~ Humor ~

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This isn't really an imagine, but it's humorXD came up with this with @LandryH16, check out her stories also! She's a really good writer :D

Acronyms/slang used that may not be known to some people:

RLAB: Roll like a buffalo (sort of like LMAO but it's kinda different.

LMAO: Laugh my a** off

LOL (which is quite popular but who cares :3): Laugh out loud

Yehet: Made by Oh Sehun of EXO, Something one would say when they're excited.

Kkaebsong: Made by Byun Baekhyun of EXO, one would say this when they feel sorry/regretful.

P.S. I'm Jayeon and she's Landry! xD

~ Meanwhile in Wattpad chatroom ~

Landry: The time of the month came.

Jayeon: Aw, you alright?

Landry: Of course not, the cramps are getting worse!

Jayeon: I have these pills to take away the pain for my cramps when it's the time of month for me.

Landry: Omo, I wish I had those!

Jayeon: Imagine if I shipped them to you xD

Landry: We'd be in huge trouble xD and I would say, "SIR, YOU ARE NOT A GIRL. I NEED TO CONTROL THE DEMONS INSIDE ME."

Jayeon: *rlab*

Landry: *FBI refuses* EXCUSE ME SIR, I TOLD YOU ONCE I NEED THESE! They give me a good night's rest and because my uterus thinks I shouldn't get rest, thank ya very much. *cough* you got no jams. *takes bottle of pills and runs*

Landry: *unnie sprints in* *punches FBI in the face* Unnie: Yehet, kkaebsong~

Jayeon: Omo, kkaebsong LOL

Landry: It would be weird if the FBI were watching our convo o.o

Jayeon: LMAO they'd probably be like "someone go to their address, I'm suspecting a drug trade" xD

Landry: LOL! They're not drugs sir, they're magical pills that take the pain away x]

Jayeon: When he refuses for you to take the pills, be like "well you try being a girl without these pills" xD

Landry: Then I'd go on a rant and be like "OK SIR WHY DON'T YOU STEP IN MY SHOES AND SEE WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE CRAMPS THAT HURT LIKE GETTING STABBED AND BLOOD COMING OUT OF YOUR PRIVATES. Do you want that sir? I don't think so. Kkaebsong b*tches." Then I'd walk out while the song "damn it feels good to be a gangster" and Bangtan would join me in the lobby, dramatically put on our sunglasses, and when we're far enough, the FBI building will blow up. XD the FBI are probably reading this and are like wtf xD

Jayeon: LMAO OMG YOU MAKE ME LAUGH XD blood coming out of your privates

Landry: Hehe I should write a crack imagine about this xD

Okay and that is the end! How did you like this? Would you guys want me to do more of these?

For those who have requested, sorry! have been on huge writer's block, but don't worry! I'll write all of them and publish the mall at once if that's okay!

Thank you for being patient with me!

~ Jayeon

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