B.I (Kim Hanbin) - iKON (Requested by Dhanpath704)

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Vana's P.O.V

I couldn't believe my eyes. What the actual hell?

B.I was with another girl, his arm around her waist. He's cheating on me? I thought as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Kim Hanbin! How could you?!" I shouted, as I ran away. My mascara and eyeliner was running down my face along with my tears, but I didn't care. I was still shocked at the sight that my boyfriend of a year was cheating on me. But for how long?

"Vana!" He called my name repeatedly, chasing after me. I ran to the rooftop of the school as I sobbed loudly.

I heard the rooftop door open, but I knew who it was. I didn't dare turn around.

"Vana..." B.I said breathlessly.

"We're over, Hanbin," I said quietly as I ripped off the sterling heart necklace he gave me as a present for our one month anniversary. I threw it to the ground and ran out of the rooftop as the final bell rung. Finally, it was time to go home so I could sob on my bed all day.

B.I's P.O.V

Pabo! You should've resisted the girl! Why would you cheat on Vana?! I yelled at myself angrily, mainly because of my stupid actions that caused the breakup between Vana and I.

I punched my bedroom wall, causing a huge dent to appear with some blood on my knuckles. I didn't care, the pain didn't compare to the pain and heartbreak in my heart. How could I do this to Vana?

"Pabo! Cheater! Stupid!" I yelled with each punch. At least my anger was beginning to dissipate. My phone suddenly rang, as I rushed to it when I thought it was Vana. It was actually Hana, the girl who tried to hook up with me earlier.

I threw my phone at the wall in pure anger, stopping the annoying ringtone.

I laid down on my bed, as I began feeling tears in my eyes. All I was able to think was, I need to get Vana back.

Vana's P.O.V

I sat on my couch, with a tub of vanilla ice cream on my lap with a few blankets on me. I looked like a mess, but I didn't care. Suddenly, my door burst open.

"Vana! Cheer up will you? He's not worth your tears! Come out and go shopping with me to help cheer yourself up, okay? I can't stand seeing you like this anymore!" My friend, Eunji said in frustration. Well what else could I do? I didn't feel like shopping, but I was bored as hell, wallowing in self-pity.

"Fine, I'll go, just stop screaming," I covered my ears and closed my eyes.

Eunji got me an outfit, consisting of a white T-shirt and black jeans with red converse, with a black cardigan over it. She knows my sense of style pretty well.

We drove to our favorite shopping mall, and got a few dresses, jeans and a pair of new black converse. Once we were done, we were hungry so we walked to the food court. But then I saw B.I at a table of two, with a sullen face. My eyes widened, as I tried to hide behind Eunji.

"What's wrong, Vana?" She asked curiously, giving me a weird look.

"B.I is here! Hide me!" But unfortunately, my voice was too loud, and he heard me as his widened eyes landed on me.

"Vana! Wait!" He shouted, as I tried to dash away from him, and I was successful as I ended up in the women's washroom. I sobbed, looking at myself in the mirror, seeing my messed up hair. I didn't bother fixing it before coming out of the house, because I didn't have anyone to impress.

I waited for about ten minutes, and I slowly sneaked out of the washroom. But I was surprised with a bear hug. His cologne filled my nose as I recognized him.

"Vana.. Forgive me," he said as his voice wavered, as if he was going to break down at any given moment. I tried to free myself from his arms, but failed several times.

"Why should I?" I said quietly, as I tried my best to loosen his grasp on me. He remained silent, as he tried to find a reasonable excuse to forgive him. Tch, forgive him my foot.

I tried once again to get out of his grip, and when I finally did, I ran for freedom, grabbing Eunji's arm in the process and ran as fast as I could, as if a monster was chasing me. He was a monster for what he did.

~ 6 Months Later ~

These months have been a torture, and I admit, I did miss B.I. Although he deserves it, I regret terribly that I let such a wonderful man out of my life.

I've been improving though, I haven't been spending everyday on my couch, eating ice cream and wallowing in self-pity, but I have been more social. I'm not ready to have another boyfriend yet, let alone another crush, mainly because I still love B.I.

But we were to our normal lives, before we met. We ignored each other, he was known as a single player again, and me, with my goody-two-shoes reputation.

When I entered the school gates, I saw a heart formed with rose petals on the green grass of our outdoor gym field.

In the middle of the heart, there stood B.I, serenading me with a gentle love song. Although he doesn't say he sings good, his voice was amazing to me. I've tried my hardest to get over him, but I can't ever seem to get over that pabo. When he finished singing, he walked over to me and held my hand.

"Will you take me back? All these months, I haven't stopped thinking about you, I still love you, Vana. Forgive me for being stupid, for not valuing for what I already have, for not spending enough time with you, for everything that I've done wrong. Will you please let me be yours, and let yourself be mine again?" B.I finished his little speech with a hopeful glint in his eyes, and a small smile. When I began smiling widely, his smile widened also.

"Yes, I forgive you Hanbin," I said happily as he gave me a big hug. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Saranghae, Vana, I will never, ever, ever, let you go." B.I sighed happily, as if the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders.

He pulled back, and looked in my eyes, as if asking for my permission for a kiss. I leaned in, as he pressed his soft lips against mine.

"Nado saranghae, Kim Hanbin."

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