enough mouths to feed, already Taciana."
Taciana: "How about you remember what this family stands for the most."
Jackson: "Helping the innocent and downtrodden."
Taciana: "She's only staying for as long as she needs to. And we'll talk to her parents tomorrow."
Jackson: "I have a mission planned for tomorrow night, babe. I need to stop the Feral-60 Threshers and the Crimson Raiders! I got solid evidence that can bring down a corrupt senator for funding crime organizations."
Taciana: "You go on the mission with your backup from the children."
Jackson: "I've been rescuing furries and wild ones in different countries and regions all across Earth. I even had the help of their native heroes who by the way also have powers! I'm a solo act when it comes to hero work, babe."
Taciana: "Well, if you're not letting our sons and daughters with you on missions, then you can have the couch for the next five months."
Jackson: "Tacci, come on."
Taciana taps her foot impatiently.
Jackson: "Fine, I'll take backup with me tomorrow, but only our kids are coming. Their friends can't come, though."
Taciana: "Jackson... you're taking their whole team. End of discusssion."
Jackson: (sighs)
Taciana: "I'm sorry about that Felicia. Me and Mr. Tontione still have our differences when it comes to safety."
Jackson: "I heard that!"
Taciana: "I wasn't trying to hide it, dear! Come on in."
Felicia: "Thank you, ma'am."
Felicia walks in and takes her bag to the guest room upstairs.
Taciana: "Here's some extra blankets, just in case."
Felicia: "Thank you, Mrs. Tontione? Uhm... question, would it be okay if I talk to JJ, in the morning?"
Taciana: "Of course that's okay, sweetheart? What's the problem?"
Jackson Junior: "I like Jackson Junior a lot. I know it sounds wrong to make a move on him, but I just can't help it. I don't even know what to say to him or if he'll even say yes to one date."
Taciana: "You know, I think he kinda likes you too."
Felicia: "Did he say anything? Is he breaking up with that Ruth Sommers?"
Taciana: "No, not in so many words. But, he gave me a few hints. He gets defensive when I ask about how the mission went. Plus, he keeps an old photo of you and him hanging out beneath his pillow."
Felicia: (blushes) "He does?!"
Taciana: "Here. You two look very adorable in this one.
Felicia: "It's the first selfie I took of him and me together. We beat the others in a race back in the seventh grade."
She looks up fondly and remembers.
......Flashback to begins......
Two years ago, the annual Apple Tree Middle School track race is underway with the two seventh graders Jackson Junior Tontione and Felicia Talvenger in second place.
Younger Felicia: "Come JJ! We're almost there!"
Younger Jackson Junior: (pants) "What are you talking about? We're... gaining on the... lead runners."
Younger Felicia: "We're gonna make it!"
Younger Jackson Junior: "I got an idea!"
Younger Felicia: "What?!"
Younger Jackson Junior: "Grab, hold, and jump!"
Younger Felicia: "What! I'm not the best jumper!"
Younger Jackson Junior: "Just trust me!"
They join paws and run as fast as they can and outrun the lead runners. Jackson Junior and Felicia jump over the finish line together. The crowd of students on the bleachers cheers for them.
Younger Jackson Junior: "Our trophy."
Younger Felicia: "You can have it."
Younger Jackson Junior: "No, no. We're sharing it."
Younger Felicia: "Hey I have idea. Let's take a selfie together! That way we'll both have the trophy to remember."
Younger Jackson Junior: "I'll take the picture with me and you have the actual trophy. I insist."
Younger Felicia: "Okay. But first. Smile!"
She holds out her smartphone and snaps a selfie of them both.
Younger Felicia: "The picture came out great! You have a real good smile."
Younger Jackson Junior: "We are track champions! First place baby!"
He grabs her left in his right one and shouts out over excitedly. Felicia slightly laughs at the way Jackson Junior cheers.
Jackson: (howls)
Felicia: (howls)
They both howl and laugh as the crowd kept cheering for them.
......Flashback ends.......
Felicia: (sighs) "Yeah, that was a fun day. And not because of the trophy, but because he made it fun."
Taciana: "Exactly. I knew you two would be the better match."
Felicia: "I'll go talk to him now. Thanks Mrs. Tontione."
Taciana: "My work here is done."
She tidies up the rest of the guest room and goes back to the master bedroom.
Jackson: "Good to see that you've come to join me."
Taciana: "Joining you is one of the many pleasures I take out of life, hun."
Jackson: "How about some... ya know."
Taciana: "Jacky, you know we both have work early tomorrow."
Jackson: "I know, but after going to that opera thing. I at least deserve an award."
Taciana: "Hmmf, I'm surprised you want to give me attention. Considering the fact that you were ogling down at Bellamy during most of the play."
Jackson: "Nah, I wasn't looking at her. I was seeing different lights shining and they happen to be in her direction."
Taciana: "Jacky..."
Jackson: "Okay, maybe I was... but it only means that I think Bellamy's highly attractive."
Taciana: (gasps) "So I'm not beautiful enough for you anymore?"
Jackson: "No, that's not what I mean."
Taciana: "Well, what do you mean?"
Jackson: "You're my wife. And nothing is ever to change the fact that I am honored to share the rest of my life with you. But sometimes... another furry woman's face draws my attention... but for only a few minutes! You're still my one and only."
Taciana: "I wish you stared at me more that way."
Jackson: "Oh come on, Taciana. Really? Are you telling me that you don't stare at any of the coworkers in your office?"
Taciana: "Sometimes. But I retreat out of guilt because I love only you and our family. And I would never ogle at anyone like the way you did. And as your mate and wife; it is disrespectful to do so at other furry women in my presence."
Jackson: "Okay. Fine. I'm sorry for being too popular and for staring."
Taciana: "It's because of the deep love that I have for you that I stay faithful to you. If we broken away from each other in any way; it would just tear me apart and leave me heartbroken. So please... don't ever do that again."
Jackson: "Alright, Tacci. Cut the minor waterworks. No one can ever replace you, Gorgeous."
Jackson pecks her cheek and lips to calm her down. Taciana smiles and plants a kiss on Jackson's lips in return. They both snuggle close as slumber overtakes their eyes.
......Meanwhile in Jackson Junior's room......
Felicia: "Anyways, JJ. That's why I never told you at first."
Jackson Junior: "Because of some pure breed propaganda? Cross-breeds were not meant to be together?"
Felicia: "Well, your coyote girlfriend apparently believes that."
Jackson Junior: "Ruth isn't apart of the Pure Breed Alliance."
Felicia: "I may have looked into her locker."
Jackson Junior: "Ruth fights against that kind of stuff. She told me herself long ago before we started dating."
Felicia: "Jackson Tontione Junior, I love you."
Jackson Junior: "You're saying that you fell for me after the big race?"
Felicia: "Yes. I did. I'm still attracted to you now. We howled in victory together. I thought we had a spark there. But I guess I was the only one feeling it."
Jackson Junior: "Felicia, I did feel a spark. The spark of our strong friendship."
Felicia: "Well, since I am part wolf, howling in unison with someone you like means there's something more. The fennec fox part of me just feels safe with you."
Jackson Junior: "I'm part dhole and part rabbit. The dhole part of me is saying that you're good friend. But my rabbit side is telling me that maybe... I made a mistake by not picking you or something."
Felicia: "JJ, do you secretly like me?"
Jackson Junior: "What?! Who told you that?"
Felicia: "I figured it out recently. Here."
She shows him the old photo.
Jackson Junior: "You never got rid of it."
Felicia: "How could I? It's me and you together and ever since you got your powers and all. You've been looking much more handsome very strong lately."
She smiles at him while spilling her heart out to him.
Felicia: "There are even nights where I can't even imagine a day without you, JJ. You've even held my paws on many occasions when I struggle in school. If you accept my love then I'll be happy, but if you reject me... then I'll..."
Jackson Junior silences her sentence with a quick kiss.
Jackson Junior: "Thank you. I know I can be bad at being subtle. And... I love you too, Felicia."
Felicia smiles even wider and kisses JJ even deeper. The two teens stand close to a lamp stand.
......Three minutes later......
They separate and smile at each other.
Felicia: "Alright. I guess we are doing this. You do realize that we're going to have one weird chat with Ruth, right?"
Jackson Junior: "Yup."
Felicia: "Yeah. I might get us face-slapped but it would be better than keeping this secret from her."
Jackson Junior: "I'll tell her. But I'll take her somewhere to let her know the news nice and easy."
Felicia: "Okay."
She excitedly smiles and passionately kisses Jackson Junior's lips.
Felicia: "Goodnight. I'll visit your room in the morning, Hero-JJ."
Jackson Junior: "Goodnight."
In Jackson Junior's Mind: "Oh, what have I done? How am I going to tell Ruth."
Felicia returns to the guest room for some much needed rest.Author's Note: "Such interesting new developments... what choices will Jackson and JJ make considering their situations? Find out in the next chapter."

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...