Chapter Ten

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Sophia quivered and curled into a tight ball in the corner of the prison cell, her body was bruised and bloody. She sniffled begging for her sire to come and save her, "sire" she whispered bringing her legs to her chest.

She flinched hearing the cell door opening, she didn't bother looking up knowing it would end up with a beating. Starscream laughed and grabbed her roughly, he clenched her tightly in his servo and laughed harder feeling a crack and hearing her scream. He took her to the torture room again, all that was heard throughout the Decepticon base was her screams and his cruel laughter

Starscream brought her back and literally threw her into the cell room, her chest slammed into the wall and her body dropped to the floor knocking her unconscious. Starscream smirked and slammed her cell door shut.

Breakdown gave Starscream a glare when he wasn't looking while walking back to the control room, Breakdown and Knockout didn't agree with what he was doing to the Sparkling; in fact it was against old Decepticon law to ever hurt a Sparkling, Megatron would agree.....ish. While Breakdown distracted Starscream, Knockout made his way to Sophia's cell room; the plan would start very soon.

Knockout checked the cells and quickly checked the surveillance camera, they were off making him sigh in relief; Soundwave was in deep space looking for something. Knockout quickly grabbed Sophia and tried his best to walk out of the room as best as he could without gaining attention.

Knockout knew the Autobots would be here soon; the plan was to meet Optimus while the other Autobots stormed the base. He hid himself in his med-bay keeping the door closed, he rested Sophia on the berth and began operation again, he was surprised, inwardly, she had lasted this long especially for a human her size.


Rage, Ironhide and Sunstreaker were the first to storm the base, by 'storm' I mean blow the doors to smithereens. Rage was busy ripping out sparks with a battlecry, Ironhide, as usual, was using his cannons, and Sunstreaker was slicing off heads. Overall they looked terrifying, the Decepticons didn't bother to stay for the rest and left the base leaving Starscream in the control room

Sunstreaker and Ironhide left Rage to himself when he stalked to the control room; they knew there was no point in showing Starscream mercy when it came to Rage. Rage hid himself in the shadows of the control room watching Starscream pace back and forth, "those slaves left me here!" Starscream hissed, his wings twitched in agitation

"those fools don't know who they dealing with" he scoffed, "Do they?" Rage hissed making Starscream jump from the sinister tone. "Who's there?! As your Lord and Master, I demand you show yourself!" Rage chuckled "As you wish", stepping out of the shadows Starscream instantly coward away from him. "Rage...." he said slowly in fear, "What a pleasure to meet you!" Starscream tried, tried pleasing the crazed Autobot

Rage felt the 'red curtain' slowly covering his shield of vision as Starscream continued to babble on about how he would be the honoured mech among the Decepticon ranks. Rage blacked out, he couldn't see what he was doing but all he could hear was Starscream's pained screams and it brought satisfaction to his spark knowing Starscream could no longer hurt Sophia anymore or anyone he cared about.


Knockout jumped when the med-bay door blew up, Ironhide and Sunstreaker were the first to charge in "Where Is she?!" Ironhide roared with his blasters pressing against his helm. Knockout shakily exhaled "I thought Optim-" "Where. Is. MY SPARKLING!" to prove a point of how mad Ironhide was, his optics turns blood red scaring Knockout having never seen Ironhide's optics turned that shade of red

He slowly brought her out, Ironhide growled seeing how badly hurt she was, he scooped her off his servo and turned to Sunstreaker "do what you want" he muttered and transformed speeding out of the Decepticon base. Knockout backed into the corner of the room, Sunstreaker stalked his prey "now, now. Optimus said he would spare me" Knockout panicked

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