Chapter Eighteen

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NEST team had hunted the last Decepticons on US soil, there were still more around the globe. So here they were, on a plane, taking their team to UK soil. There were only a few Decepticon's hiding in said country.

Of course the mission was still a secret, each soldier from NEST team had close allies from each country willing to help the Autobots. Team NEST had to do this quickly before the new director arrived on base, they only had two months to get this done and it was that time frame the mission would be over

However the question still remained about the remaining Con's hiding on the Moon, they honestly had no clue how they were going to get up there without the government knowing. Not only that but they didn't know how they were going to take down the warships too, they didn't have the advancements in their weapons to even put a dent in those giant warships

Still Lennox was determined to keep his Autobot friends alive, he wanted nothing more then his outer space aliens to live a happy life. If anything, it was Sophia and Ironhide that was driving, no pun intended, him forward. He wanted Ironhide to be happy; he heard Ironhide's stories and behind those stories he could hear the pain and loss

Lennox wanted Ironhide's family to thrive instead of loss.


Sunstreaker watched Ironhide's small family playing outside on the airstrip. Sunny wanted that, he wanted a family, a sparkmate to share with his twin brother. He wanted a sparkling like Sophia; cute, funny, happy, respectful, polite and most of all, a happy family.

He didn't have that when he was a sparkling, his sire would always beat him to near death- at least his brother didn't get the brutal beatings. Sunstreaker wanted Sideswipe to have a childhood, he wanted Sideswipe to be happy. Sunstreaker lost many things when he was a sparkling; his sanity, happiness, love, maybe even his spark but at least Sideswipe lived to beat another day

Oh he remembers the day he took his sires life. Sunstreaker had joined the Autobots when he reached his teens, he remembered when IronTitan approached him and informed him his Sire had joined the Decepticon's. Sunstreaker was the first to find his sire and he ravished every single moment ripping his sire apart, he didn't even listen to his sires pleas for mercy

He scoffed at that. After killing his father he found comfort in art, his true passion really did show when he would finish his master pieces. Even though the Autobots disliked him, they all still had some type of respect, in a way, for his beautiful drawings.

His drawings would always be of Cybertron and how he truly saw the beauty of his planet. His dying planet lost that beauty but at least his drawings helped the bots to remember their beautiful planet before it was destroyed through war

Looking at the now Cybertronian Sophia, he remembered the day the little sparkling came stumbling into his life with things stuffed up her nostrils. God she was adorable with those bright brown eyes. Primus, he wanted a kid like her so bad, he wanted a child like Sophia.

Grumbling to himself, he transformed and drove out of base leaving everyone behind. He needed to clear his head otherwise he'd have a mental breakdown. It was peaceful, driving on Planet Earth, he even loved the shows about the planet. Some guy named David Attenborough really did show the beauty of the humans planet, even the bad side too

He didn't know where he was going, he just let the road take him. Soon he found his wheels hitting dirt, hard bumpy dirt. He grumbled knowing his suspensions could take a huge hit, he slowed down and put his gears into reverse, "Ratchet to Sunstreaker, do you copy?!" Sunstreaker hissed from Ratchet's loud voice booming into his audios

"what is it Ratchet?" he grunted finally turning his alt around, "There's five Decepticon signals near your location. Human inhibitants are close by, move in and engage. we'll see you there!" Sunstreaker was quick to turn back around again and floored it driving as fast he could to the location

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