School Assaults and Opera Blues

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......At 12:55pm.......
As lunch nears its end... two familiar figures are sneaking behind school building's rear and climb up the back wall that leads to the glass roof above the massive lunchroom.
Kaltezo: "Well Winova... you're going to get your wish after all."
Winova: "Oooh, Kaltezo... look at all the delicious options to take in there."
The grey fox-flying fox hybrid girl bares her sharp teeth at the many students below.
Winova: "Which ones do you want to devour first?"
Kaltezo: "Control your primal instincts, Winnie. You're going to be the distraction as I melt the entire lunchroom with my Lava Medallion."
Winova: "Heheh, I'll use the cloaking device and kill... err... I mean distract the school security and take some of students as dinner."
Kaltezo: "Okay, fine we'll take some of them as dinner. But the two pop stars and any member of the Crisis Brood that we capture will only be used as leverage. Agreed?"
Winova: "Mmm... sounds fair, Kaltie!"
Winova licks her chops.
Kaltezo: "Shh! Do you want to give away our position before we strike them?"
Winova: "Oh, right. Sorry. Just so pumped and excited, baby."
Kaltezo: "Prepare your cloaking device and cause a little bit of mischief."
Winova: "Then... what?"
Kaltezo: "Then you call me in if things get too dicey. Now go."
Winova: "Hahaha!"
She sharpens her claws and clinks her blades before activating the cloaking device in her pocket. Winova opens the top vent and crawls through it until she reaches an empty classroom.
Winova: "How perfect... heheh... no one can see and plenty of possible meals to be. Heheh."
She slips out of the classroom slowly, and notices that a school security guard is nearby.
Panther Security Guard: "What in the?"
Winova: "Yaah!"
She knocks him out with a stapler.
Panther Security Guard: "Bundle... sticks..."
He collapses to the ground.
Winova: (chuckles) "Nap time, guard."
She then picks his wallet for cash and stays on the side of the walls to avoid contact with any remaining students or school staff passing through the hallways.
In Winova's Mind: "Now, let's see where to find those pop stars that somehow survived that attack. Those poacher idiots couldn't just get the job done. Hmm... there is the giant lunch room."
She uses her bat claws to climb up the high ceiling of the lunchroom and spots the light switch on the far side and destroys the light switch.
Winova: (whispers) "Now for the real lights to go out!"
Panic ensues throughout the whole lunchroom as the most of students look around for the source of the problem.
Winova: "I'll take some herbivores and maybe small carnivore or two."
Winova licks her chops as she starts knocking out and dragging as many furry students as she can one by one. She even manages to capture some of the Crisis Brood members.
Winova: "They are all going to make an excellent meals once me and Kaltie get back to the hideout."
Sherman: "Okay where are the student witnesses we were protecting?"
Aubrey: "I'm not sure where Kina and Javaia are?"
Jackson Junior: "Also... I see that Cherie Mae, Stella, Yuki, Felicia, Zaino, Jobahan, Redford, Lucas, Zelene, Alujura, and Riley are missing. And... has anyone seen Ruth? Ruth!?"
Nawabée: "Uhm... guys? I don't see Khatri, Nandi, or any of their friends at their table either."
Victoria: "Wait! Look! Up there!"
The shadow of Winova carrying an unconscious Ruth to the rooftop after cracking the ceiling window.
Winova: "Can't reach up here!"
She cackles loudly as everyone looks in terror.
Winova: "Melt them all, baby!"
Kaltezo: (chuckles) "Witness the power of molten lava!"
The medallion around the coywolf's neck glows completely red as he shoots ten fiery blasts of lava from his paw tips. Then ceiling and walls start to melt on top of the students of the lunch room as they scream and panic all over.
Kaltezo: "Bye, bye! Hahahaha! Come on, baby. Let's bounce and roll!"
Winova: (chuckles)
They take and move all of their unconscious victims and load them into the back of their stolen CCTF Humvee.
Kaltezo: "Is that all of them?"
Winova: "Absolutely. Some are part of the Crisis Brood
She licks her chops and attempts to chew on Cherie Mae's leg.
Kaltezo: "Winnie! We're not eating them here. We'll eat the extra weight back at the hideout."
Winova: "Just a nibble?"
Kaltezo's: "We'll cook them after we use them as our decoys for the two big heists."
Winova: "Ahh, yes! The heist. Luckily for us, we both know where they're keeping the last four artifacts of ancient power."
Kaltezo: "Exactly. Let's roll."
They drive off with all of their victims and zoom away from the school with great speed.
.......Meanwhile inside the lunchroom......
Every student except for the Crisis Brood struggles and panics to keep away from the fire and lava puddles  surrounding them.
Sherman: "Crisis Brood! Come on! We've got to douse these fires and stop the lava pools from spreading!"
Mei: "Ahhh! Hot foot! Hot foot!"
Mitchell: "Hang on Mei!"
Mitchell uses his spirit power to ease the pain in her foot.
Mei: "Thanks."
Mitchell: "Yeah. But this ain't over yet!"
The lava starts to move closer to a crowd of furry students.
Sherman: "Come on guys! We have to the lava! Aubrey? You, Wallace, Victoria, and I will go and stop the lava on this side! Mitchell, Mei, Triskah, Bavos, and Nawabée will stop the lava flow on from spreading to tables by the kitchen.
Ashley: "Ahhh!"
Neal: "Someone is trapped in there! I'll take care of the fire in the kitchen!"
Radinavia: "I'm coming too!"
Helena: "Same here!"
Travis: "Got a bucket!"
Bavos: "Guys, aren't we forgetting that the two psychos got away with of a lot of students! Which include our friends!"
Mallory: "Bavos! We're going to save them afterwards! But now is not the time!"
Aziza: "Mallory! I'm scared!"
Mallory: "Just stay close to Sherman and be brave, okay, sis."
Aziza: "Okay!"
She runs across the area only to be cut off by  medium sized fire.
In Aziza's Mind: "Control fears and you control the power. Powers do not control you."
Aziza then focuses the spirit energy within and snuffs out the flames with her cooling mist power.
Shortly after, Sherman and the remainder of his team douse out all the fires and staunch the lava pools into cooled molten rock.
Sherman: "Well done, Crisis Brood! We did it. Now we have to go find our friends and the other students who were taken."
Aubrey: "I got a little burn, hun. Ugh."
Sherman: "I got ya."
He breathes in and out to heal his girlfriend with the 'healing paws' ability.
Aubrey: "Thank you, Sherman."
Aubrey then holds Sherman's paw on her healed one. She blushes lightly.
Sherman: "I'd love to do this more, babe. But Zaino, our friends, and those other new exchange students need us."
Aubrey: "Oh,'re right... we should probably go."
......An hour later......
The Task Force arrives and Rebus Talvenger is already pissed at them.
Rebus: "My daughter is gone all because the Ripcord Slashers wanted to get revenge on you!"
Sherman: "We're going to get everyone back! Don't forget that one of those kidnapped victims is my younger brother! Obviously I am going to find him and everyone else!"
Rebus: "No! Leave this to me and my operatives and stay out of my way."
He walks away with disappointment on his face.
Sherman: "I don't care what he says. We're going to save everyone and the members of the Crisis Brood from that vicious duo. Guys! Let's spread out and find any clues that can help us track down the Ripcord Slashers."
Aubrey: "What about the Feral-60 Threshers and the Crimson Raiders?"
Sherman: "They can wait. My dad has enough evidence to go after them on his own."
Aubrey: "Okay, so what do we do?"
Jackson Junior: "First! I'm going to save Ruth! Then I'm going to crack those two Ripcord Slashers a new one! If they even think of laying a paw or even a claw on her... grr... they are going to wish their heads are on a pike."
He cracks a soda can in anger.
Alicia: "JJ, stop talking like that. You're starting to scare me."
Sherman: "Ease up on that kind of violence, JJ! We're not killers. Don't choose to stoop to their level. Remember what Dad taught us back home."
Jackson Junior: (sighs) "I hope so... I was going to take her out tonight instead of the original mission, but..."
Sherman: "You what?"
Jackson Junior: "I'll do whatever it takes to help save her, Zaino, all of our friends, and the other abductees."
Sherman: "Great. Now guys, we're getting out of here. And we're going search everywhere, starting with the lunchroom's rooftop."
Wallace: "Wait? Look? A piece of fabric with some strange viscous substance."
Sherman inhales the air and picks up a familiar scent of sugar maple mixed with exhaust dust.
Sherman: "I've got the scent! It's tree sap from a sugar maple tree."
Nawabée: "Where are we supposed to find those? There's none of them in Coastal City."
Sherman thinks deeply and a childhood memory pops into his head.
......Flashback to the Brissard Forest 5023......
Little Sherman: "Momma... Maa...?"
Younger Taciana: "What is it kiddo?"
Little Sherman: "Foo... food?"
Young Taciana: "Oh, this isn't food, baby. This is tree sap. Can you say that with me? Tree sap."
Little Sherman: "Tree... sap? Tree sap?"
Young Taciana: "Heheh, very good! You're getting better at spelling and pronunciation."
Little Sherman: "Thanks, Momma. Where is Daddy?"
Young Taciana: "Daddy is on a call, Shermie. Don't worry, he'll be ready to play with you soon."
Little Sherman: "Okay."
He looks at a sign near the picnic spot.
Little Sherman: "Hmm... Brissard Forest?"
Young Taciana: "Yup, that's where they are."
Young Jackson: "Hey babe, the meeting call finally ended. So now, I am free to spend time with you both."
Young Taciana: "Oh thank goodness. You know that our Shermie loves to play hide'n seek with you."
Young Jackson: "Yeah, okay. Come on, Sherman."
Little Sherman: "Yay!"
He plays with his parents as the memory fades.
......Flashback ends......
Sherman: "They were taken to the Brissard Forest. It's the only forest with the most sugar maple trees in the region."
Aubrey: "Wow, how did you know that?"
Sherman: "A old memory of my early childhood."
Aubrey: "That's cool."
Sherman: "Let's get going and meet up at the edge of that forest."
They leave the lunch room inconspicuously and walk to the school parking lot to start up their engines.
Sherman: "Does everyone copy? Do a ear-mic check."
Bavos: "I've been itching to pop some bad guys."
Sherman: "Patience Bavos, we're only rescuing our friends and capturing the Ripcord Slashers. No one is dying today. Not on my watch. Now... let's ride!"
......Two and a half hours later......
Jackson Junior: "Hey Sherman? What if we're too late and we do t find them?"
Sherman: "Do not doubt and assume the worst instantly, JJ. I know they're all still alive because I believe it."
Aubrey: "Yeah, don't worry, JJ. We'll get Ruth back."
Jackson Junior: "I hope so."
Alicia: "Jackson Junior, what happened to your hope? Where has it gone?"
Jackson Junior: "Faith is usually much better than having hope. And so far I have neither."
Alicia: "Stop that. The others would want us to be hopeful when we rescue them."
Jackson Junior: "Alright, alright. I'll try being less of a downer and more hopeful."
Alicia: "Thank you."
Victoria: "Yeah, and if they hurt my sister, I'm going to tear off that grey fox-bat's wings when face off with her."
Sherman: "Relax Victoria. As far as we know this Winova Carlotti is not in charge. She's the partner in crime, and that Kaltezo Bogenov had one of the five major element artifacts that allowed him to burn part of our school's lunchroom."
Aubrey: "Do you think he could be calling the shots?"
Alicia: "Or maybe they don't have a leadership sort of relation. What if it's a mutual partnership?"
Jackson Junior: "We'll find out more about their motives once we find those d..."
Sherman: "Language... JJ..."
Jackson Junior: "I was going to say they are deplorable hybrids."
Sherman: "We will see what they're fully up too, once we capture them."
They keep driving as the scene changes to Estuary Palace Theatre.
.......At Estuary Palace Theatre......
Syeuka: "I still can't believe that Chello Nightingale is finally back live at the opera theater."
Carina: "I know! This is going to be so much fun!"
Syeuka: "Come on, Tambovu! I know you're trying to hide in the back!"
Carina: "That goes for you too, Keshin! Come on! You promised that you at try to enjoy this."
Keshin: "Alright! Coming!"
Tambovu: "Same here. I mean what is the big deal about some singer who only says in a foreign language that no one understands?"
Keshin: (sighs) "Yeah! Exactly! Why do we have to do this?"
Carina: "Keshin, we need to expand our horizons and interests. I think this a good start."
Keshin: "Why did it have to be this type of opera? Why did it have to be la boheme?"
Carina: "Because it's culturally different and besides we're already here and have tickets."
Keshin: "I hope that babysitter you hired is as good she says she is."
Carina: "Calm down, Keshin. Eve and Grace will be fine. They're probably having fun."
Syeuka: "Why do you two hate opera music?"
Tambovu: "Because everything they say doesn't make sense, it's terribly boring, and we don't want to be here now."
Syeuka: "Stop it. Just try and give it a chance. Besides Jackson and Taciana are going to be here any minute."
Tambovu: "I really don't want to be here right now, Syeuka. Come on..."
Syeuka: "Tambo... please..."
Tambovu: "No, it's going to be boring and I'll probably just sleep."
Syeuka: "No you won't. Stay awake or you're not getting of 'this' in the near future."
She points to herself.
Tambovu: (sighs) "Fine."
Syeuka: "Tambo... at least smile for me again."
Tambovu: "Happy?"
He forces a smile.
Syeuka: "Too much sharp teeth, babe."
The footsteps of other creatures approach from the closest entrances of the theatre's stadium. Minutes later, Jackson and Taciana walk through the stadium entrance to their assigned seats.
Jackson: "So... where are theses assigned seats again?"
Taciana: "They are right up here, hun. And see... there's Tambovu and Syeuka."
Jackson: "Oh yeah, there they are... right next to Keshin and Carina."
Taciana: "Jacky, you said you'd be supportive of my choice to come here for an opera performance."
Jackson: "I am. I'm just wondering how long this is going to take..."
Taciana: "Baby... it's only for at two and half hours. And besides, I'll think you'll change your mind after it concludes."
Jackson: "Highly unlikely."
Taciana: "Come on super dhole. This way."
As Taciana leads Jackson to their seats he draws a lot of attention from many the furries they both pass by and greets them."
Rat Furry Woman: "Oh my gosh! It's Jackson Tontione! Everyone look!"
Everyone else cheers as she hollers out with excitement. Suddenly, the chipmunk woman who is sitting next to her recognizes Jackson immediately.
Red-Haired Chipmunk Woman: "Hey! Jackson! It's me! Remember me?"
Jackson: "I want to say, Bellamy, right?"
In Bellamy's Mind: "Yes! That's me! You remembered me you handsome hero!"
She smiles at him as her eyes flutter in his direction. Jackson shakes her paw as Bellamy stares at his large pecs and his eyes.
Jackson: "So... are you here for this 'la boheme' performance?"
Bellamy: "Well yeah! I have loved these performances since I was little!"
Jackson: "I see... so are you here alone? Or..."
Bellamy: "Oh no, I'm with my friend Woga, here. And... my sister Abby and her husband Tobias are right next to her."
Woga: "What's up Mr. Famous?"
Jackson: "It's all good. And yeah, we'll catch up with you all after the show."
Taciana: "Ahem... Jacky? We still have to get to our seats."
Jackson: "Relax, babe. It hasn't even started yet."
Taciana: "So I'm just gonna stand here while you talk your adoring fans? At least introduce me."
Jackson: "I was getting to that."
Taciana: "Oh okay."
In Taciana's Mind: "I'll just urge him to head over to our seats."
Jackson: "Oh and I almost forgot to tell you, Bellamy. I'd like to introduce my wife and lifelong mate, Taciana."
In Bellamy's Mind: "He's... he's married? Abby never told me this."
She puts smiles almost forcefully and offers a pawshake."
Bellamy: "It's... a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Tontione."
In Taciana's Mind: "Yeah, he's my man. So keep your eyes and paws focused somewhere else other than my husband!"
Taciana: "Taciana Rabeau Tontione. You must be one of the mugging victims that my Jackson saved."
Bellamy: "Yes, I would have been mashed and stranded by that street thief if he hadn't shown up in time."
She smirks at Jackson again. This causes Jackson to wink at her.
Taciana: "Well, my husband never stops when it comes to helping others in need."
She politely shakes her paw.
Taciana: "Hope you enjoy the show. Ahh yes, and tell Abby and Tobias we said, Hi."
Bellamy: "Sure thing. Hope you two enjoy the show too."
Jackson: "Thank you, Bellamy. You too."
Taciana: "Thanks. Come on, baby. Let's get to our seats."
Jackson: "Alright, alright."
They both go and greet Keshin, Carina, Tambovu, and Syeuka at their assigned seats.
Jackson: "Good to see that I'm not the only one who's not into this opera stuff."
Taciana: "Shh, it's about to start, honey!"
She whispers excitedly as the opera performer, Chello Nightingale appears from behind the blue curtains.
As the performance begins, Taciana holds Jackason's paw as she watches Chello begin singing in the first few verses in a nonchalant French dialect.
Chello Nightingale: "Une telle époque, oh l'époque! Une peur grande et puissante! Seulement pour être conquis par l'Esprit intérieur! Aucun mal ne corrompre mon corps et mon esprit! Plus jamais! Élevons-nous tous au-dessus de nos instincts les plus bas et expions les vastes erreurs d'un passé lointain!
Car nous avons tous le don spécial du plus profond de nous avec tout notre courage! J'accueille seulement la Lumière ! Pas seulement pour vivre, mais pour bannir les Ténèbres !
(English Translation)
"Such a time, oh the time! A great and powerful fear! Only to be conquered by the Spirit within! No evil will corrupt my body and my mind! Never again! Let us all rise above our baser instincts and atone for the vast errors of the distant past! Because we all have the special gift from deep within us with all our courage! I only welcome the Light! Not just to live, but to banish Darkness!"
The Audience: (claps loudly)
......One hour and ten minutes later......
As the performance moves forward, Jackson checks the time on his subsonic watch. He starts to lay back in his seat and closes his eyes for a bit.
Taciana: "Jacky, stay awake."
Jackson: "Hmm... no I wasn't sleeping."
Taciana: "Yes you were. Now pay attention. The play is almost at the climax."
Jackson: "This is so long..."
Taciana: "Baby..."
In Jackson's Mind: "This is taking forever! Grr! I'm sure the kids are having a better time than watching this dull half-time show."

Author's Note: "New chapter done! Another one is currently in development!"

World of Paws: Destiny of the BroodWhere stories live. Discover now