Chapter Eight

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Rage's holoform but with red hair and red eyes

Rage's holoform but with red hair and red eyes

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Rage had gone to the side of the base and transformed leaving his altmode in the carpark, he wasn't going to leave his altmode with the Autobots; not after what happened the last time, he didn't trust them anymore. He brought out his holoform and walked inside the human area where he could see Sophia again

Little Sophia had been on his mind since he saw his brother at the park, he wanted to get to know Sophia himself without any interruptions of any Autobot. He followed the sounds of her giggles and laughter which led him to the human rec room, he saw Lennox and his team playing with the girl- what they called Duck, Duck, Goose.

He leaned on the side of the pillar of the room watching the girl play around with the soldiers; it was clear to Rage that she had got them wrapped her little fingers, all 10 of them on her two tiny hands. She had even managed to get Sunstreaker under her spell, the mech would basically kill anyone who dared to harm her- he could tell the way Sunstreaker would watch Sophia's every move and survey the area for threats

He sat down still watching her, the soldiers hadn't noticed he was there because Rage was hidden in the shadows, something he learned by watching Sunstreaker. The perks of watching a crazy yellow mech. He learned many things from Sunstreaker, one be ripping out sparks which is a fast and painless death and the other would be slashing off heads for the really bad Decepticons.

Sophia giggled when she felt her sires love and affection, "hey sweetspark" she squealed when Hide picked her up without her sensing his presence. "Sire" she whined with a giggle as he poked her nose, he chuckled giving her a kiss on the forehead causing the soldiers to coo. "shut up" Hide said to the soldiers playfully

"Well would you look at that. Hide is a daddy now" Lennox smirked getting to his feet and dusting off his hands, Ironhide rolled his eyes in annoyance "you can't say much, Lennox, you have a kid too". Lennox smirk grew bigger making Hide worry for a moment "I know, that's why we are gonna see Sarah and Anna tomorrow"

"Fine" Hide grumbled, "As long as I come with you" Rage said coming out of the shadows causing the soldiers to jump, "jeez man, how long you been standing there for?" Epps huffed patting his chest trying to slow his racing heart. Rage chuckled "long enough", "Rage" Ironhide scowled at his brother for his dark behaviour. Rage huffed rolling his eyes "long enough to know that Sophia has you under her spell"

The soldiers scoffed not believing what he said was indeed true, "yeah right" Donny said, they heard a sniffle and turned to Sophia "hey cutie, what's wrong?" the soldiers swarmed around her cooing softly. Rage rubbed his temples trying desperately to not laugh, "guys, she has a papercut, get some bandages" Epps ushered in a worried tone this time Rage couldn't hold back and burst out laughing

"What?" Lennox asked clearly confused, "yeah" Rage snickered wiping away a tear "she definitely doesn't have you wrapped around her finger" he laughed again. Hide chuckled shaking his head putting a band aid on her finger, "Rage is right, you guys got all smushed up over the fact she has a papercut", "ay man, papercuts hurt!" Epps objected as they slowly filed out of the rec room

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