Truths, Old Flames, and Stakeouts

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......Back at the Feral-60 Threshers Lair......
Mokalis: "What the heck is going on out there?!"
Mokalis and Lektra open the door of their private quarters and survey the hallway around them and notice nine of their furred foot soldiers unconscious.
Lektra: "It looks like a frigging storm blew through here."
Feral-60 Thresher Guard: "I was knocked out... and... that double agent scum... she... ugh..."
Lektra: "Who did this? Tell us now!"
She threateningly holds her fore-claw to the guard's throat."
Feral-60 Thresher Guard: "It was that scum, Evelyn Vance. She shot us with tranq darts and escaped. We tried our best!"
Lektra: (sniffs) "Okay, so you're telling the truth."
She releases him causing the guard to breathe calmly once again.
Lektra: "So what's next?"
Mokalis: "We put a bounty on her head. Any crook is open to it as long as they bring her back alive so I can make her suffer for the charade she put on to fool us. Then I'm going to carve her up piece by piece!"
He balls his fist.
Lektra: "Sounds, appetizing..."
Feral-60 Thresher Guard 2: "You heard them! Set a bounty on Evelyn Vance... aka...the spy, Olivia Moreau Dupont!"
Both apprentices Loruna and Sage lead the hunting party.
The Feral-60 Thresher Gang cheers out and starts searching the streets throughout the night.
......Back in Upper Coastal City......
Olivia Moreau DuPont rides up to the side of the Tontione Household and walks up to the front door.
Olivia: "Well, the General said to team up with him. So... let's get this over with."
She rings the doorbell once and no one answers, and then tries a second time until one of the children opens the door."
Desmond: "Hello, who are you?"
Olivia: "Hi there little one, I'm an ally of your parents."
Desmond: "Ahh..."
He looks at her with curiosity.
Desmond: "Are you from the task force?"
Olivia: "Well I..."
Mallory approaches from the living room and gets in front of Desmond protectively.
Mallory: "Desmond, you shouldn't be answering the door without mom or dad's consent."
Desmond: "This is different. She's looks like a secret agent."
Mallory: "Who are you and why are you here?"
Olivia: "I'm actually here to talk to a Jackson Tontione. My CO told me he lives here."
Mallory: "Our dad is downstairs. Dad!?"
Approaching footsteps reveal sweaty Jackson coming upstairs after working on his latest addition to his arsenal.
Jackson: "Kids, what is going on up here?"
Olivia: "Good afternoon, Mr. Tontione. I am Agent DuPont of the SASC in joint operations with UAA intelligence in regarding the Feral-60 Threshers. Their gang is also working with a terrorist cell organization known as the Salvation Army."
Jackson: "Please, just call me Jackson. And... what exactly do they have to do with this Salvation Army group? Where are they from and how do you about this?"
Olivia: "I've been working undercover as a double agent within the Feral-60 Threshers to find out more of their plans and feed any intel to my superiors."
Jackson: "The Feral-60 Threshers are based in the regions of North America and the poorer districts of Coastal City and Arkson City. Where is this Salvation Army from?"
Olivia: "Originally from Western Africa. Their influence was very high there until our  top international operative overseas defeated their organization. But... now what's currently left of them is now looking for new territory to steal and abuse in different parts of the world. And their biggest backers are the Feral-60 Threshers who are currently here in a large old tunnel near edge of the Solardin District."
Jackson: "They are all in Arkson City? And they start a war on the streets? When is this going to happen?"
Olivia: "Based on what I heard from their leader ,Mokalis, it could be happening tomorrow. He may have sent some of his soldiers to come hunting for me. Right now, I am not safe anywhere except for here."
Jackson: "Uhm... I'm not sure about that, Olivia. My guest room is not exactly cleaned out yet."
Olivia: "Listen, if I stay at a sanctioned safe house in Arkson City, the Threshers might find me and try to finish me off. Please, I need to stay here because you're one of this region's top heroes."
Jackson: (sighs) "Fine, but I gotta clear it up with my wife first."
Olivia: "Okay... thank you."
Jackson: "Taciana, we have a guest!"
Taciana: "Who is at the door?!"
Jackson: "An agent of the Special Animal Forces is here!"
Taciana: "Let her in! I'll talk to her and get her settled in after Sherman and I finish ironing all the clothes!"
Jackson: "Okay! Good news, you're allowed to stay with us for now.
He lets Olivia inside with her purse and some spy gear.
Olivia: "Where is the guest room?"
Jackson: "Sure, follow me."
Desmond: "I'm coming too."
Jackson: "No, this is an adult matter."
Mallory: "Desmond..."
Desmond: "We're all heroes. And now there is a cool super spy in our house. I think we all need to hear it. We gotta tell Sherman!"
Mallory: "Shh... inside voice."
Desmond: "Sorry, we gotta tell Sherman and the others."
Mallory: "Alright, fine. We'll go up after telling him."
......Scene change to Sherman's Room......
Sherman: "Okay everyone, we have only one more assignment left before the weekend arrives and we'll plenty of time to go on our next patrol."
Zelene: "Sounds good."
Lucas: "What about the next slide. That has to have the next answer."
Redford: "I got this one answer... it's islands of Jamaica."
Sherman: "Awesome. Okay... we're done for the night."
Alicia: "Bye... all. Especially, you Jackson Junior.
The attractive red fox winks in JJ's direction.
Felicia: "Back off, fox girl. He's mine."
Ruth: "Jackson Junior is my mate, Talvenger."
Felicia: "We'll see who gets him after saving everyone, Sommers."
Grace: "Goodnight, cousin Sherman."
Sherman: "Cousin Grace. You have a goodnight. Tell Uncle Keshin and Auntie Carina that my parents will host a great reunion after this."
Grace: "Thanks, cuz."
She hugs Sherman and looks towards Redford for comfort.
Redford: "See ya, Grace."
Grace: See ya Red..."
In Grace's Mind: "I need to tell him sooner or later."
Grace: "Redford, do you want to hang out sometime?"
Redford: "Sure... why not. Just text me your schedule and we'll figure something out a bit later."
Grace: "Okay, great! Thank you. Bye."
In Grace's Mind: "Can't believe he said yes! He wants to hang!"
She leaves the house along with a few of the others who visited the house.
Sherman: "Okay! You all have a goodnight."
......Slow change to upstairs......
Taciana: "Okay, Agent..."
Olivia: "Agent Dupont."
Taciana: "Ms. Dupont. You'll be staying in here for the night."
Olivia: "Thank you, Mrs. Tontione. I just want to talk to your husband about a mission for tomorrow. It's matter of safety for both Coastal City and Arkson City."
Taciana: "Ah, okay. Take your time. I'm gonna go to bed."
Jackson: "I'll join you soon, babe."
He closes the guest room door to conceal the conversation.
Jackson: "So, I'm guessing the rest of North Animalia is at risk?"
Olivia: "Exactly, we need to go over the evidence tomorrow morning and then alert the alert your friends in the task force too."
Jackson: "Why didn't you just call them?"
Olivia: "Because they don't know me. But they do know you. This whole city idolizes you for your heroic feats and your fame. Even half the law enforcement loves you."
Jackson: "Alright, alright... I will help you mainly because I want to protect my home, my family... my country ... heck this whole planet matters to me."
Olivia smirks and shakes Jackson's paw.
Olivia: "Yes! Thank you! Now, we need get some rest, because the gangs will be up and on the move a lot tomorrow."
Jackson: "Yeah, goodnight to you too, Agent Dupont."
Olivia: "Please, just call me Olivia."
Jackson: "Sure... goodnight, Olivia."
Olivia: "Goodnight."
Olivia places lays down and falls to sleep.
Jackson then leaves the guest room and goes to the master bedroom. He notices his wife knitting a new shirt for Desmond.
Jackson: (yawns) "What's my adorable rabbit wife doing tonight?"
Taciana: (chuckles) "Your beautiful rabbit wife is making Desmond one his new future birthday presents."
Jackson: "Babe, we could just buy him a new shirt and shorts at the Fernside Plaza."
Taciana: "Babe, it's more meaningful to create a gift with your own paws."
Jackson: "I hope Desmond understands that."
Taciana: "What's really going on, baby?"
Jackson: "Nothing, it's just... you know... these... all these gangs and the lives at risk have been on my mind and it's making me think I should give the Shadow Knight a break."
Taciana: "You don't need to stop being a hero to satisfy me. I admire that you protect everyone over yourself. That's one of the reasons why I married you."
She puts down her half completed gift and holds Jackson's right paw and tells him to look at her.
Taciana: "Baby, look at me. Look at me."
Jackson turns his head from the ceiling and glances at Taciana's eyes.
Taciana: "You are an incredible dhole and husband and the best man ever. All that matters to me now is you making this world safer for our children to grow up in."
Jackson: "Thanks babe. I will keep up that promise, right until the day I fall."
Taciana: "Aww, Jacky..."
Jackson: "Tacci..."
They hug and hold each other while nuzzling affectionately.
Taciana: "I want another baby."
Jackson: "Again?"
Taciana: "What? What's wrong?"
Jackson: "I mean we have a lot of pups and kits already babe. Not to mention, that we are not as young as we used to be."
Taciana: "Come on, just one more kit... baby... my love. Please... I miss how good you are at mating after making love to me."
Taciana kisses his cheek and neck a few times to seduce him.
Jackson: "Tacci... Tacci... it's late."
She rubs his chest to arouse him, but he only flinches a bit as she inches closer to him despite his desire to pull her closer.
Taciana: "Please... I promise that we won't have any more after at least one more litter of kits."
Jackson: "What about Sherman? He's going off to college next year."
Taciana: "Sherman is will be alright, he'll be with us while he attends college. That way we'll keep an eye on him until he is ready to get his own place."
Jackson: "Tacci, the diapers on the Desmond were nasty enough. Another round of those might destroy my olfactory senses."
Taciana: "Come on, Jacky... please...  we are raising a highly successful, upper middle class household with twelve kids. Come on, please, baby."
She kisses his cheek three more times and then his shoulder once to sway him into having 'quality time' with her.
Jackson: "Mwah... mwah... mwah... fine just one more litter my precious rabbit. Mwah."
Taciana: "Mwah... I've missed this so much! Now let's get down and enjoy this moment! Mmm!"
Jackson: "Heheh... Mmmm!"
The passion between them heats up as Jackson holds Taciana closely while they kiss and make love throughout the midnight hour.
The sounds echo slightly through the upstairs hall, but Sherman solves it by closing the door to and then as he goes back to his room. His holo-phone rings and he notices a phone number with a caller ID says 'Layla Salim.' He answers the phone and says... "Hello?"
Layla: "Hey... uhm... is this Sherman Tontione?"
Sherman: "Yeah?"
Layla: "Yes! Great, it's me Layla. Layla Salim from the party. I need to ask you if I could join your team tomorrow?"
Sherman: "Okay... sure... just meet us all outside school near the football field."
Layla: "Really? Oh yes! Really? Err... I mean. Cool. Thank you, Sherman. I'll see you then. Uhm..."
Sherman: "Yeah, good. Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?"
Layla: "It'll keep until after the big mission. Heheh..."
In Layla's Mind: "God... his voice so smooth.  I can see why a lot of the female animal students go crazy over him at school. Ooh...."
Sherman: "So we're good?"
Layla: "Hmm? Oh yea, we're good! Goodnight, Class President... Err, I mean... great leader of the Crisis Brood."
Sherman: (chuckles) "Thank you. You have a goodnight's rest too Layla."
He ends the call as he walks back to his room and falls to sleep.
......Scene change to the next day......
It's eight in the morning, and Aubrey feels a bit of pain in her stomach.
Aubrey: "Ugh... mmm... well today is the day. Time to see if Sherman will either keep me or reject me and just look at me as an only co-leader of the team."
She goes to Alujura's room and knocks on the door.
Alujura: "What's up, Aubs?"
Aubrey: "Can you tell Mom and Dad that I'm just going over to the Tontione's for an easy breakfast?"
Alujura: "Relax, sis. I can cover your breakfast making shift for today. Just go tell your boyfriend that's he's going to be much more responsible."
Aubrey: "Thank you, sister."
Alujura: "Go get him, girl."
Aubrey walks confidently across the street to the Tontione Household and knocks on the door. It opens revealing Angel answering it.
Angel: "Good morning, Aubrey. What brings you here this early?"
Aubrey: "Hi Angel, is Sherman awake? If not I can wait until he wakes up."
Angel: "He and everyone else is still asleep, but you can wait for him down here if you want."
Aubrey: "Actually I need your advice."
Angel: "You're asking me for advice? Okay... that's new. What do you want to tell me?"
Aubrey: "Uhm... well me and your brother we... mated together. And... I think I might be a little... pregnant."
Angel looks at her with a shocked face.
Aubrey: "Yes, I know what you're gonna say. That Sherman probably doesn't want a child so early and..."
Angel: "If you tell him that; he'll flip and he might just bench you for being pregnant."
Aubrey: "Angel, me and Sherman are the joint leaders of the Crisis Brood okay. I'm sure he'll be understanding."
Angel: "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."
Aubrey: "Angel, to be fair you don't know how a close official relationship works."
Angel: "Ahem, me and Kuon are into each other. Pretty sure that counts."
Aubrey: "Well, I'm not going to hide this pregnancy from him, I'll get him up, right now."
She walks upstairs and goes to Sherman's bedroom at the end of the far left side of the hall. Sherman lays there still asleep.
Aubrey: (whispers) "Shermie? Sherm-Sherm wake up. Please...?"
She tries to shove Sherman awake but it doesn't seem to awaken him. Then as the sun begins to rise again... Sherman stretches and yawns loudly in response.
Sherman: "What the... Aubrey? What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the day? It's barely even light out..."
Aubrey: "Sherman... my handsome love. I need to tell you something very important."
Sherman: "Okay..."
Aubrey: "You know how you and I made love a few weeks ago? Well... I tested myself and... I'm.... I'm... I'm pregnant with your kits."
The back of Sherman's head shook.
In Sherman's Head: "What?!! She's pregnant!!? A child... ugh... no not now... not now! This is not the right time... but then again... we did make those vows to never hide or keep secrets from each other. Maybe, I could help her keep it secret until the battle is almost over. Ugh... but damn my folks might kill me."
Aubrey: "Sherman? Sherman? Are you okay? I need you to know what you think of all this. And... whether or not if you want me or to keep me on the team still?"
Sherman: "Aubs, this is shocking to me...But... you're not leaving my side the whole time. I will protect you and I know we may have been rough a while ago but... this pup is now gonna be part of our future."
Aubrey: "Oh my gosh... really? You mean you'll help me raise this child?"
Sherman: "Yes."
Aubrey: (sniffles) "I was afraid to tell you or that you would say no and reject me... and..."
Sherman caresses her left cheek and shares a deep and passionate moment with Aubrey.
Sherman and Aubrey: "Mmmm, Mwah, Mmmm, Mmmwah, Mmmwah, Mmmm, Mwah..."
Their lips connect and then separate as they nuzzle affectionately.
Sherman: "We're going to be alright, Aubs."
Aubrey: "Thank you for being very supportive Shermie, Boo. I love you so much."
Sherman: "I love you too."
Sherman: "Mwah."
Aubrey: "Mwah. So, that means we're going to have to tell the team and both of our parents after we help save both cities."
Sherman: "Yeah, probably. But it's not going to be fun."
Aubrey: "Heheh... wouldn't expect it to be, Sherm-Sherm."
She holds his paw and places it over her heart.
They smile at each other and are interrupted when Sherman's other siblings start to slowly wake up.
Angel: "Aww... believe me I won't tell anyone about what just witnessed..."
She cries silently with tears of joy.
Aubrey: "Heheh, you're gonna make a great aunt for our child one day."
Angel: "You both would let me be the Godparent? That would be great!"
Aziza: (yawns) "What's so great? And why are you three talking so loud in the morning?
Angel: "Oh... good morning... Aziza... Sherman and Aubrey were just telling me how their relationship has made them even stronger. Hehe..."
Aziza: "Are you all hiding something?"
Sherman: "No way, lil sis."
Aubrey: "Yeah, we're okay, Aziza."
Aziza: "Okay... so anyways I'm going to be the one making breakfast this time. Don't fight me on it! It's my turn. Just like how it's my turn to handle the first enemy by stealth on the team's mission to fight the Threshers and the Crimson Raiders bit by bit."
Sherman: "Dad's not gonna allow any of us to fight alongside him. He prefers working solo despite Mom's constant prayers for him to always have backup."
Aziza: "True. But when has that ever stopped us?"
Jackson Junior: (yawns) "What's going on?"
Zaino: "Yeah, some of us want to sleep in."
Then the alarm rings in the master bedroom and everyone runs downstairs before Jackson and Taciana have the chance to wake up.
Zaino: "Last one to the kitchen is a stinker!"
Sherman: "Zaino, dude. We don't run anymore remember."
Zaino: "Oh come on, bro. Where's your sense of free spirit?"
Sherman: "Well, I just don't have it in me this early in the morning, okay."
Zaino: "Alright. Alright, chill."
Jackson Junior: "Whoo! I can't wait to stomp my enemies into the dirt after school today."
Taciana: (yawns) "What was that, Junior?"
Jackson Junior: "I mean let's go learn before going out on patrol with Dad."
He says in an attempt to go downstairs without arousing his mother's suspicion.
Taciana: "Yeah, that's what I thought you said. And Jackson... please wake up."
Jackson: (groans) "No more rounds for me this time baby..."
Taciana: "Jackson? Jackson wake up."
Jackson: "Oh... hey Tacci. What's going on?"
Taciana: "Sorry to interrupt your dream, but one of your sons thinks destroying his enemies completely is okay."
Jackson: "JJ, come over here. Right now."
Jackson Junior: "Yes, Dad."
Jackson: "The rest of you, can go downstairs."
Jackson Junior: "Did I do something wrong?"
Jackson: "Son, I know I taught you, your brothers, your sisters, and your friends about self control and only inflicting harm when it's necessary. Not for pure enjoyment."
Jackson Junior: "What do you mean? I can't crush at least bad guy?"
Jackson: "Killing all of our enemies is not the answer, son."
Jackson Junior: "Even though they probably kill innocent bystanders every chance they get?"
Jackson: "Yes. We protect as many as we can, but unfortunately we cannot save everyone. Because if you killed your enemies and started enjoying it; then you'd be no different than the very ones we fight against."
Jackson Junior: "Alright, alright. Maybe I don't enjoy beating my enemies. But can I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that once they're off the streets, other animals will be safe."
Jackson: (sighs) "Yes, that is fine. But what I'm concerned about is you taking things too far."
Jackson Junior: "Ugh... okay... dad... whatever. I'll show some effing mercy."
Taciana: "Junior! Language! You know better than that."
Jackson Junior: "I only said effing, Mom. Come on."
Taciana: "Still, you know better than to talk like that."
Jackson Junior: "But..."
Jackson: "Don't ever talk back to me or your mother ever again. Am I clear?"
Jackson Junior: "Yes, sir."
He lowers his ears slightly.
Jackson: "Alright. You can go downstairs and eat."
As Jackson Junior walks downstairs, Jackson and Taciana refresh themselves.
.......Scene change to Master Bedroom......
Jackson: "So aside from giving our second oldest son an important lesson regarding the importance mercy. When are you gonna be home?"
Taciana: "I'll be back by eight o'clock tonight. Why?"
Jackson: "Because I'm probably going to be back very late tonight, given the mission to stop the gang problem once and for all."
Taciana: "I'm questioning how long that agent is going to be staying here. And why she is not in a different hideaway or something."
Jackson: "Baby, relax... I took the day off and I put Nappine in charge of the company until I finish rescuing both Coastal City and Arkson City."
Taciana: "You're not going out there without Sherman or our children, Are you?"
Jackson: "Tacci, come on. I do it because I don't want the kids getting injured or worse... possibly shot up. Besides Agent Dupont is gonna be my backup."
Taciana: "Jacky... stop... just stop. I don't completely trust her. Please, just let your children and their friends help you on this for my sake. Mwah. Just humor me baby."
Jackson: (sighs) "Fine. Fine. But those innocent eyes need way more practice."
Taciana: "But... I miss when you said my eyes were 'one of the most beautiful sights' you've ever seen."
Jackson: "Bae, you are still the most beautiful sight to me regardless."
Taciana: "As a whole?"
Jackson: "Yes as a whole. Hot from the inside out."
Taciana: (blushes)
Jackson and Taciana then walk together downstairs tout suite to join their teenage and preteen children at the breakfast table.
.......In the guest room......
Olivia: "Gotta be ready for anything on this mission."
She loads two tranq pistols in her pack and an UAA army registered Desert Eagle with a miniature scope. Then changes into her SASC clothes.
Olivia: "Yes. That should do. Phew. I hope Nahomie and my baby Reginald are okay."
She then calls her eldest daughter, Nahomie Dupont.
.......Phone call begins......
Olivia: "Nahomie? Hi, uhm... I just wanted let you know that I will be back as soon as my work is done."
Nahomie: "Mom... Jerry is being a brat."
Jerry: (fusses)
Nahomie: "Look, I'm taking him out with me for a small trip to the grocery store."
Olivia: "No! Whatever you do, stay inside the house and keep your baby brother safe."
Nahomie: "Mom, what is going on? I know you're trying to do your job and find out about this Salvation Army group you've been hunting, but it's been years since dad was killed. You have to move on."
Olivia: "I know the Salvation Army is the group that killed your father."
Nahomie: "Fine... okay. Just don't get yourself hurt or worse out there, Mom. Please..."
Olivia: "I'll try not to. And send little Jerry a kiss from Momma for me too."
Nahomie: "Yeah, sure. Okay. Bye Mom."
She phone hangs up first.
.......Phone call ends......
Olivia: (sighs) "Oh Clyde... if only you were here to see the kids now... I promise that I will bring down the one who took you from me."
Olivia wipes her tears as she breathes a calming breath after looking at an old photo in her purse. Then as she goes downstairs to the kitchen and takes a seat on the Tontione's family room couch.
Taciana: "Uhm... good morning Agent Dupont. Would you like to join us for breakfast?"
Olivia: "Yes, if that's okay with you."
Taciana: "Of course. Besides, the fact that you came all this way to ask for help from my husband to protect this city means a lot."
Olivia: "Its no trouble. Just part of my dangerous job."
Taciana: "Besides my youngest son Desmond, is still burning with questions about how he wants to be an agent for a living."
Olivia: "Heheh, your youngest? Is he always so inquisitive?"
Taciana: "Well, me and Jackson have been great role models for our kids. So that's the big part of it."
Olivia: "Heheh, well... if he's interested in becoming an agent in future, I know someone who can get him into SASC's training program once he's of age."
Taciana: "I'm sure Desmond will happy to hear it. Come on."
Olivia follows Taciana inside the kitchen sits at the large table and sees a plate already set for her.
Olivia: "Thank you."
As everyone eats and finishes their meals to prepare for the day overall, Desmond texts Chloe about making sure that she comes to the Crisis Brood meeting behind the school today.
Joseph: "Talking to Chloe again, huh?"
Desmond: "Yeah. Why? Is there a problem with that?"
Joseph: "No, none at all. It's just admirable that you like her."
Desmond: "I enjoy spending time with her. I think of her as my best friend. That's it."
Joseph: "That's not what she said."
Desmond: "What did she say?"
Joseph: "She said that she thinks you're cute."
Desmond: "Well, I do have that admirable quality. Awesomeness! Keeyaa!"
He practices his a punches playfully. Suddenly, the doorbell rings on the front door.
Jackson: "Who could that be?"
He opens and sees a familiar young Arctic wolf girl at the door.
Jackson: "Oh, it's you. What do you want?"
Young Teenage Arctic Wolf: "Good morning, Mr. Tontione. Uhm... Is Sherman here?"
Jackson: "He is. But I doubt that he wants to see you ever again, Tonia.  Especially given the fact that you were affiliated with the Feral-60 Threshers and betrayed my son by telling them where he lives! You put my whole family and this neighborhood at risk! Give a reason why I should not just call the Task Force to arrest you for trespassing on my property."
Tonia Aldeniva: "Oh no, no, no, no ... Please... Mr. Tontione... I just want to help. I'm done with that life and I've been doing my best on my own to rectify the mistakes I've made in the past. And... all I'm asking for is a second chance to prove myself. Please..."
Jackson: (snarls) "You can come inside and talk to him, but no tricks."
Tonia: "I understand. Thank you, Mr. Tontione."
She walks in quickly and sees Sherman rubbing Aubrey's stomach.
In Tonia's Mind: "My god... Sherman has gotten so damn hot... but.. what? What is he doing with an arctic hare girl? He's touching her so calmly. Oh Gah... no... that... that cannot be... a wolf and an arctic hare? No! That's... that is not possible! No... don't get upset.... focus... talk to him and regain his trust."
Tonia: "Sherman?"
Sherman: "Tonia? Tonia Aldeniva? You have a lot of nerve showing your face here."
Tonia: "Sherman, please... can we please just talk in private before we all drive out to class?"
Sherman: "You got a few minutes, but then I want you gone, Traitor."
Aubrey: "Shermie, I'm scared. Why is "she" back here?"
Sherman: "I'm not sure. But, it's going to be okay, Aubs. Mwah."
He nuzzles her and kisses her on the cheek.
Sherman: "I'll be right back, babe."
Aubrey: "Don't let her fool you again, baby."
She rubs her belly expectantly.
Sherman: "Trust me, I won't."
Tonia watches with jealous eyes as she follows Sherman to his bedroom for a chat.
......Scene change to Sherman's bedroom.....
Sherman: "Coming here at the crack of the morning after what you've done to me and this team was very stupid.
Sherman grabs Tonia's face bluntly and snarls at her.
Tonia: "If you're going to kill me, then do it quick. But... please give me another chance Sherman. Please... I... I still care about you and love you. Most of the things we did together even though I was spying on Crisis Brood for the Feral-60 Threshers. They were all true and real for me. All the moments I told about 'us' in my dreams. It was all true. Listen, I know you haven't been noticing me at school on purpose but... please give me another chance. Give us another chance."
Her paws glow with spiritual light energy to demonstrate to Sherman of her change of heart.
Sherman: "What do you mean, ' us' another chance? So you got light energy powers now?"
He lets go of her snout.
Tonia: "Yes. Because I have been turning my life around and only want to follow the path honor and righteousness...with you."
Sherman: "Hmm... fine. But this is your last chance Tonia. But, only because the Vitaea Spirits of Light grants second chances. You may rejoin the Crisis Brood."
Tonia: "Thank you so much."
She hugs him and attempts inch her muzzle closer to Sherman's.
Sherman: "Don't push your luck."
As Sherman was about walk to the door, Tonia grabs his left paw.
Tonia: "Wait! Please... Sherman... I really do miss us."
Sherman: "No. Things are much different now. I am dating Aubrey and unlike you she won't up and leave me."
Tonia rubs Sherman's tail and his chest.
Tonia: "Do you remember what you told me back then?"
Jackson: "Yes, but what does that have do with right anything... Mmmph?!"
Tonia: "Mmmm...Mmmwah... Mmmh... Mwah."
Tonia plants a long and passionate kiss on Sherman's lips. The two separate and she stares at him with half-lidded eyes."
Tonia: "You said, 'There is good in me and that includes your heart."
.......Flashback to 5037.......
Sherman and Tonia sneak inside.
Sherman: "Is this private enough?"
Tonia: "Yes! Now come here, you powerful wolf! Mmmm!"
Sherman: "Mmmm!"
The pair are making out backstage in the empty school auditorium after hours.
Sherman then swiftly takes off Tonia's mini-skirt and takes off his pants. Him and Tonia start to mate in a synchronized pattern.
Tonia: "Ahh, Sherman! I love you so much! Keep going please! I want to bear your pups!"
Sherman: "Shh.... Don't talk so loud."
Tonia: "Sorry. Sorry."
The pair finish mating experience after thirty-five minutes and cuddle on the floor with ease.
Sherman: "Dang... you're good. You truly do have good in your heart, Tonia Aldeniva."
Tonia: "You're incredible too."
Sherman and Tonia: "Mwah, Mwah, Mwah!"
......Flashback ends......
Sherman: "Yes, I remember. And that is in the past. Come on school is gonna start soon."
Tonia: "Wait... I need to show you something."
She takes out a photo of three infant wolf pups.
Sherman: "What?"
Tonia: "It's a picture of our three sons. Roland, Jacob, and Andrew. They look a bit like both of us."
Sherman: "Sons? You're telling me that the pups in this photo are your kids?"
Tonia: "Yes. And they were hoping to meet you someday."
Sherman: "That cannot be. You expect me to believe that?"
Tonia: "I'm not lying, Sherman. I was never with anyone else. No one except for you."
Tonia caresses Sherman's cheeks and plants another deep kiss on his lips.
Tonia: "Mmmmmmmwah! Do you still love me?"
Sherman: "No. I don't."
Tonia: "Please... you can't leave me baby. Think of our pups at least."
Sherman: "You left a year ago after selling me and this family out and come back with news like this and expect me to just embrace you as a mate?"
Tonia: "Sherman... I..."
Sherman: "Where have you been living?"
Tonia: "I've been living in a small house just in Calcheth, Coastal City. It is near the shopping district of the Fernside Plaza."
Sherman: "Where are the three pups now?"
Tonia: "I dropped them off at Kalden's Nursery School on 8th Street in Midtown, Coastal City."
Sherman: "Then I'll go with you to pick them up after my Crisis Brood and I finish our patrol.
Tonia: "But our pups will ..."
Sherman: "We'll talk about that later..."
He snarls loudly to emphasize his point.
Tonia: "So you don't want to meet your own pups? The pups that you impregnated me with last year. Well you're going to be apart of our babies' lives with me whether you like it or not."
Sherman: "Quit talking like that!
Tonia: "That is all in the past! And besides after I left them I found out I was pregnant with your pups."
Sherman: "I will decide to see them when I am ready. Until, then... just count yourself lucky that I even allowed you back on the team."
They leave Sherman's bedroom and rejoin everyone in the kitchen. Some were concerned while others, including Aubrey and Angel were suspicious of Tonia reappearing again.
Sherman: "Let's roll out everyone! And Dad, Agent Dupont. Good luck on your mission! Mom, I pray that your work day goes well too."
Jackson: "Have a great day at school today."
Taciana: "Yes, my sweeties. Please be safe out there."
As Sherman and Aubrey get in their car, Tonia drives up behind them and throws Sherman a smile just to piss Aubrey off.
Aubrey: "So... Tonia's back and wants to steal you from me."
Sherman: "Baby, Tonia is not gonna get between us. I swear."
Aubrey: "What were you two talking about back in your bedroom?"
Sherman: "Mainly to convince her that I'm not into her anymore. And to get her pups away from her, because she's dangerous."
Aubrey: "Great Spirits above... you mated with her?!"
Sherman: "It happened after you and I took a break last year and before I found out she was a traitor. Plus, as the class president I had an image to maintain. That means having the right girl in my life."
Aubrey: "Oh I see. And which one of us is the right girl for you, Shermie? Me or that white wolf?"
Sherman: "Aubs, you are the only girl for me. I'm only in love with you."
Aubrey: "Are you sure? Because you made me have doubts when you were alone with Tonia for several minutes."
Sherman then places his paw on Aubrey's stomach.
Sherman: "Look, I will prove to you that I only love you. By surprising you with one surprising act."
Aubrey: "What kind of surprise?"
Sherman: "You'll see after the peace has been restored."
Aubrey: "Sherm-Sherm, are you telling me the truth?"
Sherman: "Yes, my love. Always."
The Tontiones and all their friends arrived at the school to begin their classes of the day.
Sherman and Aubrey hold paws as they go to their first classes.
Sherman: "I'll see you right after this class, Aubs."
Aubrey: "See ya, soon baby."
Sherman walks into his first class and notices a face he never thought he'd see again.
Sherman: "Kimeyah? Kimeyah Rakoshi?"
Kimeyah Rakoshi: "Sherman Tontione!?! Oh my gosh it's so good to see you again!"
She hugs him excitedly and admires his body.
Kimeyah: "Oohh... You've really changed Mr. Handsome Hero."
Sherman: "I can't believe it. I haven't seen you since Isla Kalma! When did you move here to Coastal City vacay partner?"
Kimeyah: "Heheh, oh I moved here three years ago, and changed schools because I was bullied a lot."
Sherman: "Well, believe it or not. I'm actually the class president of this school. So believe me, you'll be safe with me around, Kimmie."
Kimeyah: "Heheh, it's been a while since you called me Kimmie. Sherm da Bomb. Heheheh!"
......Flashback to Isla Kalma 12 years ago......
Sherman and Kimeyah run through the nearby jungle and towards to oasis.
Younger Sherman: "Oh yeah! Whoo!"
Younger Kimeyah: "Hehehehe!"
The two splash each other so much and end up colliding muzzle to muzzle by accident.
Younger Sherman: "Uhm... I uh... sorry."
Younger Kimeyah: "No, it's okay. I thought it was kinda nice."
Younger Sherman: "So... uhm... do you mind if we try it intentionally?"
Younger Kimeyah: (blushes) "I don't mind at all."
The exchange a slow and quick kiss.
Younger Sherman: "I like you being around you, Kimmie."
Younger Kimeyah: "I like you being around you too, Sherman."
The two smile at each other before Sherman challenges her to race to the top of the waterfall.
Sherman: "Race ya!"
Kimeyah: "Oh you're so on wolf!"
......Flashback ends.......
Sherman and Kimeyah sit down and talk about the old days and how much they'd love to relive them together.
Kimeyah: "Maybe we could practice dancing or go out for a swim sometime."
Sherman: "Yeah, that'd be fun. Just like old times."
Kimeyah: "Heheh, just like old times."
......Scene change to the Black Market......
Jackson and Olivia drive to the edge of Downtown, Coastal City and are searching for signs of the Feral-60 Thresher Leaders at the shady corners of the local black market.
Olivia: "There, that's Mokalis and Lektra moving through with some of their elite enforcers."
Jackson: "So what's the plan here? Storm an empty space? I can't see nothing."
Olivia: "That's because my recent intel after being undercover tells me that they conduct their deals using underground network beneath the city. Weapons, drug smuggling, trafficking of wild ones... anything that pays in the criminal underworld."
She explains as she loads her high dosage tranq gun and her one normal pistol holstered, while Jackson sets his subsonic watch to the seven-thousand hertz range.
Jackson: "When is the best time to strike?"
Olivia: "Once they all enter the building, we'll enter through the back entrance and sneak inside."
Jackson: "So in other words, we're on a stakeout until something major occurs."
Olivia: "Exactly."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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