(Up above is Felicia Saquino Talvenger, a young hybrid who's half gray wolf and Fennec Fox who is a strong fan of the Crisis Brood and has had a small crush on Jackson Junior since middle school. Also present at the concert.)
As Aubrey talks, Sherman just pretends to listen by glancing at the reflection in her eyes.
Aubrey: "Shermie, this is a close nit team of friends and family, not band of soldiers. You need to be more patient with them and be more considerate."
Sherman: "Aubrey, I've been considerate of them all. Heck, I'm the one who showed you the Great Spirits in the first place. Maybe you should show some gratitude that you even have powers at all."
Aubrey: "Sherman..."
Sherman: "Maybe I should have just gone solo, like my dad. He did incredible things all on his own and had the Light Spirits backing him when everyone in Glassbec and Coastal City was imperiled! I can't... I can't let anyone else die. He was brave and never stood by while bad things happened! I even told him that I wanted to be just like him."
Aubrey: "Shermie! Stop it. No one else is going to die."
Sherman: "Aubs, a lot of furries were shot at and five were severely injured."
Aubrey: "Baby, stop it. We're going to protect everyone, but you have to promise me that you won't do anything rash or on your own."
Sherman: "Still I..."
Aubrey: "No! Don't even think about that okay."
Aubrey nuzzles Sherman affectionately.
Aubrey: "You are not like your father and you're not doing this alone. No. We are all in this together. Us and all of our friends."
Sherman: "Okay. Okay. I'll try being less aggressive when leading the team."
Aubrey: "Mwah. Thank you."
Neal: "Yo, Sherman! Everyone has been healed!"
Sherman: "Okay great. Wait? Have you seen Kina and Javaia anywhere?"
Radinavia: "I asked their stage manager about where they are."
Male Rhino Stage Manager: "They went out back to hide from all the shooting. I beat down one the shooters and questioned why he was aiming to kill them."
He shows them a muskrat furry with gloves knocked out against the ground near Javaia's dressing room.
Male Rhino Stage Manager: "This is one of them."
Sherman: "Neal, see if you and Radinavia can wake him up. Maybe question him further."
Neal: "Sure bro."
Sherman: "Joseph! Zakari! Ca you two go and check the rest of the them for any weapons they may have hidden in their pockets."
Zakari: "On it."
Joseph: "Hey Sherman! Can we maybe keep one for safe keeping?"
Sherman: "The only weapon we need is our warrior's spirit, little bros."
Zakari: "So... we cannot use guns on this team?"
Sherman: "Exactly."
Zakari: "Why? It's not like all the bad guys fight bare-pawed or use just knives."
Sherman: "It's because we don't kill our enemies to reach peaceful outcomes."
Zakari: "Alright. Alright. I get it. Live and let live."
Sherman: "It is called showing mercy and bringing true justice to light, Zakari."
Joseph: "You're starting sound like, Dad."
Sherman: "Well, he taught us everything about using spiritual energy. I am your leader, and as such, you need to follow my lead."
Angel: "Uhm... Sherman?"
Sherman: "What's up, little sis?"
Angel: "It's Javaia and Kina. Cherie Mae and Stella found them."
Sherman: "Where?"
Angel: "This way. Those two are still trying to heal their wounds, but they won't go in until you come outside and let them know that the danger has passed."
Sherman: "Everyone else! Keep an eye on the poachers and let me know when the Commissioner and his forces arrive!"
Sherman follows Angel outside the auditorium's back entrance and sees Kina and Javaia refusing to move back indoors while the Johnson sisters keep trying to ease their trauma.
Cherie Mae: "Me and my sister are telling you, that the bad guys are beaten. So come on inside already!"
Stella: "Yeah. Now come on inside. The Task Force will want to take your statements."
Kina Staava: "And I told you that I'm not going back in until your leader says it's safe."
Javaia Kutnni: "Exactly. Now where is he?"
Cherie Mae: "He's already walking towards you. Now will you both be calm?"
Kina: "Yes."
Javaia: "Ya, I'm good too."
Sherman: "Hi. I'm here to ask you some questions about the poachers who attacked."
Kina: "You can ask us anything. And I mean... anything at all. Anything for the Razor Wolf."
Kina struts slowly around Sherman as her long tail strokes his muzzle.
Sherman: "Ahem. Do you know why they attacked or not?"
Kina: "No, but I find this on ground where one the shooters were."
She hands him a sheet of paper with names and targets.
Sherman: "Holy cow. I think we have a key piece of evidence."
Kina: "We do?"
Javaia: "How is that a key piece of evidence?"
Sherman: "It's a hit list. It looks like were hired to take and abduct specific furries."
Javaia: "Oh."
Kina: "That's interesting. But why would they want to kill or take us?"
Sherman: "Both you and Javaia's names are on this list."
Kina: (gasps)
Javaia: "What?"
Sherman: "Yeah, come on in. Commissioner Talvenger can have some officers to protect you."
Kina: "No! Uhm... I mean, I'd feel much better if you were the one protecting me."
Javaia: "I feel safer already!"
She says with an excited voice.
Sherman: "Okay, but you know that means you two can't be out in the open for too long."
Kina: "Not even for some shopping?"
Sherman: "Anything that takes you a long time while walking outside of your homes."
Kina: "Okay... sure."
Sherman: "Also, where are both you girl's parents?"
Kina: "My mom is out of town acting for a new film and my dad is working abroad."
Javaia: "And my parents are out currently out of the country and on vacation in Cota-Vannis for the anniversary of their first date."
Sherman: "Okay, then. I guess you'll have to stay at one of our houses until then. Or at the very least until me and my team catches the ones who ordered the attack on the auditorium."
Kina: "I vote your house!"
Javaia: "Yeah, me too!"
Cherie Mae: "Ugh."
Stella: "Hmm..."
In Cherie Mae's Mind: "Are you kidding me? Even these floozy singers think they can move in on my Sherman! Well, I'll definitely surpass them when I get to him when he's alone."
In Stella's Mind: "Those two pop singers have another thing coming if they get have Sherman! But sister dear, will also try the same thing. Yes, once the time is right."
Sherman: "Cherie Mae? Stella? Come on, the task force has just arrived."
Cherie Mae: "Hmm, oh.. oh yes."
Stella: "We're coming, Razor Wolf."
Kina and Javaia were still sticking close to Sherman like glue.
Sherman: "Aubs? Where did Lombardi go?"
Aubrey: "He's escaped."
Sherman: "What do you mean, he escaped?"
Aubrey: "He cut himself loose."
Sherman: "Zakari? Joseph? I said to check for weapons of any kind."
Zakari: "I thought you were only referring to the unconscious furries."
Sherman: "No! I... never mind. We'll find him again."
Joseph: "How?"
Sherman then looks in Aubrey's direction.
Sherman: "Because, Lombardi left us a gift. A tuft of his fur."
Aubrey: "Oh, where?"
Sherman: "Right here, on your tail. And the tuft of fur is covered in some sort of sticky substance."
Aubrey: "I haven't seen anything like that around here. It could be tree sap, look at its color scheme."
Sherman: "Hmm, orange tree sap. I have it's scent and I can smell more of it. Wait, I know where their benefactors might be located! They are in the Lourdiin Forest."
Aubrey: "You mean that old wooded area that was taped off once during the trip back in middle school?"
Sherman: "Exactly. No one's even allowed in the area to this day. It's the perfect place for anyone trying to hide from the law."
Aubrey: "What are you thinking?"
Sherman: "I'm thinking we all go together and search the edges first since they probably won't be hiding too deep in those woods. Plus, those two task force operatives from the news were missing somewhere close that part of the region."
Aubrey: "Oh my... you don't think that..."
Sherman: "We'll have to find them first to be sure. Luckily, I'm part red wolf. So we'll be able to find the real culprits who gave the order to attack tonight's concert."
Zaino: "Hey! Big bro! We found more evidence."
Sherman: "Where?"
He goes to where Zaino, Elsie, and Yuki were at.
Elsie: "I found this off one of this baboon with the magnum 90 has one of those prepaid phones."
Sherman: "These guys have burner phones? I haven't seen these in ages."
Aubrey: "I've heard that underground stores sell them, but I never thought that..."
Sherman: "That they'd still exist?"
Aubrey: "Yeah. So what do we do?"
Sherman: "We can track and see where Lombardi and his goons were talking to?"
Aubrey: "Alright, that sounds good."
Cherie Mae: "Uhm, guys the Task Force is here."
Mitchell: "Yeah, and they are all here. And, even the federal organization of furries is showing up."
Wallace: "Why would the feds be here?"
Bavos: "It does seem a little strange. Especially since they only go after high value criminals."
Mei: "If it's all the same with you all, I will go and ask Captain Kamara and Chief Reidenhaver about our possible leads."
Sherman: "Mei, it's probably better if we all go with you because they'll listen to me more since I helped save this city before."
Commissioner Talvenger: "Listen, Shadow Dhole. Every member of my task force and every one of the others on this planet may have kept your secret identity safe, but the fact that your son and his team are here destroying buildings while catching crooks is not a good look for them and it affects my HQ's reputation."
Shadow Dhole: "What are you saying now?"
Commissioner Talvenger: "I'm saying that you've had a lot of close calls and have been helpful to us, but I think you need step back on this one."
Shadow Dhole: "The Ripcord Slashers are the ones who ordered the attack. I've looked into their past crimes. An odd string of robberies! Not to mention the rare and powerful artifacts across four different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. Then it stopped all of a sudden and started up again Coastal City and Arkson City. Plus, the amount of Threshers and Crimson Raiders they killed at Proley's shop indicate something else."
Commissioner Talvenger: "Indicates what?"
Shadow Dhole: "I found their background info and known history! It means that the Ripcord Slashers used to be apart of both gangs and were kicked out for double crossing them and one of their benefactors who apparently has deep political ties in Arkson City's Council."
Commissioner Talvenger: "Until we have solid evidence on that part and who it is, we can't do anything about it."
Captain Kamara: "Commissioner, let me work with the Shadow Dhole for a while. I might know a another way to help him."
Commissioner Talvenger: "Fine, but make it quick and under the radar. Oh great! Look who's coming, it's Jackson's kids and their friends. They shouldn't even be here. Go with Jackson and let me handle this."
Sherman: "Commisssioner Talvenger, funny to see you here very late. Just wanted to let you know that me and my team busted and whooped all the NAA poachers who shot up the concert and caught their leader in one night."
Jackson Junior: "You can thank us later."
Rebus: "How about... I tell you and your team to go home. This is going to get rough and your father is already helping us out lawfully with his powers. What you all just did was chaotic and messy! You either work with us or simply stay out of the way let us and the FOF do their jobs."
Jackson Junior: "Are you kidding me? We just did ninety percent of your job for you and your task force! And this how you treat us after all we've done so far recently? Especially after what Sherman and Aubrey have done to save this city in particular when Vakatarus' army brought most of the cities and the towns of Animalia to their knees! My dad, Sherman and Aubrey were the ones who saved everyone's tails. Including yours! So if anything we deserve respect!"
Ruth: "JJ..."
Jackson Junior: "Ruth we need more respect from the task force for once because we did the right thing."
Rebus: "Enough! Go home now!"
Jackson Junior: (growls)
Rebus: "Do not growl at me, dhole-rabbit half-breed! Or I'll teach you what respect is!"
Jackson Junior: "Says the old pure-bred wolf with a broken tooth and couldn't catch any criminal without them being tied up first! Yeah! That's right! My dad told me every truth behind most of your task force's so-called successes. My dad was the one that took most of the criminals off the streets. Not you.
Rebus: (snarls)
Jackson Junior: (snarls)
Jackson: "Hey! That is enough! You don't get to barrel on my son like that! Ever! We are all on the same side so start acting like it!"
Felicia Saquino Talvenger: "Daddy!"
Rebus: "What the?"
Felicia: "Stop it! Can't you just go for one day without antagonizing someone for helping you and your team."
Rebus: "Felicia, get back in the Task Force Humvee."
Felicia: "No, I won't! I believe in Crisis Brood's mission and you've known how long I've wanted to help them! Well now... I am going to join them and there's nothing you can say to that will make me change my mind!"
Rebus: "No daughter of mine is joining a team of vigilantes!"
Felicia: "They are not vigilantes! They are true heroes and you can't stop me from joining them Daddy!"
In Jackson Junior's Mind: "She's a hybrid too? She's about the same size as me and slightly taller than Ruth, but... dang she's looks freaking hot for a Mexican gray wolf-Subsaharan fennec fox hybrid... yum... what... no... don't let your hormones go wild over her JJ! Ruth is the one you are with."
Rebus: "You know your mother would never want this for you!"
Felicia: "I don't care! I'm joining the them! I am Crisis Brood whether you like it or not!"
Rebus: "Felicia!"
Felicia walks with the Crisis Brood as they are all entering their vehicles and drive back to the Tontione residence. Along with their two witnesses, Kina Staava and Javaia Kutaio who are under their protection.
Sherman: "Listen up team, we'll get Felicia up to speed on what we do to protect all everyone. Especially from themselves once we make it to my dad's lab."
Everyone agrees as they ride in their respective vehicles. In the second vehicle, Jackson Junior asks Felicia a question regarding why she decided to join.
Jackson Junior: "So... Felicia. Why are you suddenly helping us? I thought you said hero work was too risky for your taste. Why the sudden change of heart?"
Felicia: "My dad is a really just on edge from working overtime, that's all. He doesn't really hate you, your brother, or your team. He's just doing this because he wants all the credit of catching criminals on his own merit again."
Sherman: "Still... he didn't have to call me, half breed. I'm proud that I am part grey wolf and part red wolf. I doubt he even knows his own origin story."
Felicia: "Well, don't worry guys at least we'll get to hang out once you show those cool powers have."
She sticks close to the others as they all head back to the Tontione mansion. The Crisis Brood parks in front of the driveway and walk into the house.
Taciana: "Hi kids! Hi see you bought your friends again."
Mitchell: "Good evening, Mrs. Tontione."
Taciana: "Hehe, why are you all looking down?"
Sherman: "Uhm, Mom. Would it be okay if we let sone new friends stay here for a while?"
Taciana: "What's going on?"
Sherman: "Can Kina, Javaia, and Felicia stay here until me and the others solve a new case we are on?"
Taciana: "Sherman, what is going on? Where's your father? And why isn't he with you?"
Sherman: "Uhm..."
The basement door opens, revealing none other than Jackson Tontione.
Jackson: "Taciana, everything is fine. I know all about it and yes these three can stay here under our protection for now."
Taciana: "Jacky, this is our home. Not a hiding space. Why can't the FOF take them under their protection?"
Jackson: "The federal organization of furries cannot protect others like I can. Heck, our sons and daughters, along with their team of friends are the are now part of the new hope for a much better and safer world."
Taciana: "By risking their lives every time a bad thing happens? This is outside of their scope of the world. We can't wipe out crime completely babe, because it has never has been done."
Jackson: "Maybe not in the entire world. But we can make We have the powers to truly make a difference and keep everyone safe."
Taciana: "Ugh... Jackson, this isn't a safe house or a hideout. It's our spacious and stable home. I'm sorry but they need to stay somewhere else."
Kina: "Ma'am, we don't mean to cause any problems for you. Me and my friend Javaia can spend the night at someone else's place."
Felicia: "Ahem! And me too."
Kina: "Oh right and... her as well."
Felicia: "My name is Felicia. Snob."
Kina: "Well... Sorry. I don't exactly greet everyone who's not on stage."
Felicia rolls her eyes.
Jackson Junior: "Mom, please?"
Taciana thinks for a minute and decides.
Taciana: (sighs) "Fine. But they are only staying for one night and I mean only on this night. The rest of you go home. You'll see my kids and the 'witnesses' tomorrow."
Bavos: "Bye, Mrs. Tontione. Goodnight."
Triskah: "Goodnight."
Wallace: "Goodnight, Ma'am."
Mitchell: "Adios."
Mei: "Night, night."
Victoria: "See ya."
Alicia: "Bye."
Zelene: "See ya!"
Ruth says her goodnight to Jackson Junior.
Ruth: "Sleep well, my JJ."
Jackson Junior: "Night, Ruth."
They bring their heads together in a brief, but touching embrace before separating.
Neal: "See ya, Tontiones."
Sherman: "See ya, brosef."
Radinavia: "Bye, y'all. Come on, Neal. Let's go to my house. We have some inequalities and linear equations to finish up anyways."
Neal: "Ugh... I hate homework."
Radinavia: "You always get something new when I teach you."
Neal: "Yeah, yeah."
Radinavia: "Cheer up Mr. Grumpy face. It will be over before you know it."
After most of the team left for their homes, the only guests remaining are Aubrey, Kina, Javaia, Felicia, and little Chloe."
Chloe: "Mrs. Tontione? Can I stay too? I'm very tired."
Taciana: "Mmm, fine. But only because Desmond is vouching for you."
Chloe: "Thank you! Come on Desmond! Race you to the top!"
The little caracal girl swiftly runs up the stairs as Desmond follows her with fun-filled laughter.
Desmond: "Nice try! Hahah!"
Chloe: "Ha! Gotcha Desmond!"
Desmond: "Oh yeah. Hah!
Chloe: "Hey no fair. You can't use your powers."
Desmond: "Well I did, and I can. Haha!"
Chloe: "Well next time you to play with me without using your powers. Hmmf."
Desmond: "Chloe? Why did you stay with us after the concert incident? You could have ran away and stayed with the task force, but you didn't."
Chloe: "I don't trust the task force."
Desmond: "Why?"
Chloe: "Because they fired my uncle for being dirty even when he's never done anything wrong. I think he was framed by his patrol partner."
Desmond: "Did he have proof?"
Chloe: "Yes, but it didn't matter. The commissioner fired him because he was around as long as his patrol partner. It happened just last year."
Desmond: "We can tell my dad, and he'll have that solved in no time."
Chloe: "Not now... I don't want to burden your family or your team with extra tasks. That can be handled on another day. Besides my folks will be back tomorrow. But for now, let's play."
Desmond: "Okay then! Come on! And by the way, you're it!"
Chloe: "Come back here, Desmond!"
Desmond: "Nice try, Chloe!"
Meanwhile, in the main guest room Kina, Javaia, and Felicia are settling in their beds.
Kina: "I wonder if we can stay around for a while."
Javaia: "How? You heard Mrs. Tontione. She said only for tonight and then we need to go somewhere else after school, obviously."
Felicia: "Uhm... so... do you girls think I have a chance with JJ or even Sherman?"
Kina: "Well, let's look at the facts. Javaia and I are hot and good looking. You however, are just on the adorable scale."
Javaia: "Kina, that doesn't mean Sherman is going to pick any one us. Didn't you see how protective that arctic hare girl was when she jumped in the van?"
Kina: "So he's dating a hare. That doesn't mean he hasn't had some fun sleeping with other females. Besides I'd make a better mate for him anyways. And I'd make sure he'd stay mine."
Felicia: "Well I don't give a crap about what you two say. I think I do have a chance. You'll see once one of them notices me."
Kina: "As if... I'm far more beautiful than you."
Javaia: "Clearly I am more likely to get Sherman's attention."
Kina: "Obviously it will be me. I mean come on he's famous and I'm famous! Him and I are practically meant for each other."
Felicia: "So neither of you want Jackson Junior?"
Kina: "Not me. I mean I'm not into him. Besides Sherman is such a hot gray wolf."
Felecia: "Sherman is part gray wolf and part red wolf. I read up about him on furripedia."
Kina: "What? It said he was a pure gray wolf before."
Felicia: "That was before the organization updated his bio information after that live news interview back in 5031."
Kina: "Ooh... so that's why his rough muscles have faint bands of red on them." (blushes)
Javaia: "I can see why he's so popular." (chuckles)
They giggle as they talk about Sherman.
Felicia: "Well, you all can talk it out. I'm going to the hallway to see Jackson Junior."
She leaves the guests bedroom area and walks through the slightly vast upstairs hallway of the mansion and stops in front of Jackson Junior's bedroom door.Author's Note: "This took a while, but do not fear... much more shall come."

World of Paws: Destiny of the Brood
RomanceMuch has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...