Chapter Fifteen

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A Few Days Later

IronTitan sat at the table inside the Church, the humans and the Ex Con's sat at the table with him. "so we just going to have him a member? Just like that?" Jason asked, every person who joined their gang had to go through a phase called 'Prospect'.

Being a Prospect meant doing all of the dirty work like; keeping the bar clean, cleaning up after them, mechanical work etc. So Jason was a little surprised his Cybertronian friend was making him a member right on the spot, Duke nodded and gave IronTitan a curt nod "of course, I've known IronTitan for 65 thousand years. He's had mine and our brothers backs for many years and has never let me down"

IronTitan couldn't resist and puffed out his chest in pride, "i trust IronTitan with my very life, Jason. Yes he's working with the Autobots but he isn't fully an Autobot" IronTitan nodded in confirmation "me and Optimus don't exactly see eye to eye, therefore when i came to Earth i wasn't allowed back into the ranks" IronTitan scoffed in amusement

"let's begin the patch ceremony!" Duke cheered watching IronTitan's biker jacket sizzle on, they congratulated and smacked him on the back to welcome IronTitan into the group. They celebrated by drinking, sex and doing drugs. Yes, IronTitan had sex with a human femme.


Ironhide drove to where the clubhouse was located, he hadn't seen his brother in a few days and was growing worried. Sophia had been worried too, she decided to come with him for comfort just to be sure her uncle was ok. Ironhide had a funny feeling something went down.

Arriving at the clubhouse, early in the morning, the place was still sleeping. And from what he could tell the humans had partied, very hard. Sophia jumped out of her altmode and joined her daddy's side grabbing his hand, Ironhide smiled and the two walked to the front doors.

Inside Ironhide choked on his breath and quickly shielded Sophia's eyes from the disturbing sight, everywhere laid bodies, naked and in sexual positions..... But asleep. Ironhide grumbled to himself and picked up Sophia making sure her head was hidden in his chest, the smell was awful smelling like cigarette's, beer, drugs and Budussy.. (Means-Butt, Dick and Pussy in one)

He stepped over the naked femmes, making sure his eyes did not linger on their naked sleeping forms, and made his way to the Church where he could leave Sophia without having her seeing the disgusting sight. "you wait in here and for Primus sake, do not leave" he ordered sternly. She nodded and sat at the table playing with her teddy

Ironhide quickly left the room, door closed behind him, and made his way to the back of the clubhouse where the bedrooms were located. He slowed his pace hearing grunts coming from one bedroom close to him, it sounded like Rage. Frowning he opened the door slowly and quietly, his eyes widened seeing his brother mating a human femme

He quickly closed the door not wanting to see anymore and knocked, the moans and grunts stopped "who is it?" he heard his brother breathlessly ask, he could hear the femme giggling "your brother, hurry up with the femme and come to the Church room" Hide grunted and left the back of the clubhouse.

He shivered in distaste, he did not want to be here any longer. He sat down in the Church with Sophia on his lap playing along with the teddy, the doors opened revealing his brother breathless and sweating "did you have to rush me? I was busy" Ironhide chuckled watching his brother sit down "i'm glad i ruined your....'gathering'"

"what do you want anyway?" Sophia jumped off her sires lap and made her way over to Rage, he smiled picking her up "wanted to see you" Sophia mumbled snuggling into his chest. Rage's spark calmed and snuggled her back "that" Ironhide interrupted their moment "and i wanted to know where you've been, you haven't come back to base in awhile"

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