Jackson and Taciana are on their date night at the Denoto Club.
Jackson: "So... how was your work today?"
Taciana: "Oh ya know. Mostly dealing with marketers and clients over the phone. I even finished this new ad that will hopefully earn me the promotion I've been waiting for."
Jackson: "We'll, Tacci we'll pray and claim that you get that CMO position."
Taciana: "Thanks, Jacky. It's good to have your support, my handsome Captain."
Jackson: "I thought I was the General now."
Taciana: "Hehehe! My bad honey, I mean General Jackson. Hehe!"
Jackson: "Much better my lovely Lieutenant."
Jackson and Taciana nuzzle each other as the watch the jazz bands playing a tasty tune.
Pronghorn Waiter: "You're drinks are ready, but you're meals will out very soon."
Jackson: "Thank you, good sir."
Taciana: "Yes, thank you."
Jackson: "Ahem, so... what does milady want to do tomorrow?"
Taciana: "Hehehehehe! Ever try ice skating?"
Jackson: "I don't know about that. Roller skating is one thing, but ice skating was never my favorite."
Taciana: "You lead the way on our last date night for a concert. Now it's my turn to pick. And... you said I could pick anything even if it's something you've never done."
Jackson: "Yeah, I know. But seriously, ice skating?"
Taciana: "Come on Jacky, it'll be fun. And... I think it's good for you to try new things."
Jackson: "Alright, but if I slip and fall multiple times; it's on you."
Taciana: "I was in the junior figure ice skating championship back in 5016."
Jackson: "You mean you're a former ice skating champion."
Taciana: "This lady still has her skills."
Jackson: "That would mean you had to be thirteen or fourteen years old...?"
Taciana: "I was thirteen."
Jackson: "So I married a smart and attractive girl who's also a former figure skating champion?"
Taciana: "Consider yourself, blessed my beloved. I can teach you the basics of ice skating."
Jackson: "I already consider myself blessed to have you, Tacci. Or should I say... Ms. Bunny Champion."
He wiggles his eyebrows up and down. Their food is then bought to the table. Jackson then starts to pray.
Jackson: "Great Light Spirits above we thank you for the paws that have prepared this food and protect our children as they enjoy their time at Aubrey's house. And... for my wife's upcoming promotion as chief marketing officer. Amen."
Taciana: "Amen. My master of prayer strikes again."
Jackson instinctively holds her right paw and pulls her closer as they watch the jazz band finish their songs.
......A few hours later......
Taciana: "This date night has been perfect Jacky."
Jackson: "Well since my birthday is coming next month; I bet you probably have another one of your special surprises for me."
Taciana: "Mmm... perhaps. Mwah."
Jackson: "Just wait till ya see what I have planned for your birthday and our anniversary. Mwah."
Taciana: "What's it going to be like, honey?"
Jackson: "I wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise."
Taciana: "Oooh! Hehehehe!"
He wiggles his eyebrows as he wiggles his eyebrows. Then their waiter returns with the check. The couple splits the check and leaves the restaurant satisfied.
Jackson: "Let's go home, Tacci. We gotta catch the new Detective Files episode, tonight."
Taciana: "Oh yeah, I hope the lead detective finds the Subway Strangler."
Jackson: "Hehehe."
The pair get in Jackson's car and return to the household to enjoy their favorite crime thriller.
......Meanwhile at Aubrey's Birthday Party......
Victoria: "Ugh! Look at them. Flaunting their happiness like it's the first time they've met. I have literally had enough!" She starts walking towards the crowd surrounding Sherman and Aubrey, but is stopped by her sister, Ruth.
Ruth: "Sis, can you please stop. Can't you put aside your personal desires for once and try to have a fun day. Aubrey is your one of your bestest friends and you're letting your crush on Sherman get in the way of you having fun."
Victoria: "You don't understand. I fell for him first back when we all started in elementary school. Now it's senior year and I'm nowhere near closer to getting my paws on his strong-barreled chest and rippled abs."
Ruth: "Victoria..."
Victoria: "I'm gonna go and dunk my head in the apple barrels. No one's using those yet."
Ruth: "Victoria! Ugh! JJ, why can't she just move on and be positive for once?"
Jackson Junior: "I'll be honest. I've never seen any furry hold a grudge for this long before."
Ruth: (sighs) "I don't know what else to do, JJ. I mean she attempted to commit suicide last night."
Jackson Junior: "Geez, have your parents talked to professional about that issue."
Ruth: "Yeah, my dad called V's therapist and said that he won't be back until Friday."
Jackson Junior: "Today is Tuesday though."
Ruth: "Yeah. Sadly, that only adds on to the problem. She's even lashing out and eating very little at lunch. I don't know what else to do."
Jackson Junior: "It's going to be alright, Ruth. I'll talk to Victoria and see if I can calm her down."
Ruth: "Thank you, baby."
They share a quick nuzzle and walks over the apple barrels.
Jackson Junior: "Hey... Victoria."
Victoria pulls her head out of the water; her face and tannish hair soaking wet.
Victoria: (sniffles) "What do you want?"
Jackson Junior: "Your sister is worried about you. Heck all our friends are worried about you."
Victoria: (scoffs) "Why? I'm fine. It's not like they're missing me while having a good time. Hmmph!"
Jackson Junior: "Believe it or not I sort of know how you feel."
Victoria: "No you don't."
Jackson Junior: "Yeah, I do. I was never a fan of my brother leaving the house to be with Aubrey every other night at first. But then I got older and realized what was important to him."
Victoria: "What is your point here, JJ?"
Jackson Junior: "My point is that he's happy with her and you need to accept it."
Victoria turns away from him as more tears fall down her cheeks.
Jackson Junior: "They both still care about you, Victoria. You're still an awesome friend. So... come on back with us and just enjoy yourself. It's a party."
Victoria: "I'll think about it. I just need some time alone."
Jackson Junior: "Nope, let's go. Me and Ruth are going to cheer you up with your most favorite game."
Victoria: "I don't think firing bean bags and horseshoes out of the fun cannon will cheer me up."
Jackson Junior: "Well, your sister says you enjoy it, now let's go."
Victoria follows him back to Ruth.
Victoria: "He got me to play a game with you two, but I'm still not gonna smile over this."
Ruth: "Sis, stop. Your mood always changes after playing and then you keep wanting to play more right after that."
Victoria: "Okay...fine. Let's go."
While JJ and Ruth were cheering Victoria up, Sherman, Aubrey, and several others were on the floor shaking it out in the main yard.
Sherman: "The dance line has just begun y'all! Whoo!"
Aubrey: "Shake it baby! Shake it!"
Sherman: "Haha! Whooo!"
Sherman howls and freestyles as the next song starts playing.
Sherman: "Oh yeah! Oh yeah!"
Lucas: "Turn up the base, yo!"
Redford: "How about some rock and roll, first?!"
Radinavia: "Nah, I want some pop music going!"
Jobahan: "Riley and I here, would like to hear some songs with Soul and R&B."
Helena: "I vote to hear some Reggae. Or maybe some Soca."
Aubrey: "As the birthday girl, I say we play all of them! Turn it up DJ."
The DJ turns on every song and remixes them all into a sensational and cacophonous symphony of beats. Everyone starts to converge to dance area.
Sherman: "Ahh, yeah! Freestyle!"
Victoria then starts to move in synch with the music as it appears to lift her mood. Then she attempts to dance near Sherman, but Aubrey leads him away from her.
Sherman: "Glad your friend is doing better, babe."
Aubrey: "I am glad she's feeling better too, but she was dancing a little too friendly near ya, hun."
Sherman: "She might be good and all, but your better at it my gorgeous Arctic hare."
Aubrey: (blushes) "Heheh! My sweet and studly wolf."
They dance the night away as everyone else gets down all around them.Author's Note: "New chapter done. Although, it seems peaceful now, a new threat may emerge."

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
Roman d'amourMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...