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Hilarious. It's absolutely comical. My father has just informed my mother and me that Harry Potter has been expelled from Hogwarts. It was bound to happen one day, and it's so nice knowing Dumbledore can't step in and save him like every other time.

"What about the girl? Y/n is it?" my mother asked.

Ah yes, Y/n Potter. The girl who claims to hate me but literally fell for me in Quidditch last year. Both the Potters are absolute messes but it's amusing to see them screw up. However, everyone just worships them out of pity because their parents are dead.

My father shrugged. "I'd assume she's still attending Hogwarts."

"Unfortunately," I grumbled. One twin gone, now I just need to get rid of the other one.

Another thing I hate about the Potters is that they're always the center of attention. They'll breath and get applauded. That should be me getting that attention. I'm Draco Lucius Malfoy. Heir of one of the most powerful wizarding families. Stupid half-breeds do not deserve that kind of attention.

"Well everyone is finally seeing Harry's true colors after the whole tournament incident last year," Mother reassured.

"Except he won and started telling everyone that the Dark lord is back."

Because of my comment, Father took that as an opportunity to lecture me on the importance of keeping my mouth shut about the Dark Lord and to not disappoint the Malfoy name.

With Voldemort being back, things have definitely changed for me at home. Father's been attending shady meetings and keeps going on about how I'll be expected to attend too once I come of age.

It's hard seeing You-Know-Who. He's sickening to look at but he comes around a lot. I hardly leave my room when he's around. I can't even stand to look at him.


"Now remember, Umbridge will be covering up Potter's accusations of the Dark Lord, but make sure to do your part," Father reminded as he and my mother walked me to Platform 9 ¾.

"I know, Father."

It was so stupid. Harry Potter got his way. Again! The old hag, Dumbledore, came through and made up some stupid excuse, so now I'm stuck with Potter for yet another stupid year at Hogwarts, the most horrific school ever.

"Have a great year, Draco. I'll see you for winter break!" my mother said cheerfully while she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly before picking up my trunk and hauling it to where Blaise and Theo stood.

"What's got you in a fuss?" Blaise asked as we loaded onto the train.

"Nothi-" I said, but stopped when an ugly gag left my mouth. "Watch where you're going, mudblood!" I spat.

Hermione Granger and Y/n Potter stood before me, and I just ran into the mudblood.

"Shut the hell up, Malfoy," Y/n sneered.

"Not falling for me anymore?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes and Theo and Blaise laughed.

"You're an ugly ferret. Like I'd ever fall for you," she shot back.

I could hear Blaise and Theo snicker behind me as my cheeks burned. "That was like one time!"

"Yeah, and it was hilarious."

"My father will hear about this."

"Oh, I'm sure."

She smirked as she turned back to Granger and walked to a nearby cabin.

"Aye ferret! You gonna close your mouth and quit gaping or are you gonna come take a seat?" Pansy called from table in the next compartment.

"Shut the hell up, Parkinson," I sneered as I sat down next to her. Blaise and Theo sat across from us and I could tell they were both trying to hide their laughs.

Pansy snickered at my annoyance. "You're just mad that you got shut up by a Potter."

"And you're just mad I rejected you 17 times but here we are!"

"Whatever. At least I'm not a ferret."

"Alright, let's calm down," Theo said, trying his best not to laugh.

"Shut up Nott Head," I snapped.

"Holy hell you're in a bad mood," Blaise mumbled, "Did the ferret comment really upset you that much?"

"No. Now stop talking to me."

"Or your father will hear about it?" a voice came from behind me.

I looked up to see Y/n. "Are you really that obsessed with me that you need to stalk me?"

She laughed. "No. Funny you think that."

"Well you did fall for me."

"Well not that it's any of your business, but I'm looking for Neville's toad."

"I think she just wanted an excuse to see me," I whispered to the group.

They snickered but Y/n ignored us and walked to the next compartment. I watched her carefully as she left; she has a nice body...

"Aye Malfoy, I think your eyes are falling," Pansy chortled.

"Shut up. I was judging her ratchet outfit," I said quickly.

Pansy rolled her eyes and turned to Theo. She did not just catch me watching Y/n. That's so embarrassing.

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now