......One week later......
Aubrey's birthday arrives, and Sherman is wondering about what final gift he should get her.
Sherman: "Oh, boy. What a day. Luckily, I asked the Vitaea spirits to bring the Great Spirit of Heaven with them. I hope they can grant my Aubrey the energy powers I requested for her."
Jackson Junior: "Bro, don't worry about it. She likes every gift you give her. Just like how Ruth appreciates all of my early gifts or at least the ones I sneak in at the last minute."
Sherman: "Hehe, speaking Ruth, how's Victoria doing?"
Jackson Junior: "It's kind of a sensitive subject for her, but she mentioned that Victoria has been holed up in her room."
Sherman: "Geez, I guess she's still not over me yet."
Jackson Junior: "She found some very disturbing sketches of herself... in a word... hurting Aubrey. Then forcing you into a 'compromising' position."
Sherman: "Oooh, heck no! You don't mean she plans to...?"
Jackson Junior: "Yeah, that. So... you and Aubrey may want to keep your distance from her for the time being."
Sherman: "That won't be hard. Believe you me. I'll see ya at the party this afternoon, right?"
Jackson Junior: "Right, see ya."
Angel: "Sherman? Can't I come with you? I can help you pick you out a gift for Aubrey."
Sherman: "Promise you won't spoil the surprise gift like you did last year?"
Angel: "I promise big brother. I just see you and her as a power couple."
Sherman: "Teh, haha! Where did you learn that?"
Angel: "Eliza and Cecelia told me what it means."
Sherman: "Alright come on. Let me hail a cab. We're making a few pit stops first."
Angel: "What's a pit stop?"
Sherman: "You'll see once we get there."
He orders a taxi to pick them up and it arrives eleven minutes after.
Sherman: "Good timing."
The pair hop into backseat and the driver takes them to their first destination.
Beaver Taxi Driver: "Here we are chief, the Panthera-Fusion Dealership. Total is gonna be fifteen dollars and forty-two cents."
Sherman: "There you good, sir."
Beaver Taxi Driver: "You're welcome."
He drives off as Sherman and Angel go inside the dealership.
Angel: "Why are we here, big brother?"
Sherman: "To pick up my new car."
Angel: "But Daddy says that you can't have a car yet."
Sherman: "Relax, lil sis. I'm sure he'll understand. Besides, I got my license back in June. I think I'm ready for a car."
Angel: "Okay. But can it be a yellow and red car?"
Sherman: "Let's see what they got and then I'll pick."
Angel: "Okay. And then we'll get Aubrey her gift."
Sherman: "Then we'll get Aubrey her birthday present."
Sherman picks out a large van and makes the purchase and pays off the first three monthly payments for measure. He then signs the holographic paperwork. Acquires his tag and title.
Sherman: "What a ride! The Sabre-5038-Fusion. Fully electric! Dang... I wonder what the RPM for this vehicle is. He searches it up. Fifty-thousand RPMs! Whoo! Are you ready, Angel!"
Aubrey: "Ready! Oooh, and can I ride in the front seat with you?"
Sherman: "Nah, sis. What kind of brother would I be if let you sit up front. Gotta make sure you're safe. Also, Mom and Dad would scold me if something happened to you."
Aubrey: "Alright. Where to now?"
Sherman: "Hold tight! Onto Cliffmart here we go."
Sherman drives to Cliffmart and purchases a new necklace made of gold and silver.
Sherman: "Okay, got the necklace. Now which birthday card do you think she'd like best?"
Angel: "What about that one? That one looks cute."
Sherman picks up the one Angel is pointing at and reads it to himself.
Sherman: "You are on hop of the world. Hehe, that's funny. She'll get a laugh out of this one."
Angel: "I guess so. Uhm... Sherman?"
Sherman: "Yeah?"
Angel: "How did you and Aubrey fall in love?"
Sherman: "She is the took interest first. I had no clue about her true feelings until I realized how important she was to me. I've always had her back and she's had mine. So really... it's more of when you know the right one comes. Why do you ask?"
Angel: "Um... well... I think one of my classmates likes me. But I can't tell because I'm too nervous to ask the question."
Sherman: "Go on..."
Angel: "His name is Benji. He's really nice to me and always asks me to play game with him. Benji even lets me on his team first at recess every day after lunch."
Sherman: "I wouldn't worry about it too much little sis. If anything, he likes being your friend. But in all in all. Whatever happens between you two shall happen."
Angel: "Oooh... okay. So, you're saying there's a chance if I end up falling for him?"
Sherman: "Angel, you're adorable. I'm sure he'll be falling for you too."
Angel: "Thanks, big brother."
She hugs his side.
Sherman: "I'm sure it'll work out. But if he doesn't then give him a good smack for ya. Hehe! Now come on. Aubrey's party awaits."
Sherman purchases the birthday card and starts driving his sister back toward their neighborhood.
......Meanwhile at the Olvera's house......
Veronica: "Aubrey? Who do you want invite to your birthday?"
Aubrey: "I want to invite everyone I know from school, Mom! Oh, can the neighbors come too?"
Veronica: "Yes. But are you sure about that sweetheart? That's going to be a lot of furries and our house is only so big. Unless you want to have it at the Tontione's house?"
Aubrey: "No, Mom. We can make it work. Also, I'd also like to have permission if me and Sherman could mate together."
Veronica: "What brought this on? Was it Sherman?"
Aubrey: "No, I brought it up with him and he agrees."
Veronica: "Do you at least have protection?"
Aubrey: "No..."
Veronica: "Does he?"
Aubrey: "No..."
Veronica: "Then it's not going to happen. Not under this roof."
Dasun: "Hey, Veronica. What's going on? Just got the rest of the party supplies."
There was a few seconds of silence.
Dasun: "Aubrey? Do you have something to say?"
Aubrey: "Daddy... I want to mate with Sherman, tonight."
Dasun: "I'm not allowing this under my roof. Heck no. You two can do whatever you want in your own place, but you are not bringing your boyfriend in here for that kind of activity! Understood."
Aubrey: (sighs) "Fine. But... can I still do it with him, please? Daddy, I love him so much! Please..."
Dasun: (sighs) "No, and certainly not on your birthday!"
Aubrey abruptly goes upstairs and throws a fit.
Dasun: "That child."
Veronica: "Ya know... we were like that once. My dad despised you the second I introduced you to him and my mother. Then you wanted to show me how much you wanted me."
Dasun: "Well now I know how your dad feels. I just don't want Aubrey making a mistake."
Veronica: "Baby... I'll go talk to her. This is big point in a teenager's life."
Dasun: "You can go ahead and try, I'll bring in the cake and the new groceries."
Veronica opens her daughter's door and talks to her about being responsible before making the choice of mating.
......Twenty minutes later......
Veronica: "Do you understand, now?"
Aubrey: "I understand. I'm sorry I yelled. And... I won't mate with Sherman today. I promise."
Veronica: "Good. Now come on, it's your birthday. You should be happy and celebrating!"
Aubrey: "Hehe, that's true. This party is going to fun after all."
Veronica then takes Aubrey out to the local spa to get both of their nails done. Then several minutes later, Dasun lets Sherman and the gang inside to set up for Aubrey's birthday party. Zelene, Lucas, Neal, Redford, Jobahan, Riley, Triskah, Victoria, Alujura, Mitchell, Mei, Nawabeé, and Bavos volunteer to him finish their tasks of setting up games and decor.
Zelene: "So... Sherman, this is supposed to be a big surprise party?"
Sherman: "Oh yeah. Aubrey will never see it coming."
Zelene: "So you did all this, and still manage to help your family support Homeless Shelters across the region?"
Sherman: "That's right. My Mom and Dad told me that true acts of compassion can lead to great changes. Plus, my family is one of the region's biggest contributors."
Zelene: "That's very cool, Sherman."
Sherman: "Thanks, Zelene."
Neal: "So dude, question for ya. How are you so rich?"
Sherman: "A massive inheritance, real estate, stock investments, and my dad's the owner and CEO Tontione Enterprises. So yeah, we're thriving, but also helping others can't help themselves. Heck, my dad got me into the 'Build for Future' program."
Neal: "Does this program offer volunteer credits for college?"
Sherman: "Yeah, why?"
Neal: "Cool, I could use some for my resumé."
Sherman: "Exactly."
Jobahon: "You think your dad's company offers internships."
Sherman: "Um, I'm not sure. I'll have to ask him after the party. Since he and my mom are on celebrating out on their date night. Which means I'm in charge! Oh yeah!"
Bavos: "Will there be drinking contests at this party?"
Sherman: "No, we already discussed this. No alcohol."
Bavos: "You're no fun."
Sherman: "I am fun. Not reckless."
Bavos: "Whatever, man."
Triskah: "I'm sure Aubrey will love it, Sherman. She's going to be so stoked at the games we set up."
In Keisha's Head: "Friends for the first time and now the chance to be at a party. Keisha, you are stepping up! Yay!"
Bavos: "Um, Keisha? Are you doing alright?"
Keisha: "Oh Uhm... hehe... I mean yes. I'm all good."
Bavos: "Ya sure? Because ya look fine already."
Keisha: (blushes) "Hehehe, thanks Bavos."
Sherman: "Hello... sorry but we don't have all day to set up the rest of the outdoor decorations, furries. Aubrey May decide to step out that porch door any second. So come on let's do this."
Jobahon: "Chill dude, we got this."
Riley: "That's right. My bestie is going to be so surprised at this."
Two hours later, more furries drive up and use the backyard fence to reach the 'party zone'.
Sherman: "Okay everyone, I'm going to put a blindfold on Aubrey once she and her mom comes back. Make sure you get into position."
Everyone nods and agrees with Sherman's surprise party plan. A few minutes after, Veronica parks on the driveway with Aubrey right behind her.
Veronica: "Hehe, see I told you'd have a bit of fun at the spa."
Aubrey: "Yeah, yeah, you're right, Mom. I can show off my glittered nails to everyone."
Veronica: (chuckles) "I'm sure Sherman will be thrilled to surprise you."
They open the front door and notice Sherman and Dasun making the final touches on Aubrey's gifts.
Dasun: "V... what a surprise. You and the birthday girl are back already?"
Veronica: "I couldn't keep her away from the house too long. Could I?"
Dasun: "It's possible though. I mean I've done it before, hehe."
Veronica: "You're such a kidder sometimes, hun."
Aubrey: "Shermie!"
She hugs him.
Sherman: "Hey Aubs. You are enjoying your day so far?"
Aubrey: "So far, yes. Today has sort of fun."
Aubrey nuzzles him.
Sherman: "Sort of? Well close your eyes, while I place this blindfold over your beautiful eyes."
Aubrey: (giggles) "Okay."
Sherman: "Now stay calm as I lead you to the 'fun zone'. Okay... ready and here we are! Now take it off and..."
The Crowd: "Surprise! Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Aubrey! Whoo! Yeah! Whoooh!"
Aubrey: "Oh, you guys... this looks amazing! As the birthday girl, I say we get down and party!"
The Crowd: "Whooh! Yeah!"
Riley: "Happy birthday, bestie!"
Jobahan: "Yeah happy birthday!"
Aubrey: "Thank you! Whose idea was this?"
Riley: "I helped with the floral decorations, but it was Sherman and Angel who led this whole thing. Especially with gaming attractions and set ups."
Aubrey: "Ohh, we'll... you're the best Shermie Boo!"
Sherman: "I'm a natural organizer."
Aubrey: "Hehehe!"
Angel: "Aubrey! Aubrey! I helped pick out the card too! Come look!"
Aubrey: "You picked out a card? Can I see it?"
Angel: "Right, here."
She gives Aubrey the card. As Aubrey reads it her expression gets a little teary.
......Birthday Card Message......
You are on hop of the world! Happy Birthday, Madame Hopper! Wishing you the best on your special day as the gracious light shines down upon you.
From: Sherman and Angel.
......Card Message Ends......
Sherman: "Ya alright?"
Aubrey: "Oh yes, sweetie! This is so thoughtful! Thank you! Thank you both!"
She laughs and exchanges a loving kiss against Sherman's lips.
Aubrey: (chuckles) "And yes, I'd love to be your Madame Hopper, Razor Wolf."
Sherman: "The aim is to please."
He wiggles his eyebrows.
Angel: "Can we play some games now, please?"
Aubrey: "You're right, come on, let's go join everyone else."
Angel: "Yeah!"
She runs ahead to the rest the target dunker game first. Sherman and Aubrey hold paws as they walk after her. However, on the edge of the party area, there are angry eyes watching them from the sidelines.Author's Note: "Wondering what will happen next? You'll find out soon when Chapter 10 arrives! Hahaha!"

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...