Chapter Twenty Three

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(AN: the characters will remain the same from the movies, they wont look like the characters from Transformers Prime except for Smokescreen, Arcee, Bulkhead and UltraMagnus. However the Decepticons from the movies will be the same from Transformers Prime)

Sophia was the first to wake up in the early hours of the morning, she glanced over to her sire and carrier and smirked. This time she wasn't going to wake up her parents and this time she was going to scare Ratchet. She smugly chuckled and quietly, as she could, got out of her small metal berth before sneaking out of the berthroom

She tip-toed into the main rec room and snickered quietly to herself seeing Ratchet deep within his studies. One step, pause, Ratchet hadn't noticed. Two step, pause. Three step, pause. The last step, she was so close to Ratchet, one simple scream and she was sure Ratchet would be able to restart his spark. "Don't even think about it" Ratchet smirked looking down to her, she deflated and huffed feeling defeated and cheated

Sophia pouted, "that was mean. How did you even know I was there?" Ratchet hummed putting his tools to the side and kneeled, "it's called the TT instincts". Ratchet chuckled and got back to his peds and back to his work, Sophia tilted her helm confused as heck "TT instincts?" she whispered and shrugged

"SOPHIA GRACE!" her optics widened hearing her sires ungodly roar, Ratchet laughed "better run Sophia or hide", he laughed just little harder seeing her taking off like a turbo fox with Ironhide quickly on her tail.

Ratchet crossed his arms and waited while inwardly counting down, he glanced to the side hallway and laughed seeing Sophia over Ironhides shoulderplating and Ironhide muttering out cuss words.

Ironhide went straight back to the berthroom, back onto the berth with Sophia shoved into the middle of him and Chromia. Chromia giggled seeing Sophia glaring holes into the ceiling, a deep frown on her small faceplating and her arms crossed over her chest "not fair" she grumbled with her frown deepening.

Ironhide grunted "and my lack of recharge isn't. Recharge Sophia and this time stay on the berth" he ordered and snuggled up. It was no secret Ironhide had lost a lot of recharge thanks to Sophia and so did Chromia, however Chromia was still a little chirpy.


Bulkhead, Ratchet, Optimus, Jazz, Lennox, Epps and Estelle waited for the kids to show up. The three adult humans all agreed they would eventually tell Fowler about the mishap but for now they were just going to introduce the kids to the bots and see where it would go. Optimus agreed, with a lot of persuasion on Estelle's part, and awaited in the far corner for the humans to arrive

The three humans came into the base in complete awe of Bulkhead and Ratchet, they hadn't noticed the other humans, and Jazz, yet considering their eyes were solely focused on the big bots. The three kids eventually got out/off the vehicles and Ratchet was the first to point out the obvious, "I thought there were two?" he asked in annoyance, "haven't you heard? Humans multiply" Arcee stated with sarcasm dripping in her tone

"Hi, I'm Raf" the small boy introduced himself first to the girl next to him only the girl was completely focused on Bulkhead. "Hi! I'm Miko! Who are you?!" she asked excitedly running towards poor Bulkhead. Poor Bulkhead didn't know what to say "Bulkhead" he answered unsurely. Miko's face immediately lit up with excitement and began rapid-fire questions, Bulkhead openly expressed his discomfort by stepping back.

Lennox and Epps both snickered looking away. For a big soft bot who was very social, he certainly got caught between a rock and a hard place. Miko gasped barely containing her excitement "are you a car? I bet you you're a truck, a monster truck! Do you like metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wreckin' ball for a punching bag?"

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