Chapter Fourteen

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Lennox, dressed in civilian clothing, waited inside a large barn on top of his truck. He was waiting for the most loyal soldiers to come to the barn to discuss their next steps should everything go to shit, he smirked hearing the loud roars of engines coming closer to the large barn. He jumped off and waited for them to pile in

Slowly, one by one, they were inside the barn and the barn doors closed. He got back on top of his truck gaining the large amount of soldiers attention, "I've brought you all here for a reason. We've received heavy intel that there's a traitor in the Autobot ranks. Sentinel Prime, a mentor to Optimus Prime" the soldiers immediately began whispering in disgust

"This bot made a deal with Megatron" Epps interrupted standing next to Lennox, "and that deal was to bring Cybertron to our planet and suck out the living soul from our home, harvest our resources n' shit" Epps nearly growled the last part; it still angers him that those bastards want to harm their planet, a planet that couldn't defend themselves from their advancements in weaponry. An unfair fight

"If this Decepticon plan goes down and we were to win, fuck." Lennox sighed rubbing his face just imagining what the human government would do to his best friends, "our outer space friends will be tortured, hunted down and their limbs used for our tech", the soldiers cringed at the images in their heads. "guys, these bots have done a lot for us. Heck they've saved our planet, saved our asses whether that be on the battlefield or just in general. I don't want anything bad happening to them"

Heads lowered feeling grief, just the thought of losing them was hurting them. "we've got to come up with something so nothing bad happens to our pals"


Ironhide walked into the main hanger, he frowned finding most of the hanger nearly bare of humans "Daniel" he asked approaching said human, Daniel hummed putting down a notepad "sup?". "Where's Lennox and the others? Place is practically empty" he stated looking around the room finding the odd human working out or working on the computer

"not sure, Lennox said they went out on an outing with friends or something, didn't reveal much" Daniel said with a shrug going back to his work, Optimus joined Ironhide's side also finding this very strange as they would be here all the time. "Do you think they're up to something?" Ironhide questioned his leader making his way out of the hanger and onto the airstrip

"What Daniel said could possibly be true, what they do in their free time is non of our concern" Ironhide cocked a brow finding Optimus's answer a little... Well, not like him. "are you alright? You've been quiet since the discovery of Sentinel" Optimus inwardly cringed from the name and turned around giving him a curt nod "i'm fine old friend, there's much to discuss with the human governs"

And with that being said, Optimus left him alone. Ironhide watched him walk back into the hanger, he knew Optimus was hurting deep down but his Prime side refused to show it.


"Alright, everyone know the plan?" Lennox said raising his tone a bit so everyone could hear, the soldiers gave their shouts of 'Sir Yes Sir'. "Okay, everyone back to base, those part of Team A move out first- and don't return to base until the mission is complete!" "Sir yes sir!". Jumping off the truck Epps patted his shoulder in comfort and determination

It was a pat filled with many emotions, wordless words. "let's go before the bots get suspicious" Epps snorted jumping into the jeep, "man, you should know by na they are always on top of everythin. So us disappearin jus gives them suspicions", Lennox sighed heavily knowing Optimus would want a full explanation when they returned

"Great" he grumbled and fired up his truck driving out of the barn, teams separated going in different directions; they all had a mission and they would be damned if they were going to fail it now.

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