The next morning in Alicia Porter, looks at her group chat, but then backs out and sends a text to Jackson Junior about meeting up for a cup of coffee later.
Jackson Junior: "Wha...? Oh, it's just Alicia."
He picks up his holo-phone.
......Text message conversation......
Alicia: "JJ? Can we talk?"
Jackson Junior: "Sure."
Alicia: "Have you noticed the group chat?"
Jackson Junior: "Yeah, I noticed. It even says shows a message saying, 'I cannot take this waiting, I may just take these all of these sleeping pills and end it all.' Geez... did she...?"
Alicia: "No. I called Ruth and she stopped Victoria from taking the pills."
Jackson Junior: "Well, that's a relief."
Alicia: "Yeah, but she also called saying she'll do some scary and disturbing things to get what she wants."
Jackson Junior: "Like what?"
Alicia: "She said that she was going to embrace darkness. It was freaky. She even said that would eliminate Aubrey soon."
Jackson Junior: "What? That's completely insane, Alicia. She's never done something like this before."
Alicia: "I heard her say it JJ."
Jackson Junior: "Geez, does anyone else know?"
Alicia: "No, only you, me, and Ruth."
Jackson Junior: "Okay, look. We'll have to help Sherman protect Aubrey from Victoria. If Victoria tries anything, we'll all be there to talk her down."
Alicia: "Alright. I'll see ya on the bus."
Jackson Junior: "See ya in two hours, Alicia."
......Text message conversation ends......
Sherman's holo-phone alarm goes off and causing him reach for it.
Sherman: "Ugh... gotta hit the snooze..."
He stops his phone alarm and rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
In Sherman's Mind: "My girlfriend is still asleep. Time to wake her up. Maybe if I soothe her soft belly..."
Sherman's right paw reaches Aubrey's stomach and starts rubbing her in a circular motion.
Aubrey: (moans) "Sherm-Sherm..."
Sherman keeps going until she starts waking up.
Aubrey: "Baby... what are you doing?"
Sherman: "Making milady feel more comfortable and to see those precious eyes."
Aubrey: "Oooh... hehehehe! Sweetie..."
They exchange a loving smooch.
Aubrey: "Shermie?"
Sherman: "Yeah, Precious."
Aubrey: (giggles) "I like that new nickname."
Sherman: "Makes sense. I mean you are very important to me."
Aubrey: "Hehehe! Shermie...! Hehehehehe!"
Sherman: "You know it's true, baby."
She nuzzles her boyfriend in a caring way.
Aubrey: "My love... we need to talk about us and our future."
Sherman: "Babe, we already love each other deeply. What's the issue?"
Aubrey: "Yes, I love you too. But... I... Uhm..."
Sherman: "It's alright, go on. Lay it on me."
Aubrey smiles at him confidently and takes a deep breath before responding.
Aubrey: "I want us to be completely official."
Sherman: "What... you mean like as full-time heroes?"
Aubrey: "No... I mean... I want you to be my mate for life."
Sherman: "Oh... hehehe, whoa!"
He sits up and falls out of the bed, causing Aubrey to gasp softly.
Aubrey: "Are you okay?"
Sherman: "Yeah... but Aubs, let's think about this before we jump into it. We can't do it now. I mean we're still in high school. This our senior year! Let's just enjoy it. Okay?"
Aubrey: "Well... alright. But will you consider the idea for when we go to college?"
Sherman: "Perhaps, my arctic beauty. Perhaps."
Aubrey: "Hehe! Sherman, you're so funny! Mwah!"
Sherman: "Mwah!"
The pair watch the morning news, brush their teeth, groom themselves, and start packing their clothes before clearing out the room of personal belongings.
Sherman: "Are we all set? Room clear?"
Aubrey: "Yes, baby. The room is clear. Now come on, we gotta get to school on time."
They carry their book bags to Sherman's car and drive to Eastside Secondary School.
......Meanwhile at the Sommers household......
Victoria: "Today is the day I will get my greatest desire. The one I love most."
She begins chanting out several words to summon a demon from the book.
Victoria: "Kaatu... Aviro... Sovukdan... Loamunis... Raminae... Desirus... Mischievous... Opundaros! Come on! Come on!"
After waiting for a moment, Victoria tosses the book against the wall and conveys a look of defeat.
Victoria: "Stupid book of the Dark Arts Emporium! Maybe it is hopeless... I'll never get my Sherman."
She sobs for a moment.
Eerie Voice: "Don't be too sure, young coyote. I can give you exactly what you want."
Victoria: "Who are you?"
Eerie Voice: "Call me... Desirée the demon of mischief and personal desire. I... am here to make your greatest desire... come true."
Victoria: "Okay then, Desirée, I desire the love and affection from Sherman Tontione. A handsome wolf furry with a strong and powerful connection to Light Spirits."
Deseirée: "Grrr... those light spirits... all their rules of balance, harmony, and etcetera. Such a bore. Mischief and Desire is where it's at. I say let's get started at your school... is it?"
Victoria: "That's what I had in mind, because the furry who I want out the way is my supposed friend, Aubrey Olvera. Take her out with any form of mischief and you can remain here in this world. Deal?"
Desirée: "Best deal I've had in a long time. Hahaha!"
Victoria laughs along with her.
Ruth: "Victoria? V! The bus is here! We gotta go now!"
Victoria: "In a minute! You stay close and hidden."
Desirée: "Yes... Master Victoria."
She vanishes as Ruth enters her room.
Ruth: "What was going on here? Who were you talking too?"
Victoria: "I was talking to myself. I make some really points, Ruth! So, stop asking questions."
Ruth: "Okay, okay. I'm sorry I asked. I'm just worried about you. So is Mom."
Victoria: "I'm fine, Ruth. Why does anyone even bother being near me? I just want to be loved by the one I love. But even I can't have that because you and the others are holding me back. Why is it so wrong for me to want Sherman and get Aubrey out of the way? Is that too much to ask?!"
Ruth: "Victoria... your family loves you."
Victoria: "It's not enough. Family love isn't enough. I want some romance."
Ruth: "Look, if you want romance, then find someone new. There are plenty of boys to choose from at school. Trust me, you need to let go of this jealousy of yours and let Sherman and Aubrey be. They're happy together and as their friend you should be supportive of them. Not breaking them apart."
Victoria: "You continue to underestimate me sister."
Ruth: "Victoria, if you don't stop this 'mission' of yours, you'll wind up alone with no one."
Victoria: "Whatever. I'm coming."
She packs her book bag and follows her sister to the electric school bus. Victoria goes to the back seat with a mad expression on her face.
Ruth: "Victoria, you can sit next to me and JJ. I mean we're here to keep you company and Alicia is helping too."
Victoria: "Ugh! Nothing matters unless I have Sherman."
Ruth: (sighs) "Fine, just go ahead and try to get him at school. It'll only end the exact same way. With you being grumpy and jealous."
Victoria: "We shall see."
She looks away from them and pouts; rolling her eyes. Shortly after, the bus drops all the students at their school entrances. Then Victoria notices Sherman and Aubrey talking in front of their shared locker.
In Victoria's Mind: "Yeah, just keep enjoying my Sherman, Aubrey. Because today is the day you will fall."
Desirée: "So... that's your longtime crush? Wow! I can see why you want him. Meow, meow... meeeoow..."
In Victoria's Mind: "You can speak to me in my head?"
Desirée: "Of course I can. I'm the demon of the mischief and desire. Anything can happen as long as you make the desire, dear."
In Victoria's Mind: "Okay, then... my first desire is for Aubrey Olvera to twist and break her right foot."
Suddenly a loud scream is heard from Aubrey.
Aubrey: "Aaah! Ouch, ouch, ouch... my foot! I think it's broken."
Sherman: "That's strange... but it's okay I gotcha."
Sherman places his paws over her right foot and he starts rubbing in a circular motion before using his spirit power to heal her wound.
Aubrey: "Oh my gaah! Phew! Thanks, Shermie."
Sherman: "Anything for you, Aubs."
The pair hold paws and walk to class.
Victoria: "Whoa" now that's interesting..."
Ruth: "What's so interesting about Aubrey being hurt like that?"
Victoria: "Oooh, nothing... it's just... uhm... surprising. Hehe! Going to class now."
Ruth looks at her sister with suspicion.
Ruth: "Yeah, right."
Triskah: "Hi guys!"
Jackson Junior: "Hey, Triskah."
Ruth: "Hey..."
Triskah: "What's with the worried looks? It's a bright new day! And in September no less."
Ruth: "I'm just worried about my sister. What if she takes this grudge Aubrey too far? I don't... want her to get into trouble."
Triskah: "She's still gone nuts over Sherman? Hehe!"
Jackson Junior: "Not helping, Triskah."
Triskah: "Sorry. And I know how it must be. Nawabeé and Wallace fought over me until choose which one was the most sophisticated."
Jackson Junior: "Classic battle thing. Who won?"
Triskah: "Wallace did. My handsome king cheetah won my heart. Oh, look that's him now. Hehehe!"
Her holo-phone rings and answers it as she follows Jackson Junior, Ruth, and Alicia into the school building for class. Later in the halls after class, Victoria is approached by Sherman Tontione.
Victoria: "Hi, Sherman. What's up?"
Sherman: "I talked to Aubrey and asked her if she ever received broken foot injury.
Victoria: "Oh geez. I hope... she's okay."
Sherman: "Yeah, but what got me thinking is how could a foot snap in half like that. And with unusual precision..."
Victoria: "Not sure. I wish I could help you more."
Sherman: "Then I spoke with the Vitaea in a short prayer and they told me some very upsetting things."
Victoria: "Like what... exactly?"
She pretends to sound surprised.
Sherman: "She also claims and that it felt like some kind of dark presence was intentionally hurting her."
Victoria: "Sherman, I don't know what you are talking about."
Sherman: "Did you notice anything unusual, today? You know... any dark spirits or any signs of pranks from other furries?"
Victoria: "Nope."
Sherman: "Okay then, just let me know. Aubrey is on edge, and I don't want to see her hurt again."
Victoria: "Will do, Detective."
Sherman: "Heh, I might actually use that. Detective Tontione. Got a real flair to it."
He's about to walk off, but then Victoria uses Desirée's power to pull Sherman back to her with the wave of her left paw.
In Victoria's Mind: "Now that hunky wolf will finally be mine!"
Sherman: "What the...? By the spirits above..."
Victoria mischievously laughs and hypnotizes Sherman, causing eyes to go stiff. Then she uses her powers on Alicia with Desirée's powers.
Victoria: "Wow... we can hypnotize anyone."
Desirée: "Yes, and they won't remember seeing me once the spell wears off."
Victoria: "I command you both to follow me to the track field."
Sherman and Alicia follow Victoria to the outdoor stadium.
Victoria: "Alicia... you go and run-in circles across the field. Sherman, give me a compliment and tell me that I am yours and so much better than Aubrey."
Sherman: "Yes... you are mine and... Aubrey is not."
Desirée: "They are like putty in your paws, Victoria. Go ahead..."
Victoria holds the hypnotized Sherman and kisses him very deeply and separates from him a moment later.
Victoria: "Oh gosh... I've waited too long for that."
Desirée: "See how great life can be when you get what you want?"
Victoria: "Absolutely."
Desirée: "I'll be back young one. I have some more mischievous things to do. Heheh. Just say these words to lift the hypnosis. Adunin! Denur! Release!"
Victoria: "Okay, see ya Desirée."
In Desirée's Head: "Enjoy it while it lasts, Victoria. Because once I'm in control of every furry around. They only things they'll want are desire and mischief! Hehehehe!"
She flies off to spread and impose her power upon other students.
Victoria: "Sherman... Adunin... Denur... Release..."
Sherman groans slightly and shakes his head. Sherman: "Oh what? What? What happened? How did I get out here?"
Victoria: "You admitted to me that you wanted me instead of Aubrey and then I made a move on you."
Sherman: "Victoria, I have told you time and time again. That we will never ever be anything more than friends. I chose Aubrey, and that's it."
Victoria then uses some of her dark power to try and stop Sherman as he walks away.
Sherman: "What are you doing?"
Victoria: "I'm going to make you mine. One way or another, Sherman Tontione."
Sherman: "You've embraced the power of mischief... just to get what you want."
Victoria: "You are so smart, but in exchange Desirée will spread that feeling to everyone in the school."
Sherman: "That is not... going... to... happen! Yaaah! Energy Grappler!"
Victoria: "You won't hurt me... I know you won't."
Sherman: "You're right. I don't. But I will turn you in to the authorities."
Victoria: "For what?"
Sherman: "Summoning and aiding one of the many demons from the Dimension of the Damned."
Victoria: "It was only a small one. Desirée doesn't want to take over and destroy everything. She likes to mess with folks, that's all. Not a big deal... Lover."
Sherman: "You need to stop this and imprison that demon back into the book before she decides to grow in power for herself."
Victoria: "Not true. Desirée and I are a team. All we want to do is play pranks."
Sherman: "Please... as your friend. I beg you to stop. Or I will call Commissioner Talvenger."
Victoria: "No. I told her to find Aubrey and end her."
Sherman: "What has happened to you?"
Victoria: "I'm doing what I must. To get what I desire. And right now, I want... you. Be faithful to me and love me as much as I love you and... Mmwah... me and Desirée will spare Aubrey and this school of the torment."
Sherman looks at one of his oldest friends with uncertainty for the very first time and does something he never thought he'd do.
Sherman: "Body... Freeze... "
He taps Victoria's forehead with his paralyzing touch ability.
Sherman: (sighs) "Victoria Sommers... I am sorry. You brought this upon yourself."Author's Note: "Ready yourselves for a new chapter. Things may get tricky for the brood."

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...