Chapter One

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The child...... (hehe. What's worst then a rapist. Boom. A child. Quoting from vine)

————————-The military armoured NEST Jeep pulled to a stop at a traffic light, the bots in front and the human team at the back

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The military armoured NEST Jeep pulled to a stop at a traffic light, the bots in front and the human team at the back. Lennox and Epps drove in the last Jeep at the far back making sure no Decepticon was following them. Lennox jumped hearing a thud and grabbed his radio "Hear or see anything boys?" the radio cackled

"Nothing, sir" Epps frowned but shrugged it off thinking it was nothing "maybe one of the lil kids throwing stuff at us" he pointed at the kids playing around with the balls and water balloons across from them on the sidewalk. Lennox huffed calming his alert body, they had just managed to terminate a Decepticon so his being was on high alert

"Probably just me being a...." he trailed off trying to come up with something "pussy?" Epps laughed from his suggestion causing Lennox to roll his eyes and the Jeep started to move. "shut up" he playfully glared at his friend of 10 years "ya know Fig would be laughin if he heard me now" remorse and sorrow settled in their small Jeep while driving back to base

"Yeah, missing Fig and his alligators" they chuckled remembering their last happy moment before they met Decepticons and Autobots, their moment was on the plane back to Soccent. It had only been a few months since they first met the aliens from outer space and granted solitude on Earth. "hate to say it, man, but i wanna try those alligators now" Lennox sighed softly through his nose flicking on the right indicator "i'll try it with you, just don't show it to Sarah" they laughed as they grew closer to base

At base everywhere was hectic as they started to report in what happened on their mission, Optimus was giving his report to General Morshower and other Generals on the call while the rest of the bots were busy conversing with each other in their own hanger. Epps took the Jeep into another hanger where their NEST vehicles were stored and everything started to settle as night drew in

At the back of the Jeep, a tarp was moved over to the side and a little girl rubbed her bloodied nose in pain yet she didn't cry. She got out of the back of the military Jeep, with much difficulty, and wondered how she was going to find a place to sleep. Her parents dumped her on the sidewalk for someone else to deal with her, the little girl held no name or identity but she held scars on her back from the mistreatment from her parents

Stumbling, dummy in mouth, she wondered around in the large hanger feeling hungry and thirsty. Nose dripping with blood, blood plopped onto the floor staining it as she found her way out of the hanger and into a long hallway. It was dark and quiet but it was something she was used to, something where she would have been spending her days in the basement in the dark

The little girl rubbed her eyes tiredly as she found the medical room. It was a new thing for her to smell so she investigated it, in the room she found tissues to wipe her bleeding nose.

She grabbed some and stuffed them into her back pocket having a feeling her nose will bleed for awhile. She held the tissue at the entrance of her nose letting the tissue soak the blood

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