Chapter Twenty One

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IronTitan, the big burly altmode roared down the road heading straight for the clubhouse. He needed to frag a good femme, he hadn't fragged in awhile and hopefully those whores will take up the offer. He scoffed at that.

Behind him, Dino, Big Red and Duke followed behind him, they too were also coming to the clubhouse to frag. Being a guy from outterspace and not getting any does a lot to you.

They all pulled in and Dino was the first to be out, he didn't care with what he was about to see, he just wanted to frag a femme and damn he was not going to have Optimus stop him now. Optimus was gone for two weeks with his sparkmate, now they had time to have their fun.

Titan grumbled rolling his eyes as he watched Red and Dino walk inside, the club party lights lit up the dark sky in bright neon colours.

Duke laughed slinging his arm over his shoulder, "Calm down, it has been some time since Dino has laid a femme" he smirked, "that's what worries me" Titan confessed.

Duke cocked a brow as they walked inside, the music blaring in the background and Dino already next to the whores "why would you be worried, Titan? Dino can control himself when it comes to his strength and stamina, not that the slag will mind" Duke shrugged his shoulders walking over to the bar, Titan rolled his eyes in annoyance "no, that's not what I meant Duke. What I meant was that I have tasted and felt those whores and it has taken a lot of strength to not become a sex addict" Duke snickered handing him a drink

"calm down, Dino can handle himself, I am sure of it" the two clinked their drinks and chugged it down, Titan glanced over his shoulder and huffed watching Dino take a femme to the backrooms. He had to admit the femme was good looking with all the curves in the right places but Titan would never date the girl considering she's a whore

"Come, brother!" Red roared grabbing his shoulders "let us get wasted like the old times!" everyone cheered and roared out, Titan laughed and cheered along with them. This was nice, even if their celebration was celebrated with humans, it was like the old times!


Titan grunted, a pounding sensation in his helm reminded him he shouldn't get that wasted again. Looking down he saw the slut laying spread-eagled on top of him, he made a sound of disgust waking her up. The slag herself looked at him with hungry eyes and already he could smell her lustful desire "get off" he grunted and threw her off, she squealed and landed on the floor with a 'Thump'

"Dumb cow" he muttered putting his clothing back on, "what was that for, you fucking bastard!" she hissed scrambling to put her clothes on, he snarled snapping his body to her and glaring darkly.

The girl shivered in fear and took a step back. He grabbed her roughly by the arms pulling the slut to him "call me that again and you won't live to see another day" he whispered into her ear

Titan pulled back and looked deep into her brown drug filled eyes, she gasped in pure horror and terror seeing his eyes glowing brightly red "get out!", terrified the girl ran out and out of the building.

Duke's brows lifted in question as he watched one of the crows running out in fear, he could smell it. He shook his head seeing his brother coming out and over to him "must you scare them so quickly? She's new here" Titan rolled his eyes "she called me a bastard" he pointed out taking a sip of fresh energon

"I believe you're missing out the part why she called you a bastard?" Duke chuckled resting his palm under his chin like a child, Titan clenched his fists and glared at him "I told her to get off me and chucked her to the ground". Duke threw his head back and laughed while hitting the table, "brother" he giggled "there is your answer why she behaved that way"

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