Chapter Three

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Soldiers cooed loudly seeing Sophia snuggled up to Ironhide's digit, she had gained the entire hanger, filled with soldiers, attention. "Alright, alright lads, back to work" Lennox ordered with a chuckle hearing their whines of protest, "we got some intel on her parents with the DNA you guys provided us from the dummy" he informed and pressed a key on the keyboard to show the information to the bots on a bigger screen

The atmosphere grew serious and more quiet "we found out that her father is a drug abuser and her mother is a prostitute" Ironhide resisted the urge to growl knowing his sparkling was on his servo, he quickly shook his thought Not my sparkling, not yet.

"she'll be going into the adoption system as the family have made it clear they don't want the child among them" Optimus kept himself composed after hearing the outrageous news of her parents

"i'l adopt her" Ironhide blurted out surprising himself, the bots and the humans. "you will?" Lennox asked in surprise "can a bot adopt a kid?" Epps asked quirking a brow, Lennox shrugged "he's a willing parent, that's all that matters" Ratchet lightly smiled to his statement.

"right, i'll go to the social services and get the papers" Lennox rubbed his hands together swirling the NEST Jeeps keys on his finger while heading over to the ladder to get off the platform

"I'll keep you updated Hide" he hollered jumping into the Jeep with Epps getting in as well, General Morshower approached and climbed the platform "we got further intel, Optimus" he inquired now at the top and adjusting his uniform.

Ironhide went to the back knowing it was now Optimus' time to talk. "Autobots will be arriving in different parts of America, they'll be here by next month" General informed seriously, Optimus curtly nodded

"understood, General". Sophia prodded his digit gaining his attention 'potty' she mouthed, Ironhide left the hanger and transformed making Sophia squeak in surprise, she landed on his holoform lap making him chuckle "come on sweetspark" he scooped her up and took her to the toilets

After going to the toilet and praising her, he took her to the cafeteria noticing she was hungry, he grabbed her some food and placed her on his lap. She dug into her food not really caring if she was gaining the cooing from soldiers, it was something cute to see a big burly Ironhide already smitten about a human child. It was something that was a rare sight to see.

He chuckled seeing melted chocolate around her mouth, "messy sparkling, aren't you" he cooed quietly wiping her mouth, some soldiers secretly smirked seeing the big bad weapons specialist acting smitten but they could relate to him as some soldiers had children of their own.

She giggled and sipped on her apple juice already loving life; loving life because she had a loving new daddy, food, a home, a place to sleep, somewhere to clean herself and a loving family including the wacky Doctor

He cleaned up her mess putting it into one pile while she finished off her chocolate bar, "enjoying that sweetspark?" he lightly smiled combing her brown soft hair, she nodded looking up to him with puffy cheeks.

He chuckled again shaking his head "silly you" he cooed booping her nose gently minding the fact her nose was in healing. "Octi" she pointed at Optimus approaching him, Ironhide bit his inner cheek holding back his laugh

"Yes, Sophia, Optimus" he tried not laughing and incredibly so, Optimus sat down next to him "Ironhide" he greeted with a chuckle watching Sophia with her puffy cheeks filled with apple juice.

"Octipus" Optimus cocked a brow looking to Ironhide for answer, Ironhide couldn't look at his leader while laughing silently. "Ironhide?" he questioned "Octipus" Hide covered his mouth, although his sparkling was being innocent in all of this he couldn't exactly scold her

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