Much has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...
(Kaltezo Bogenov is one of Feral Slashers, the dominant member. Coywolf obsessed with obtaining and harnessing the power of the fire medallion to raid the region's resources and control the smaller gangs. As well as rob the entire country's banks.)
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(A flying fox/grey fox hybrid woman named Winova Carlotti runs through town sharing her partners passion of gaining ultimate power and robbing the largest banks across the country. Also enjoys stabbing her victims.)
On the southeast edge of Coastal City, the Feral Slashers, Kaltezo Bogenov and Winova Carlotti are making plans within their hideout. Winova: "So what's the next stage of the plan Kalti? We've been laying low since nabbing that trinket and killing some of the Thresher punks. Mmm, very gratifying." Kaltezo: "The trinket we nabbed is the Medallion of Lava. One of the tools we'll need to break into both Reginald Warren's private museum and the Bolt Alliance Bank. Hence, the reason why we need the 'Crown of Pressure' for a distraction at the bank in case that Shadow Dhole shows up." Winova: "But Kalti, I thought we were going to rob the Bolt Alliance Bank. Do something big with the money and create our own crime family." Kaltezo: "That's still the part of plan baby. But only the first part of the plan. Alls we gotta do is find a way inside Reginald's antiquities vault and grab the crown without setting off the alarm." Winova: "Oh and then we steal the millions in the Bolt Alliance Bank later on?" Kaltezo: "Precisely. We'll scope it out right after we have crown." Winova: "You're so witty." Kaltezo: "That's why I make the plans, Winnie." Winova: "Hehe, I love it when you call me that, you criminal genius." Kaltezo and Winova deeply kiss for a few minutes and separate. Kaltezo: "We'll do a lot more than that once we're rich." Winova: (chuckles) "So when do we strike the mansion, darling?" Kaltezo: "We'll strike his private museum in three days." Winova: "Why not tonight?" Kaltezo: "We need need to lay low after tomorrow's heist.m until the heat dies down. Besides, the crown has super high-tech security measures surrounding it. Which is why we need a nano-cypher which will introduce tiny nano bots into the security system. Thus, giving us enough time to grab the crown and sneak out the same way came." Winova: "Oooh. Clever. I love the way your mind works." Kaltezo: "I know... I'm astounding." They both laugh mischievously and get some sleep-in preparation for the tech heist tomorrow. As the crack of dawn arrives, Kaltezo awakens before his partner does. He catches a whiff of a patrolling task force vehicle. Kaltezo: (sighs) "Dang it, a patrol vehicle. Babe? Babe... wake up." Winova: (mumbles) "Kalti... it's so early. We'll pull off the heist soon okay. Just stay with me for now..." Kaltezo: "Winova, we need to get up now. It's the fuzz." Winova: "What? Where?" Kaltezo: "They just stopped. Crap we can't risk them finding us." Winova: "Oooh, does that mean we can slice and dice them, eh? Hahaha!" Kaltezo: "Shush. Oh scrud, they are heading in our direction. Get ready." Winova grabs her throwing knives, while Kaltezo sharpens his claws and cocks his TAC-97 pistol. Kaltezo: "Hide over by that bush, and we'll use one of those stones to distract them. Then we'll take them out." Winova and Kaltezo throw their stones far enough to get the operatives to look the other way and investigate the source of the sound. Operative Ted Lowery: "Did you hear that?" Operative Angelo Duclaw: "Yeah, yeah, I heard it. Watch my back." Ted: "Copy." The two agents raise their weapons and follow each other to the source of the noise. Winova snarls silently and flies up above the two; landing on a bulky tree branch, while Kaltezo sneaks closer to them in the thick underbrush. He then activates his modified com unit and tells Winova to strike. Kaltezo: "Ready your blades, Winnie." Winova smirks and unsheathes four talon blades from up her sleeves. Winova: "Now?" (whispers) Kaltezo: "Yes. Now." Winova takes flight and throws her four blades at Ted causing him drop to the ground. Angelo: "Ahh, crap! Ted!" He starts to aim at Kaltezo. Kaltezo: "Get them Winova!" Winova laughs wildly as she descends from the canopy and retrieves her blades from Ted's mortally wounded body. Winova: "I already gutted one of them, I'd like to gut another. Hahaha!" Kaltezo: "Winova, this one is mine. We share the kills, remember." Winova: "Oh... right. Sorry... I just can't help it. These agents are one of my favorite types to kill." Kaltezo: (sighs) "Put your paws up and close your eyes." Angelo: "Fugitive scum!" He fires two shots his weapon at Kaltezo first, Kaltezo flips in the air and shoots Angelo in the back of the head. The operative's body to thuds to the hard ground. Ted: "This is... Agent... Lowery... I... Aaah..." Kaltezo and Winova stand over Ted's body as he slowly dies. Winova: "Wooh! Now that was a workout! Got to stretch out my wings for a bit." Kaltezo: "Heheh, yeah. Killing really builds up an appetite for far much more." Winova: "What do we do with the dead weight?" Kaltezo: "Let's take their weapons. They might have extra ammo in their vehicle too." Winova: "Haha. Babe, could we commit some old-fashioned kidnappings?" Kaltezo: "Winova, you've already taken out one task force official." Winova: "We killed the two agents together, darling." Kaltezo: "Touché. So where do you want to strike after our heists, today?" Winova: "Oh I have a place in mind. You just have to guess... sweetheart." She places her paw on Kaltezo's arm. Kaltezo: "You're going to tell me eventually. So let me in on this new scheme of yours." Winova: "All I can say is that it will involve a school kidnapping." Kaltezo: "Which school would that be?" Winova: "Not sure. We'll just pick one and see how it goes. We might even get a ransom out of it." Kaltezo: "Okay, we'll go case one of those joints after our other heists. You know... of high importance." Winova: "Heheh, trust me baby. We'll be long gone before those do-gooders even notice!" They laugh maniacally. Winvoa: "Ahh, nothing like a good laugh. Anyways... let's check the bodies for any extra weapons they might be hiding." Kaltezo: "Hmm?" Winova: "Ooh, you have that, 'I got an idea' look in your eye. What are you thinking, love?" Kaltezo: "I'm thinking that these two might be useful for another heist that I have in mind." Winova: "What is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Kaltezo: "All in good time, Winova. All... in good time. Heheh. But let's focus on the tech heist for tomorrow first." Winova: (sighs) "Right. One step at a time." Kaltezo: "Exactly." They both strip the clothes from the dead operatives and scavenge extra guns from their patrol van. Kaltezo: "Alright, I'll torch the Humvee and the bodies and we can set up shop a few miles away from the tech lab." Winova: "Okay." Kaltezo uses the Medallion of Lava to conjure a surge of molten rock on the patrol vehicle and the two operatives. Winova: "Hahah! Burning evidence. One of my other favorite things watching you do." Kaltezo: (chortles) "All that raw power in such a tiny vessel." Winova: "It's so cool when you destroy everything in your path. Going crazy." Kaltezo: "I'd like to crazy with someone else right now." Winova starts teasingly licks her bottom lip as she steps backwards into the cargo part of their getaway van. Kaltezo follows her inside. Winova: "I'm glad I hooked up with you after leaving my former crew." Kaltezo: "And I am glad you joined mine." They smile and grin at each other and then fall asleep for a few hours. ......Two hours later...... Kaltezo wakes up with Winova on his chest and eats some of his remaining rations. Winova: "Mmm... hey Kalti." Kaltezo: "Hey there, Winnie. You ready for our first stage of the job." Winova: "Totally, babe. I might even steal us a big snack from the black market. Maybe even a snag a large meatball sub and some pure bison flesh." Kaltezo: "Heheh, well... killing security guards and casing a joint can work up quite an appetite." The pair nuzzle one another and get up quickly to prep their gear up for the heist. ......Two hours later...... Winova: "You have the location, babe?" Kaltezo: "Oh yeah. In fact, we're nearly there." They park at a hidden spot near the rear of the store. The two then grab their gear and open the doors of their van. Kaltezo: "Ready?" Winova: "Ready, babe." Kaltezo and Winova ready their suppressed pistols. Kaltezo: "You take the front of the lab and I'll take the backside. Once we have the nano cypher, we bounce. Understood?" Winova: "Loving the plan so far, baby. Heheh." Kaltezo: "Remember... no witnesses." Winova: "Righto." Kaltezo breaks the doorknob and silently opens it. Kaltezo: "Alright, here we go. Take out the cameras." Kaltezo and Winova enter the lab and shoot up the cameras first causing panic among the staff. They aim their guns at the technologists and lab assistants. Kaltezo: "Nobody move! All we want is the nano cypher! Tell us where it is and maybe we'll let you all live!" Winova: "If you value your own life, you best start talking lab rats!" Lead Technologist: "Okay. Okay! Do what you want with the device. No one needs to get hurt here." Kaltezo: "Wise choice. Babe, keep an eye on them, make sure no one makes a move while I hack the containment unit." Winova: (chuckles) ......Three minutes later...... Kaltezo: "I've got the nano cypher." Winova: "Alright." Kaltezo winks at Winova and they start shooting up the lab; killing all the lab employees except for one. Lead Technologist: "Why? Why? You said you wouldn't hurt anyone! I gave you what you psychos wanted!" Kaltezo shoots the pronghorn technologist in the shoulder first and bends down to his level. Kaltezo: "I know, but me and my girl here can't leave any witnesses." Kaltezo then aims his suppressed pistol at him. Lead Technologist: "Please! Wait! No!" Kaltezo shoots the technologist in the chest, leaving a pool of blood below him. Kaltezo: (growls) "Whew! Got some of his brains on my shoe!" Winova: "So hot... and bloody. Mmm... I love the way you kill." Kaltezo: "Heheh, I know you enjoy it baby. Let's torch the place and get rolling before the heat shows up!" Kaltezo puts on the Medallion of Lava and his paws light on fire. Kaltezo: "Bringing on the fire! Hahahaha!" He pounds the ground so hard, that floor splits in two. Lava begins to form, melting the ground and continues to spread throughout the building. Kaltezo: "Come on! This way!" Winova: "Right behind ya, Kaltie!" Kaltezo and Winova run out of the building with the nano-cypher. Kaltezo: "You drive, and I'll slow down our incoming company." Winova: "Coastal City's Task Force." Winova drives recklessly as Kaltezo shoots at the Task Force humvees on their tail. ......Four minutes later...... Kaltezo: "Enough of this! Arrraaagh!" He then jumps out of the back of the van and shambles the ground; causing the two vehicles to melt. Thus, covering their tire tracks with a trail of molten lava. Kaltezo: "Hahaha!" Winova stops hits the brakes on the van and yells out to her partner in crime. Winova: "Kaltie! Come on babe! Hurry!" Kaltezo jumps back into the van and locks the back doors. Kaltezo: "What's up?" Winova: "Nothing, I just don't want to leave you behind." Kaltezo: "I ain't leaving ya today. Now, onto the hideout. Time to lay low and maintain our cover." Winova: "I managed to pick up something from that lab before you torched it." Kaltezo: "What is it?" Winova: "I'll show you once we get back." ......Two hours later...... They reach their hideout and park their vehicle behind some thick trees. Kaltezo: "What a day." Winova: "Yeah." Kaltezo: "So what did you pick up from the lab?" Winova: "Not sure, but I figured it be useful." Kaltezo: "Let's see, here." He inspects the small disk-like device and finds a button on the side and vanishes. Winova: "Kaltie? Kaltezo? What happened?" Kaltezo: "It's all good, babe. It turns out you found us a cloaking mechanism of some sort." Winova: "Really? So... I did good?" Kaltezo: "Yeah, you did real good, my foxy flyer. You did good." Winova: "Since we're laying low. What do you think we should in the meantime?" Kaltezo: "First off, how about a barbecue?" Winova: "Want some more wild squirrel?" Kaltezo: "Nah, there's gotta be wild deer or something else to hunt in this wooded area." Winova: "How about some of that Black Market meat we stole two weeks ago." Kaltezo: "Yeah, alright. Let's go with that." Kaltezo starts a decent fire and a spit holder for the meat to cook. ......One hour later...... The two begin eating together as the afternoon turns to dusk. In Kaltezo Mind: "She's still checking out while eating. I wonder what Winova is thinking of. Then again, I wonder if I could maybe... nah, nah, a female grey fox-bat hybrid wanting to mate with me so fast? Nah, no need to force her. She'll let me know if she is interested later." In Winova's Mind: "Kaltezo is such a powerful coywolf. Those big muscles and a devious criminal mind. I'm so glad I left the Threshers to join this rogue Crimson Raider! My gosh... part of me wants to have him right now! Yes! I'll be whatever you want, Kaltie. Because my life must begin and end with you and only you!" After they finish eating in silence, Kaltezo notices Winova's fur and bat-like wings sweating profusely. Kaltezo: "Are you okay, Winova?" Winova: (blushes) "What? Yes? Why do you ask?" Kaltezo: "Well... you're looking a little moist." Winova: "Oh, uhm... I..." Kaltezo: "Go on." In Winova's Mind: "My gosh, he wants me to tell him what's on my head! Here goes nothing!" Winova: "I was thinking of taking our relationship a bit further!" She speaks very quickly and exhales to cool herself down. Kaltezo: "Okay, then. In what way, exactly? We're already a thing, Winnie." Winova: "We've been pulling so many jobs together and... it's... never mind. Forget it. I knew it was too early to say anything about it." Kaltezo: "No seriously. Tell me." Winova: "The physical step! I want to mate with you tonight, Kaltezo." She turns her head and blushes red from embarrassment. In Winova's Mind: "Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes!" Kaltezo's expression changes from a look of confusion to a look of surprise. In Kaltezo's Mind: "Even though I've known her for a while, she never ceases to surprise me." Winova quickly becomes so besotted with Kaltezo that she starts salivating from the scent of his natural musk. Winova: "Your natural scent is so intoxicating." She places her left paw on Kaltezo's chest and her right paw grabs his tail. Kaltezo: "Trying to be playful, huh?" Winova: (smirks) "Maybe I want to be naughty with my smooth mastermind." Kaltezo: "Challenge accepted, Winova Carlotti." He pins her to ground and his muzzle inches closer to hers. Winova: (smiles) "It's only the best with you Mr. Bogenov." They share a sloppy kiss and separate. Kaltezo: "In a few days, we're going to make our biggest score." Winova: "Oh, the thought of a life-changing heist is almost as captivating as being with you right now." The pair continue making out as the scene rises upwards.
Author's Note: "A deep bond between two criminals and a wild heist? What will happen on their next "job?"