(Alicia Porter shown above.)
The scene drifts high above the stars, the sun and moon move up and down in a perpetual motion; fast forwarding to eight years later.
......On August 27th 5038......
The night glimmers over Coastal City; showing Sherman and JJ working on their history project with one of their newer best friends, a Siberian husky named Neal Rodman.
Neal: "Can we please just catch some Z's already? It's 12:30am."
Sherman: "Neal, this project is worth thirty-five percent of the grade and besides we created so many good highlights and a Q&A for our E-Prez presentation."
Jackson Junior: "Can't we just tell them the answers and end it. I mean no one is going to get the answers."
Sherman: "We made the questions as multiple choice ones for a reason."
Neal: "He's right Sherman, no one is going to answer our questions."
Sherman: "Which is why you two are going to help encourage everyone to ask by asking them in a positive manner. Right?"
Jackson Junior: "Our friends and that one guy. Armstrong who sits in the back usually answers the questions given."
Neal: "Psssh, of course he does. Armstrong is an elephant. He answers most of the teacher's questions."
Jackson Junior: "And wasn't he a teacher's pet back in elementary school?"
Neal: "Haha! He still is."
Sherman: "You mean the fact that he studies every second he gets. Then, yeah. He's sort of a suck-up. Now come on, we gotta add these finishing touches to the final two slides."
Shortly after, they complete their group project for their history class.
Sherman: "Yes! We did it! Up high! Come on guys we completed this on time. That's worth a small celebration, right?"
Neal: "Yeah, you're right. I say we play the game Madness of the Crypt!"
Jackson Junior: "Oh yeah! I love that game!"
Sherman: "Alright, sure. But next time it's my turn to pick the game of the evening."
The trio play the video game for five hours. Suddenly, Sherman's holo-phone starts ringing.
Sherman: "Oh, it's Mom. One moment, guys."
......Phone call begins......
Sherman: "Hey, Mom."
Taciana: "Hi Sherman, it's past midnight. Time for bed."
Sherman: "A few more minutes, please?"
Taciana: "No, you and JJ have been at your friend's house all afternoon. Now say goodbye to Neal and be careful walking back."
Sherman: (sighs) "Okay, Mom. And don't worry we'll be fine. We're only three blocks away."
Taciana: "Still, just humor me, okay."
Sherman: "We'll be careful, Mom. See ya soon."
Taciana: "Oh, and make sure you don't forget your book bags!"
Sherman: "We won't. Bye."
......Phone call ends......
Sherman: "Alright, Neal. We'll see ya tomorrow, brah."
Jackson Junior: "Yeah, later dude."
Neal: "See ya tomorrow, guys."
Sherman and Jackson Junior grab their bags and go home. Then they wish their parents a goodnight's rest. In the morning, Sherman wakes up and sees a text from Aubrey.
Sherman: "Hey, beautiful."
Aubrey: "Good morning, baby. Is your group's project done?"
Sherman: "Oh yeah, we're ready for that, Aubs."
Aubrey: "Hehe, I knew you would. So... did you enjoy your birthday present from me?"
Sherman: "Oh yeah, yesterday was fun babe. I really enjoyed the new video game."
Aubrey: "Did you try on the new shirt I made for you?"
Sherman: "Not yet, babe."
Aubrey: "Can you wear it for me today, please?"
Sherman: "Why today? Can't I wear it tomorrow?"
Aubrey: "Baby, it's a special I made for you. With my own two paws. Besides, it has a great message."
Sherman: "We'll see. Catch ya at the bus stop, babe."
Aubrey: "See ya soon, Shermie. I love you."
Sherman: "Love you too, Aubs."
The scene returns with Sherman brushing his teeth and getting refreshed for the day ahead.
Sherman: "Wow, I'm still good looking."
He goes downstairs and sees his parents setting up breakfast.
Taciana: "Good morning, Sherman. You sleep well?"
Jackson: "How's it going, Champ?"
Sherman: "Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad. And yeah, I'm good. What's on the menu for this morning?"
Taciana: "Already at the table, kiddo. Me and your father must get to work early. Which means you're in charge of getting all your siblings up before leaving. Okay?"
Sherman: "Yeah, I know... being the oldest."
Jackson: "That's right. Alright buddy, we'll see ya later tonight."
Sherman: "See ya."
Sherman then goes upstairs and attempts to awaken his siblings.
Sherman: "Rise and shine! Mom and Dad said soup's on, and the rest of the morning belongs to us!"
His youngest sibling, a seven-year-old dhole named Desmond, runs out of his room.
Desmond: "Sherman, why are you yelling?"
Jackson: "To wake you and the others up faster. Let's go!"
Desmond: "Do we have to get up?"
Sherman: "Yes, Desmond. We have to."
Desmond: "Why?"
Sherman: "Because we have school in one hour; meaning we only have thirty minutes to eat and pack our book bags."
Desmond pouts and sighs.
Sherman: "Come on Desmond, you used to like going to school early."
Desmond: "At nursery school maybe..."
Sherman: "Hey it's not so bad, little bro. We attain knowledge from every class they offer. Now come on, buddy. I'm sure some cereal will brighten your day."
Desmond: "Okay. But I can help you wake else up first?"
Sherman: "Hehe, sure bro. You wake up Cecelia, Zakari, Eliza, Aziza, and Zaino. I will wake up JJ, Mallory, Jaronte, Angel, and Joseph."
Desmond: "Okay, ready... go!"
The two brothers wake up their fellow siblings and get them out of bed.
......Minutes later in the kitchen......
Sherman: "So... JJ. Why were Alicia and Ruth so mad at each other last night?"
Jackson Junior: "Probably fighting for my attention. I don't know."
Angel: "Not exactly close, JJ. I saw Alicia crying after Ruth pushed her to the ground. It was a little hard to watch. But before it happened, I overheard them arguing about who deserves JJ the most."
......Flashback to previous night begins......
Alicia: "Why are you being like this? I thought you were my friend?"
Ruth: "That was before I realized you were crushing on JJ!"
Alicia: "It's not like I planned to fall for him last week! It just happened, okay. Can we please just stop fighting. We're friends, we shouldn't be tearing each other down."
Ruth: "You're unbelievable, Alicia! You make a move on my boyfriend and think we can stay friends?"
Alicia: "I am sorry, okay. What else can I do here?"
Ruth slaps her in the face.
Ruth: "Go away. Just go away, you common trickster! If you come near me or my boyfriend again, I can't hold myself responsible for what happens next!"
Alicia: "It's because I'm a fox. Isn't it? Fine. But I still think of you as a friend. Even if you don't."
Ruth: "Whatever, Alicia. I'm going home."
While from a distance away, Angel watches with a hint of disappointment and sadness.
Angel: "I hope those two can patch things up and be friends again."
She prays after closing her window.
......Flashback ends......
Angel: "Then when I finished praying. I sort of wished I could have stopped their fight. Or at least persuade them to work out a compromise."
Sherman: "Well, sometimes there are some fights you can't resolve, Angel. They just need time to repair their friendship."
Angel: "Okay."
Zakari: "Great talk. Time to eat."
Angel: "Zakari, we're supposed to pray first before eating."
Cecelia: "Yeah, At least bless the food."
Jaronte: "I thought Sherman said it was a dinner thing?"
Sherman: "Jaronte, Mom and Dad taught us to bless the food at every meal."
Joseph: "I don't pray at lunch."
Sherman: "Well you should start doing so, Joseph. Otherwise the Light Spirits will make your stomach churn."
Joseph: "He's joking, right?"
Jackson Junior: "Believe me, he's not."
Mallory: "Yeah, Sherman met the Light Spirits and they granted him abilities that allow him to give and restore spiritual energy in our world."
Joseph's mouth goes agape and he bows his head for prayer.
Eliza: "Can you show me your powers, please?"
Sherman: "Fine, but only a sample."
Sherman takes a breath and focuses his energy. A greenish glow radiates from his paws, and he raises a small orb of energy above the table. The orb in turn, heals all ailments and injuries no matter how small.
Eliza: "My scar from two weeks ago is gone. It's miraculous."
Desmond: "Wow, I wish I had superpowers like yours."
Sherman: "It's not so easy little bro. You need to be responsible for the lives of others and accept the Vitaea Spirits' wisdom first."
Desmond: "What does that mean?"
Sherman: "I'll tell you more later. For now, let's pray and eat. Alright. Great Spirits above bless this family, our food, and a safe drive for our parents on their way to work. Amen."
Everyone eats their breakfast and grabs their book bags.
Sherman: "Okay, everyone got their books? Holo-phones and whatnot?"
Jackson Junior: "We're all good, bro. You go1od?"
Sherman: "Yup."
Desmond: "Bus is here! Let's go."
Sherman: "Setting the alarm and locking the doors."
Sherman boards the bus behind his brothers and sisters. He suddenly notices Aubrey in one of the middle area seats talking to Riley who's sitting behind her.
Riley: "Aubrey, do you think Jobahan is losing interest in me? Could he be cheating on me?"
Aubrey: "Riley, you two have been together since elementary school. I sincerely doubt he's cheating on you, let alone losing interest."
Riley: "He's been so distant lately. I even asked him about what's going on for the past week and he said he was too busy."
Aubrey: "Maybe, he wants to get his homework done on time without distractions."
Riley: "Oh come on, Aubs. Jobahan looks cute when he's in deep thought or solving a tough question. I can't help if I distract him. Hehe."
Aubrey: "Well regardless, you are falling behind in math, science, and history. Me and Sherman could tutor you if you need help."
Riley: "It's fine, I can ask Jobahan about those things later tonight, but thanks for the concern."
Sherman joins his girlfriend in the seat.
Aubrey: "Sure, of course. Oh hey, Sherman! Mwah. How was your morning?"
Sherman: "It was hectic. Desmond was acting a little wilder than normal earlier. He even asked me how I got my powers and wants to be like me."
Aubrey: "That's what little brothers do, Shermie. They copy what you do and somedays they want to be like you."
Sherman: "Aubs, what I can do with my powers is a big responsibility and it's a little harder to keep it a secret; given that my dad and us have been called to attend those news interviews and Task Force fundraisers."
Aubrey: "Baby, we helped your dad save this city. Heck, we saved Arkson City from blowing up! I think we can handle attending a few more charity events."
Sherman: "Yeah, maybe. Plus, all the fans screaming me, and my dad's names does tend to please me."
Aubrey: "Hehehe, oh Shermie. Always being modest."
Sherman: "It's kinda hard to be when you still have hero status."
Aubrey: "So... have you planned something special for my birthday next week?"
Sherman: "I am a master at organizing and planning. Trust me babe, you are going to enjoy yourself."
Aubrey: "Okay. I'm impressed. In fact, I have been hoping to enjoy you on my eighteenth birthday."
Sherman: "Enjoy my manly comfort?"
Aubrey: "There's that and something else."
Aubrey nods yes to his question and whispers in his left ear.
Sherman: "Really?"
Aubrey: "Yeah. I'll be eighteen and you're eighteen. So... what do you think? Can we?"
Sherman: "Hmm, I'll put that into high consideration, my lovely hare."
Sherman moves his eyebrows up and down.
Aubrey: (giggles) "My strong and perfect wolf."
Sherman and Aubrey exchange a long kiss. The scene changes to the front of the bus; Alicia Porter watches Jackson Junior, who is two rows behind her.
Alicia: (sighs)
Aziza: "Are you alright, Alicia?"
Alicia: "No, I'm not. I feel so alone right now."
Aziza: "Is it because JJ is dating Ruth?"
Alicia: "Yes. But it's also because I wish was I with JJ now. He pulled me out of a log when he, Ruth, Triskah, and I were playing 'Hide and Seek' at recess last week."
Aziza: "Okay, and then what?"
Alicia: "When he freed me, I landed on top of him by accident. And..."
Aziza: "Then what?"
Alicia reminisces that point in time.
......Flashback to last week......
In the woods near the playground, Alicia tries to move out of her hiding spot.
Jackson Junior: "You okay, Alicia? You don't have any injuries, right?"
Alicia: "I think I scraped my leg. Can you get me out here?"
Jackson Junior: "Hang on. I'll pull you out."
Alicia: "Okay, but please do it slowly."
He grabs her paws and pulls cautiously, but her leg was caught on a loose piece of bark.
Alicia: "Ow! Ow! Ow! I think I splintered the bottom of my paw."
Jackson Junior: "Hold still. Almost got it."
Alicia: "Ow. Owwww..." (groans)
Jackson Junior: "Easy and... whoa!"
Alicia: "Eeek!"
Jackson Junior: "Um... so that happened."
Alicia: "Oh haha. Yeah."
She stares into his eyes for seventeen seconds.
Alicia: (whispers) "Such great eyes..."
Jackson Junior: "What?"
Alicia: "Um... I mean such a bright day."
Jackson Junior: "Right. So... you want to help me find Ruth and Triskah?"
Alicia: "Oh um sure. But could you help me get this splinter out of my paw."
Jackson Junior: "Oh that's easy. You apply pressure and I'll pull it out."
JJ loosens the tiny scrap of wood, forcing it to pop free from her paw digit.
Alicia: "Thanks."
Jackson Junior: "You're welcome."
Footsteps approach from nearby.
Ruth: "JJ? What the heck is going here?"
Jackson Junior: "Ruth, I know how it looks, but it's not what you think."
Ruth: "Really? Cause it looks like Alicia is on top of you!"
Alicia: "Ruth stop! It was an accident. I got stuck in my hiding place and I fell on top of him by accident."
Ruth: "I don't wanna hear a word from you! In fact, I think you need to give us some space Alicia!"
Alicia: "Ruth come on!"
Ruth: "I can't believe you would do this! My own best friend! Making a move on my boyfriend!"
Ruth's anger turned into tears when she looked away from Alicia and helped JJ up off the ground.
Triskah: "What's going on?"
Ruth: "Ask the Slut of the fox world over there."
Alicia lowers her head and sighs in defeat.
......Flasback ends......
Alicia: "And that's why Ruth hates me."
Aziza: "So you felt something for JJ when you landed on him. Do you feel anything for him now?"
Alicia: "The truth is... yes. I do have feelings for him. The way he helped me, it seemed like he had a genuine concern for me and my well-being. Just like how my parents used to look after me way back. Do you think I should tell him?"
Aziza: "If I know my brothers, they value honesty. So, yes. I think you should tell him."
Alicia: "Okay, I'll find some way to tell him someday."Author's Note: "Will other unexpected surprises come? Find out soon in the upcoming chapter!"

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...