......Scene change......
Back at the Tontione Residence, Jackson and Taciana were still chatting with Tobias, Abby, Syeuka, Tambovu, Keshin, Carina, and Bellamy for the night.
Jackson: "Thought they'd be back before twelve in the AM. It's already ten minutes past it."
Taciana: "Jackson Tontione, are you saying you don't trust our own children?"
Jackson: "No, that's what I was implying Tacci. I'm saying that it's very late and they should have been home sooner after Sherman called us."
Taciana: "Relax, Jacky. They'll be back."
Syeuka: "Yeah. Tambovu and I trust our daughters whenever they go out at night. Right hun?"
Tambovu: (crunches) "Right, right."
He was finishing a piece of the dinner spread.
Syeuka: "Tambo... really?"
Tambovu: (gulps) "What dear? It's good."
Syeuka: "You'll have to forgive Tambovu's manners."
Taciana: "Oh don't worry about it girlfriend, my Jackson forgets his manners occasionally too."
Jackson: "That's only because your food is too damn good. And if I didn't, you wouldn't be giggling."
Taciana blushes and laughs at his comment.
Jackson: "See... she loves it when I mis-behave.
Tobias: (chortles) "Abby is often the same way whenever I slip her a Tremor Monsoon. If you catch my drift."
Abby: "What was that? Darling?"
She crosses her arms after placing a glass of red wine in front of her husband.
Tobias: "Uhm... nothing. Just a little inside joke, baby."
Abby: "You know Tobias Greenwood, if you honestly think it's okay to spike my drinks, then you can make yourself comfortable on the couch once we get home."
Tobias: "Abs... come on... Abby, Abby.... it was only one of my inside jokes!"
Abby: "Really? Because it didn't sound like a joke, moments ago."
Tobias: "Abby, I swear it was only a harmless joke."
Bellamy: "So... anymore events for the night?"
Taciana: "Well not yet... uhm..."
The garage door opens with the sounds of multiple of footsteps. Sherman and his siblings walk into house along with the rest of their friends from the Crisis Brood.
Desmond: "Now that was quite the party!"
Sherman: "Desmond..."
Desmond: (whispers) "Now that was a party! Yeah!"
Sherman: (sighs)
Jackson Junior: "Chill big bro. He's always been like that."
Eliza: "Angel? Are you okay?"
Angel was in her own world for a moment.
Angel: "Huh, what?"
Eliza: "I said are you okay?"
Cecelia: "I bet she's thinking about Kuon."
Angel: "No... I'm just... I'm just sleepy."
Cecelia: "Liar."
Angel: "I'm not!"
Cecelia: "Are too!"
Angel: "I am not!"
Cecelia: "Yes you are."
Angel: "No I am not!"
Aziza: "Will you two stop it already! It's late and we're all tired. So can we calmly just cut off the conflict and go to sleep?"
Angel: "As long as I don't have to hear Cecelia mouthing about my personal affairs then, yes."
Cecelia: "I'm not the one with a crush on a former bully."
Angel: "He's not like that anymore!"
Mallory: "Hey, hey... calm down, right now Angel."
Sherman: "Sibs, cool it altogether. Theres....
Jackson: "Ahem!"
Sherman: "Hey Dad."
Jackson Junior: "Hey, Dad!"
Jackson: "Junior... inside voice..."
Jackson Junior: "Sorry."
Angel: "Hi Dad!"
Eliza: "Daddy? Can we go and meet everyone?"
Jackson: "Fine, but you better hurry before they are about to leave."
Eliza: "Hi, Auntie Abby and Uncle Tobias."
Abby: "Eliza, what a surprise! All of you get so much bigger every time we see you."
Tobias: "Yeah, watch out Jackson. They might end up trying to outsize ya."
Jackson: "Heheh, perhaps. But I have the authority though. I'm the alpha of this house."
Tobias: "Trust me, mine and Abby's two sons always run amok back at my house."
Abby: "While our daughter, Toska is an angel compared to them."
Tobias: "She'll be something else in several years."
Abby: "Toby... she's going to be a lady. She won't be our little girl forever."
Tobias: "Wrong, she'll always be my little girl. Doesn't matter where she goes or how much she grows. Same thing with Taro and Tsuneo. Our boys are going to protect their sister regardless."
Desmond: "Hey, hey! How come I haven't met them, Uncle Tobias?"
Tobias: "Would like to meet them?"
Desmond: "Yes..."
Taciana: "Desmond..."
Desmond: "I mean, yes, please?"
Tobias: "Sure, we'll let them know next weekend."
Desmond: "Yes! Yeah! Indoor home bash!"
Everyone laughs at his adorable, but loud outburst.
As the night concludes, all the families head to their homes.
Jackson: "Okay! Everyone off to bed! You've all had your fun; but it's time for shut-eye!"
Sherman: "This doesn't apply to me and Jackson Junior, right?"
Jackson: "Nice try Sherman. I mean all of you go to bed and your friends need to go back home. You all still have school tomorrow."
Jackson Junior: "But... Dad...
Jackson: "School... tomorrow. Now start marching."
Jackson Junior: "Got it. Come on guys."
Ruth: "I'll see you tomorrow, JJ."
Jackson Junior: "Yeah, love ya."
Ruth: "I love you so much too."
She nuzzles Jackson Junior.
As they wish each other goodnight. The other adults leave the house.
Aubrey: "Shermie?"
Sherman: "Yeah, babe?"
Aubrey: "I can't find the bracelet you gave me."
Sherman: "You always keep it on your wrist."
Aubrey: "I know, but I don't know where to find it. Can you help me, please?"
Sherman: "Okay, okay. I'll help ya."
Aubrey: "Thank you."
She says sweetly as they search around the Tontione garage and find it by Sherman's JX16 hotrod.
Sherman: "Found it. Must have fallen under my car."
Aubrey: "Thank so much sweetie. I would feel horrible if I had the lost one the gifts you've given me. Mwah!"
She plants a quick kiss on his cheek.
Sherman: "You're welcome."
He stops his girlfriend and spins her towards him.
Aubrey: "Heheheh! Easy big wolf. Save that energy for until after the world is safe again."
She caresses his cheek and nuzzles Sherman's muzzle.
Sherman: "We saved the world once. A little downtime in between saving others won't hurt. Mwah. Mwah."
He kisses her neck and then her lips.
Aubrey: "Mwah. Hehehe! Sherm-Sherm your parents are coming."
Sherman: "No they're not, Madame Hopper."
Aubrey: (giggles) "Heheh!"
Taciana: "Ahem!"
The couple separates after hearing Taciana's queue for bedtime.
Sherman: "Oh hey, Mom. Heheh, I was just going inside for bed."
Taciana: "Mmhmm, right. You know you heard your father the first time, young man. Inside, right now."
Sherman: "Alright."
Aubrey: "Goodnight, my sweet love."
She says while walking back to her parent's place.
Sherman: "Goodnight to you too, baby."
He watches as his girlfriend the Arctic hare as white as winter walks away from the house.
In Sherman's Mind: "Damn, I hate to see her leave. But love watching her while she's moving."
He walks back inside and goes with his siblings to bed while his mother, Taciana turns on the nightly alarm system.
Jackson: "Everything on?"
Taciana: "Yes, my Shadow Knight. The kids are in bed and it's just you and me, darling."
Jackson: "So... do you want to watch 'Crocodile PI?' Then maybe... make a little boom to the beat music?"
Taciana: "I'll take the show sweetheart. But no 'boom-boom' music tonight. Okay? Besides we have work tomorrow."
Jackson: "As you wish my Tan and Fluffy Goddess."
He rubs below her stomach in a caring way.
Taciana: (chuckles) "Nice try my 'Powerful and Muscular King.'
She pecks his lips swiftly before turning on their late night show.
......Meanwhile at the Olvera Household.....
Alujura: "Is something wrong, sis?"
Aubrey: "I don't know, Alujura. My stomach pains have coming and going for a while."
Alujura: "You have a stomach bug or picked up a virus maybe?
Aubrey: "No."
Alujura: "My gosh, are you pregnant?!"
Aubrey: "What? No!"
Alujura: "Have you and Sherman... you know... done something together?"
Aubrey: "Well... he and I mated once; but he had protection on."
Alujura: "And..."
Aubrey: "I may have told him to go wild with me that night at the hotel."
Alujura: "You do know that Mom will faint if she finds out and Dad will be mad as heck."
Aubrey: "Should I go for a DNA test or a doctor or something?"
Alujura: "No, get a pregnancy test kit and calm down your breathing."
Aubrey: "Okay. Calming... down."
Alujura: "Alright, since we're going on a mission with the team tomorrow. I'm going to help you out tonight. Wait here. I'll stop by Vita-Plus Pharmacy and purchase one.
I'll be right back, sis."
She heads down and tells her adoptive parents that she needs to pick up new vitamins.
Dasun: "Alright, but don't be put too late and no causing trouble."
Veronica: "Dasun..."
Dasun: "What she's a former street wolf, just being extra certain, Veronica."
Veronica: "Dasun, talk calmly. Now... Alujura... what are the vitamins for?"
Alujura: "Mom... Dad, I promise I won't be gone long. And the vitamins are for Aubrey.
She's been having some stomach pain."
Dasun: "We got cold medicine in the cabinet. What's going on?"
Alujura: "It's just a thing that we female animals need for controlling our periods."
Dasun: "On second thought, never mind. Just hurry back with whatever it is. Okay?"
Alujura: "I will! I promise!"
Alujura leaves the Olvera household and starts driving to the pharmacy.
In Alujura's Mind: "Oh Great Spirits above, please... have mercy on my sister."

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...