Chapter Seven

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Optimus walked into the Autobot hanger and his spark jumped in shock, sparks tendrils searched the hanger and he could hear a sparkling call, it hadn't been heard since Cybertron's Golden Age fell. Sophia giggled wiggling out of his grasp and dropped to her feet, a tendril faced her and lowered itself sensing her innocent soul

The tendril wrapped around her making her squeak and giggle, she was pulled and flew straight over to Ironhide and he was forced to transform. His chassis was wide open revealing his exposed spark yet his optics held great pain. "Sire" she giggled coming closer to him. The remaining bots had already left the hanger giving Ironhide privacy leaving only Optimus and Ratchet

Once she was close to his spark Ironhide looked to her with her on his servo "Don't move sweetspark, alright?" he ordered sternly holding back the spark bonding just to inform her, she nodded sitting down on his servo. He lets go of the hold he had on the bonding programming and the tendrils engulfed her and dug softly into her skin searching for her soul.

Ironhide got down onto his kneeplating trying to cope with the pain, his spark was overall punishing him for ignoring the creator bond. Well, that's what he thought anyway. He closed his optics and he saw her life, her memories and felt her emotions.

He chuckled lowly seeing her highlighted memory; which was him firing his cannons at the targets on base with a smirk to his faceplate

Finally his spark stopped humming in pain and the bonding stopped, his tendrils slowly went back into his spark and his chassis closed. He felt an emotion, happiness and giddy, he looked to his sparkling and grinned seeing her resting on his servo looking up to the ceiling in awe. "Cool" she whispered breathlessly

---------several months later—————-

Several months later and their bond was much stronger, it made Ironhide very happy to have finally bonded with Sophia and call her his own sparkling. Ratchet still scolded him for not informing him about the pain he was receiving from his spark

Ironhide pulled Sophia out of his altmode with a soft smile, he still couldn't get over the fact he had bonded with her. She snuggled into his chest for warmth, he chuckled closing the door and decided it was time for her to see what is outside of the base. He quickly washed her and clothed her getting Sophia ready for the big day ahead

She grumbled tiredly when he buckled her up, "still in a grumpy mood sweetspark?" he chuckled brushing her hair behind her ear, she blew a raspberry at him making him chuckle again. "i'll take that as a yes" he jumped into the front and started up his engine with a roar

Ironhide expected her to complain during the ride but she stayed silent throughout the ride, he sent a wave of love and comfort causing her to giggle in the back. Ironhide drove to a large park where they could walk together and enjoy the Earths nature scenery.

He pulled over into the car park and put little Sophia to the ground, "you ready for a walk?" he asked grasping her small tiny hand in his large rough hand, "Do we see doggies?". He chuckled and nodded, they started off their walk nice and slow, Sophia occasionally collecting coloured stones and feathers. At the centre of the park was a large lake and round the edges of the lake were benches

Ironhide sat down while Sophia played in the sand around the lake, it used to be a quarry but was turned into a lake after it's materials were mined. He watched her with loving eyes feeling his spark filled with emotions coming from Sophia, he sent a wave of love to his sparkling making her giggle

"So, this is the little sparkling that has captured my brothers spark?" a rougher tone asked, Ironhide cocked a brow as the tall red headed male sat next to him, "do I know you?" Ironhide asked with his tone dangerously low, he didn't know what his intentions were to his sparkling yet. The male chuckled "i'm your brother from cybertron"

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