Much has changed since the horrific events of the Great Siege. Thanks to Sherman and his father, Jackson helping to maintain peace across the country of North Animalia. However, when new breeds of criminals hit the streets of Coastal City and Arkson...
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(Yuki Silvers is shown above, a very enthusiastic hound and who really likes Zaino.)
They arrive on the borders Uptown and Midtown districts Coastal City. Sherman: "Are you ready?" Aubrey: "Ready!" Zelene: "Can we let go now?!" Sherman: "Almost! We have to get closer to the ground level! And..." Aubrey and Zelene release their power first causing some of the others to stumble a little. Neal: "Whoa, easy dude. I ain't a fan of heights buddy." Sherman: "You think this is easy? Grrr! Gah! Hunnh! Yeah! That's good warm up for the day. Alright everyone, listen up... we're gonna spread out into teams and find Desirée and Victoria." They all agree and split up and search around the city blocks for any signs of furry citizens causing a ruckus. Sherman: "There's no sign of them yet." Aubrey: "Wait look! It looks a lot like something Victoria would do. Gosh... all that anger." Sherman: "I think Desirée is calling the shots though. Take a look at this." Neal: "Whoa..." A large message carved into a shuttered window of a barbershop saying, 'Queen Desirée.' Zelene: "Why would she do this?" Sherman: "She wants to draw attention to herself before announcing her next move." Neal: "I knew she was jealous, but I didn't think she'd stoop to madness." Sherman: "We can't give up on Victoria, guys. She's being misled and it's up to us to bring her back. Now come on, let's move out. Swiftly!" While everyone searches around for any sign of Victoria and Desirée, Zaino and Yuki are patrolling by the Coastal City's Metropolitan Plaza. ......Two hours later...... As Zaino keeps his eyes sharp for the suspected. Yuki: "So... Zaino. I know we're on a mission and all, but I've had something on my mind for a while." Zaino: "Yuki, we're on a stakeout. We cannot afford to blow our cover. Especially since an enemy entity is running amok and holds a negative influence over Victoria. Worse yet, she might have possessed her body." Yuki: "I know, but can hear me out for a bit? Please?" Zaino: "Okay, what is it?" Yuki: "I was wondering if you'd like to go to Cumberzone Park with me later?" Zaino: "Actually, me and Elsie were going to the old amusement park afterwards. You wanna go there instead." Yuki: "Oh, Uhm... yeah. Okay. That sounds fun too." In Yuki's Mind: "I can't ask Zaino out if Elsie comes along." Zaino: "Wait look... there. I see her. It's Victoria." Yuki: "Geez, what is she doing?" Zaino: "It looks like she's manipulating the traffic lights and making innocent bystanders turn on each other. Sherman mentioned to call him if we catch sight of Victoria." Yuki: "What do we do? Where's this Desirée demon that Ruth and Sherman were talking about?" Elsie: "Wait... Zaino look! Look at Victoria's eyes they are glowing as a red and purple mixture." Zaino: "You don't think that..." Elsie: "Yeah, it looks like Desirée is controlling her." They watch her attack a young family, thus using her powers to control the innocent bystanders; forcing them to dismantle a local gift shop. Orangutan Store Owner: "My knick knacks! My store! Mr. Lavesta? What the heck are you and your family doing?" Mr. Lavesta: "Obeying her eminence..." He states in a hypnotic voice. Orangutan Store Owner: "What the... could someone help me here! Hello!" Zaino: "We gotta to help him now. Call Sherman and the others now!" Elsie: "Okay!" Elsie calls Sherman's number and alerts him of Victoria's current location. Yuki: "We can't wait any longer, come on!" Zaino: "I'll pin her down from behind! You and Elsie grab her legs!" Yuki: "Yah!" Elsie: "Get out of our friend, demon!" Victoria's mouth begins to move and talk in a maniacal voice. Desirée: "Your friend's body is mine and she can no longer help you!" She lets out an ear piercing screech, attempting to escape their grip. Sherman: "We're coming!" Aubrey: "Oh my... what is that demon doing to her?" Ruth: "Victoria... she looks... I can't even..." Jackson Junior: "Ruth, it's alright. You don't have to do anything. You could stay here until we save her." Ruth: "No... I want to help. That's my sister. I have to." Jackson Junior: "Alright, let's go. Give me the book." Neal and Zelene block Desirée's escape route from behind. Zelene: "Do you have the book, Ruth?" Ruth: "Yes! I got it!" Neal: "Do it! We'll distract the demon!" Ruth: "Evil one of old times... it is time to recompense for the mischief that you've caused. Demon! Travel back from whence you came!" Desirée: "Haha! That passage cannot help thee! Only one who summons me can entrap me in that book! Ahahahahaha! Which means you'll never stop my power. This city and beyond will know the perfection and joy of mischief." Sherman: "You still forgot one thing, Desirée." Desirée: "Yeah? And what's that?" Sherman: "We can still get you out of our friend." Desirée: "Oh really? And how are you going to do that, furred mortal?" Sherman: "Not just me. But we all can. Come on guys hold her down! Aubrey, Zelene, and I will purge this demon from her body." Desirée: "You can't kick me out of a mortal body. Hahaha!" Sherman: "On the contrary we can. With the help of the Light Spirits! Say it with me, guys!" Everyone: "Through the power of righteousness! We cast thy demon from this body, thus freeing our friend from its burden!" Desirée: "What? No... no... noooo!" Sherman, Aubrey, and Zelene combine their spiritual energies; using their powers to cast the demon of mischief out of Victoria's body. Desirée attempts to overshadow and possess Sherman's body. Sherman: "Not this time Desirée. Yaaah!" He uses his spiritual grapple ability to hold her in place. Sherman: "Is she awake yet!? Tell her to say the passage from the book now! Hunnh!" Ruth: "Sister! Sister! Wake up, please!" Victoria: (groans) "Ugh... Ruth. What...? What happened?" Ruth: "Desirée possessed you and made you do... a lot of things. But only you can send her back into the Tone of Dark Arts. You need to do it sister, please?" Victoria: "Okay... okay... uhm... evil one of old times... it is time to recompense for the mischief that you've caused. Demon! Travel back from whence you came!" Desirée: "Naaaaahnoooo! Not this again! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" The Tone of the Dark Arts glows and the portal leading back to the Dimension of the Damned. Moments after, Victoria silently sobs. Victoria: "I... I... I am so sorry. I... just wanted... Sherman to love me..." Tears keep rolling down her cheeks. Victoria: "I don't blame all of you for not trusting me anymore..." Ruth: "Sister, please stop crying. Listen your family loves you. And we all care about you." Victoria: "I can't believe I trusted her..." Yuki: "Well she was a demon..." Elsie: "Yuki. A little sensitivity wouldn't hurt ya know." Yuki: "What? Guys, I'm only saying that she shouldn't have summoned that 'thing' to begin with." Jackson Junior: "Yuki... that's enough. We are going to help her through this sorrow patch and find a way to cheer her up." Sherman: "Yeah... it will be fine Victoria. I don't hate you, but I am a little disappointed in what you've done." Victoria: "I know. I feel like garbage." Aubrey: "We never said you were garbage Victoria. We're going to help you atone." Victoria: "How? I pretty sure a lot furries already hate me after Desirée made me break all those things." Her tears begin to dry up as she furries her face in her paws. Aubrey: "There's always a way. Right, Shermie?" Sherman: "More like multiple ways to make up for it." Aubrey: "Shermie..." Sherman: "I mean... yes there's always a way." Aubrey: "I know she tried to hurt me, but we can't give up on her. She is our friend." Neal: "Aubrey, she tried to permanently eliminate you. You aren't at least a little mad at her." Aubrey: "Desirée was a bad influence on her. I forgive her and we are going to help her because we take care of our friends. No matter what." Sherman, Aubrey, and Zelene elevate everyone into the sky with their powers and back to the school.
Author's Note: "Interesting development huh? But hold your horses, because one of the following chapters may have much more intensity within."