F O R T Y - S E V E N

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How Fast Things Change

Debris from the castle showered over us as we dashed across the courtyard. A full blown battle had occurred and as we ran, we were forced to use our wands to deflect all the curses flying towards us.

Draco held my hand tightly as we ducked back into the castle.

"We need to find Harry," I rasped as we ran deep into the corridors.

He gave me a brief nod. "I'll go. You need to head down to the dungeons and let the Slytherins out. They're being held up there."

We stopped beneath the safety of a staircase, right beside the entrance to the stairway leading down to the dungeons.


"I'll look for Potter. He's probably in a much more dangerous situation and I don't need you getting hurt," he murmured.

"We can't separate... What about Scorpius?"

"You'll take good care of him in the case Potter is in a screwed up situation."

My face fell as I finally came to terms with what was going on.


He cupped my face lightly and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. "Y/n, love, I'll be okay. Just go let them out. Get Blaise and come find me, okay? Your brother and I will be fine."

His thumbs softly rubbed against my cheeks, causing me to relax. I somehow decided to believe him and so, we went our separate ways moments later, after saying goodbyes.

As I walked down the staircase and into the dungeons, I made several attempts to convince myself that we would return back to one another, alive.

My footsteps echoed as I hurried down the steps, but the echoes were overtaken by the shouts of the Slytherins. I pulled my wand out and followed the sounds of their voices.

Seconds later, I bumped into Filch. Before he could stop me, I caused a big explosion and a stampede of students pushed by me. However, someone pulled me into their arms, and it was Pansy.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she hugged me.

"I-I need to find Draco or Harry," I stammered as I briefly hugged her back before turning quickly on my heel.

Both her and Blaise scampered after me. "Y/n, didn't you just give birth? You shouldn't be here," he said quickly.

"I know, but I need to help," I replied. "Do you guys know where Harry is?"

"No. He was in the Great Hall earlier... no clue where they are now," Pansy mumbled as we dashed out of the exit of the dungeons.

I scanned the surrounding area for anyone I may know... in fact, I saw Fred in the courtyard. I made a dash towards him.

"Y/n, stop!" Blaise yelled as he grabbed my arm just as an ear-splitting crash sounded out.

Debris showered over the area that Fred was standing in. My ears were ringing as I stood in shock.

The dust from the area slowly cleared out as I regained knowledge of what just happened.

I tore my arm from Blaise and sprinted over to where Fred once stood.

Percy was already there. We met eyes as I collapsed beside him because Fred was in his arms.

"Fred..." I murmured as he barely opened his eyes.

A soft smile spread onto his face. "Ah, Y/n," he rasped.

He went to move, but he only winced in pain. My heart absolutely shattered because it was clear he was in a terrible condition... and within only moments too.

"Hey, you're okay," I said quickly as I drew my wand in hopes I could do something to heal him.

He chuckled softly. "Y/n, don't. I'll be okay."


He weakly grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. "Just know I love you, and tell everyone else that I love them too."

Despite him asking me not to heal him, I still tried, but he was in far worse condition than I thought.

Frustrated, I buried my face into his chest and cried.

It all happened so fast. One minute, he was fine, now he's taking his final few breaths.

I had no clue this is what we would be walking into. 

And yet I knew I would have to come to terms with what I had gotten myself into because it was only the beginning.

As Fred took his final breath, I only cried harder because never would I have imagined living without him.

But he would not be the only one I would have to live without. As we entered the Great Hall, I saw many of my old friends... lifeless.

Even Lupin and Tonks. They were gone.

But at least Draco and Harry were safe. They returned to the Great Hall. Ron, Hermione, and Blaise were there too. All of them were covered in ash and smelled of smoke.

I ran to Draco's arms the second I saw him. He held me close and pressed a soft kiss to my head before I moved on to hug Harry.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded, but the only true answer to that was no. How could I be okay at a time like this?

In only a matter of hours, I lost so many friends and family... and I'm away from Scorp. I'm betraying the side that will instantly kill me if they find out where I stand, so how could I be okay?

"It'll be over soon," he reassured. "Just stay safe for now... I need to go but stay with Ron and Hermione. If anything happens to me, you and Malfoy need to leave."

I felt more panic set in. Without hesitation I threw my arms around him again, as if it were to be the last time I would hug my brother.

"We'll be okay. Just promise me you'll do that, okay?" he asked. 

I only managed a small nod before he was gone, and I was left to only hope that he would return soon, alive, unlike so many of the people I love.

I turned back to Draco and he pulled me into his arms. I allowed myself to cry and all he did was hold me. No words were spoken, but they were not needed because at this moment, all we needed was one another.

I am not sure how long we stayed like that, but it was a while, as it was the morning by the time I removed my face from his chest.

Everyone was leaving the Great Hall. Draco wrapped an arm around my waist and we did the same.

I instantly regretted that decision when we were confronted by the Death Eaters and none other than Voldemort himself.

Regret filled my stomach with all I have done, and all I wanted more in that moment was to run away with Draco because the words of Voldemort echoed through my head.

"Harry Potter is dead!"

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now